runner1234b Member


  • Stress and anxiety often lead to holding unwanted weight. Stop thinking about it and start go with if you feel good then you will start to look good. Your skin wil see it.
  • Think +. Eat 3 yogurts and be done. You're "hungry" feeling isn't hunger it's emotions. You are hungrier knowing that you want to restrict the rest of the day/night. The feeling of no makes you want food. Also, you are probably anxious from the carbohydrates and thirsty from the sodium content another factor that misleads…
  • If it's a trigger don't start it. If you want a hot dog--don't eat the bun. The carb will cause the craving not the protein. Also, look at the holiday as being your "freedom", freedom to say no to foods because they don't make you feel good. A luxury some do not have when they are overseas fighting which is the meaning of…
  • Sounds like you are beyond your years in maturity and very much so beyond the stage of knowing that you want to makes a change. Excuses and denial are often the start and reason for being stagnant in binge eating. You are past that which is perfect. I say always have something like a case of yogurt on hand. If you are…
  • Girl. Sometimes that could be a trigger with the success stories. Instead of comparing use this for accountability. For example, if you feel like giving up or have something you feel upset about that may lead you to do something ... Hold yourself accountable and tell yourself you'll have to tell someone on here. Going…
  • Yes. Not recommended.
  • Breathe. That's the first step. You don't need to eat a "meal". Start with considering a meal as a large amount of something not so fearful for you could be two items in it--that doesn't matter girl. Maybe a low calories and no fat food. What doesn't make you anxious and what are you fear foods?
  • Cambridge is perfect. Go to The FriendlyToast.. 100% kid friendly for breakfast!! Go's amazing and it gets crowded.
  • My advice is schedule things that you know will change what and how much you eat. For example a gym class at lunch or a movie at night out of the house. If you have things to do you won't binge or want to go out knowing you feel awful. It's about finding purpose. Also start slimming down your variety of foods.. Take away…
  • Greek yogurt 5 ounces x3...or veggies with olive oil. No guilt and full quick then walk away and do something else. Do not use nuts or things not portioned out you'll end up eating the whole bag.
  • Non fat Greek yogurt, salsa and jalapeñ careful with too much variety may spark other cravings
  • My ideas: 1. Have two Greek yogurts and go to bed (protein and dairy) 2. No carb like bread or cereal.. It's like dominos at that hour.. The salt will get you. 3. Never go for something that's not individually portioned at that hour you're so tired you'll end up with the all or nothing mentality. 4. If you have 1,000…
  • I saw three things: 1. Good for you pairing with water, the sodium content probably made you thirsty.. 2. Next time order it but don't eat the bread or bun and only the protein... Nuggets and burger meat.. Crumble it over a salad or take it home and do you still enjoy it when you put in on a plate or is it the appeal of…