SL 5x5 One-Month Progress



  • DuckReconMajor
    DuckReconMajor Posts: 434 Member
    yusaku02 wrote: »
    Great job! Questions: do you go to a gym? If so, how do you ensure the equipment is available there for you to use? Thinking of starting stronglifts at some point and want to know about your experiences.
    You can tour a gym before you sign up. On the tour just make sure they have a squat rack/power cage (smith machines are not a substitute!), a bench, barbells and weights. Also check that they allow deadlifts *cough*planetfitness*cough*. That's all you'll need for StrongLifts.
    Not a bad idea to see how much of the equipment is in use. If I go between 5-7:30pm then I have to wait for just about anything I want to use and my gm has 2 squat racks, 1 power cage and 4 benches. You'd think at least one thing would be open...

    Cool thanks! Hoping some gyms near where I live have that equipment. Since I'm a morning person I'd probably be going between 5 and 6 am which I'm hoping would work in my favor.
  • nerdygymrat9
    nerdygymrat9 Posts: 163 Member
    Great job! Questions: do you go to a gym? If so, how do you ensure the equipment is available there for you to use? Thinking of starting stronglifts at some point and want to know about your experiences.

    Hello there! I do go to the gym just started fairly recently actually! Honestly I just go early around 8 am and that seems to be the magical time where one or both racks are open so just find a time that works for you and there is not a lot of people. And I do really like this program so far :)

  • labohn91
    labohn91 Posts: 113 Member
    Add in some cardio and stick with the program for a few months.

    Solid progress for a month, good work.
  • nerdygymrat9
    nerdygymrat9 Posts: 163 Member
    labohn91 wrote: »
    Add in some cardio and stick with the program for a few months.

    Solid progress for a month, good work.

    Thank you :) And yeah that is what I am currently doing actually, on the off days I do one day of cardio and the other day just some ab work (occasionally yoga on weekends).
  • nerdygymrat9
    nerdygymrat9 Posts: 163 Member
    Not much going on today, just a quick ab workout at home since I really just wasn't feeling it today but still felt I should do something, you know?
  • Cchioles
    Cchioles Posts: 276 Member
    Looks Good Bro... Don't Be Discouraged It's Too Soon For That!
  • nerdygymrat9
    nerdygymrat9 Posts: 163 Member
    Cchioles wrote: »
    Looks Good Bro... Don't Be Discouraged It's Too Soon For That!

    Appreciate that man! Squeezed in a quick SL 5x5 workout before having to shower and head out with the family to a casino overnight :) Can't wait fo
  • nerdygymrat9
    nerdygymrat9 Posts: 163 Member
    Hey everyone, back from vacation and definitely indulged on food this weekend haha! It was nice to have that "reprieve" so to speak and just have fun. But that also means I am going to squeeze in some cardio and ab work this weekend so I hopefully still lose weight on Monday :smile:
  • nerdygymrat9
    nerdygymrat9 Posts: 163 Member
    edited July 2015
    Wow I just realized I had so many videos on my phone from working out that I never uploaded them to YouTube haha! My last one was me squatting 105 lbs a little over two weeks ago (yesterday I did 140)! So if anyone wants to check out my updated videos here is the link (just remove the spaces in between the https letters): h t t p s://

  • DuckReconMajor
    DuckReconMajor Posts: 434 Member
    Wow I just realized I had so many videos on my phone from working out that I never uploaded them to YouTube haha! My last one was me squatting 105 lbs a little over two weeks ago (yesterday I did 140)! So if anyone wants to check out my updated videos here is the link:

    I made a link for you in my quote. You can link it, what happened is the forum tried to embed it as a YouTube video when you actually linked your channel.

    But I watched a few and was wondering: are you bench pressing without a spotter or a power rack? isn't that dangerous?
  • ohmscheeks
    ohmscheeks Posts: 840 Member
  • nerdygymrat9
    nerdygymrat9 Posts: 163 Member
    Wow I just realized I had so many videos on my phone from working out that I never uploaded them to YouTube haha! My last one was me squatting 105 lbs a little over two weeks ago (yesterday I did 140)! So if anyone wants to check out my updated videos here is the link:

    I made a link for you in my quote. You can link it, what happened is the forum tried to embed it as a YouTube video when you actually linked your channel.

    But I watched a few and was wondering: are you bench pressing without a spotter or a power rack? isn't that dangerous?

    Thanks for that man! I was wondering why it had tried to do that as a video. And for benching, I have actually done more weight than where I am at, but sort of working my way back up to make sure form is better. But I would say I will probably need one soon once the weight starts getting sort of iffy for me. So in that case, I will use a spotter so no worries, don't want that bar falling down on my head XD
  • nerdygymrat9
    nerdygymrat9 Posts: 163 Member
    ohmscheeks wrote: »

    @ohmscheeks , hotness?
  • DuckReconMajor
    DuckReconMajor Posts: 434 Member
    Hey @collegenerd20 how have you been doing on this? coming up on my first month of stronglifts and wondering how your continued progress has gone
  • nerdygymrat9
    nerdygymrat9 Posts: 163 Member
    @DuckReconMajor hey, I haven't really been as actve around here and sort of stopped posting but uh I have definitely progressed since my first week. My squat is at 190 lbs right now, deadlift is 185, bench press is 130 (that one was really hard to do today), I got to 95 on OHP before stalling (could only do 2-3 reps at that weight) so deloading to 85 right now, and the rows I believe are 115 right now?