htecky76 Member


  • I hear you there!!! Now boars head is good for sourcraut...and it's the cold one so i think it's the one that holds the nutrients.
  • Now that's funny! That's an idea I haven't tried... may have to.
  • Congrats on that!!! Your picture on your profile shows a huge change ... but I understand only seeing ourselves one way. Good luck to you!
  • I need to loose 50 more pounds. Thank you for your input ... Come on 15lbs. Lol May be different for me I know. Congrats on your loss so far, that's great! Sorry was just really down this morning.
  • I don't think you need to leave the group!! From what I understand there are a lot of people on here that are 100 carbs are lower a day. This group is actually very diverse in that sense. The only thing that seems constant is people are watching their carbs to whatever level they wish. There a lot of people on here that…
  • Turned it off, along with a few others. I had left it on thinking it'd be a way to meet friends and get encouragement but it did nothing. I too wish we could turn of the "you will wiegh this amount in 5 weeks", it's depressing!!! On a side note, I also want to turn off the thing that will not let me log my entry if I don't…
  • Are you using a phone app? I contacted customer service on this exact problem and they said if you make ANY changes to ANY of your settings, it will revert your macros back to the default. They said it happens more with the phone app then on the computer but it will hsppen on the computer to. For example, when you enter a…
  • I would like to join as well 1) What is your current exercise level/program? I currently am not very active. 2) What are the specifics of your challenge for the week/month? (i.e. which item(s) from the suggested list are you adding or modifying). I just started using the Garmin (today). For the first week I want to make…
  • There actually was a blog on here (I think 2 days ago) that talked about just that. It said you should aim to "eat back" only a third of those "gained calories". The reasons being that we tend to overestimate the calories burned and that you do not replenish all the calories If you are meeting your normal calorie goal.…
  • Ok, thank you! Will I go back into the keto flu symptoms again? Can I prevent it?
  • Thank you. I am having bloating in my stomach and painfully in my legs (to the point that my socks leave thier perfect impression). Maybe I'll try not adding salt for a couple days.
  • I take Garden of Life, Primal Defense Ultra-Probiotics. They are vegetarian and gluten free. 5 billion CFU and you can take one to three a day. I started taking them; as well a digestive enzyme to help with my IBS. They truly helped me w my constipation and bloating. Still have trouble from time to time but it is not as…
    in probiotics Comment by htecky76 July 2015
  • I don't know how you feel about adding supplements but Melatonin seriously helped me. I was struggling for awhile but I blamed it on stress and my body being Dore from the more intense work outs.
  • My only idea would be to weigh yourself less often, our bodies can see fluctuations of 5lbs everyday for NO reason. That can be very discouraging after you've worked hard and finally see the scale move down lbs. 2 days later it all comes back "over night".... but it really doesn't if you just weigh yourself once a week;…
  • What is SAD? And can you become anemic getting all the iron from protein?? I was told to make sure my vitamin didn't contain iron because I would get to much. anyway congratulations on the weight you have lost in learning your body so well, hopefully you can train it to be happy where you want it.
  • Ya I looked at pickles and olives today. Very little calories and low carbs, so they'd make a nice snack when sodium levels are low and feeling dizzy. I think I have my macros figured out. I can't seem to get them just right but I'm getting really close now!! How is yours going?
  • What sounds like it is a sodium overload?
  • I saw low-fat milk in your coffee, you can use heavy whipping cream. It is about 100c per oz and is all fat, so it takes out the two carbs from the milk. Actual whipped cream is about 3 mins work with a whisk and tastes GREAT on berries and other treats. [/quote] Thank you!! That is a good idea.
  • Foods low in carbs: dill pickles, asparagus, pork rinds, kale, romaine, cucumbers. When you lower carbs, you increase oils/fats. Things like bacon and olives are good for that:) Make sure that you are eating enough protein. <3 [/quote] Thank you. I didn't even think about pickles OR olives. I picked up some pepperoni and…
  • Thank you so much for the information!!!! I will look for the strips. I think it would help me.
  • Your coming in quite a bit below your target calories at 1000 calories or just below. That may not be a safe idea in the long term. Your goal of 1360 cal sounds reasonable - you appear to be missing out on one entire (small) meal.... I'm not a nutrition expert, and am pretty new, but that popped out at me. Perhaps try…
  • I don't know if you know of the "repot me keto" website and books but I used their matrix calculator and in order to lose weight I have to have a 20% deficit which has my carbs at 5% which that's all it allows me. I have verified it on a couple other sites too. I wish it was a little bit different just because I'm having…
  • I will definitely look at yours; I am open to any advice or ideas.... aND I truly appreciate it!!! Unfortunately I am running out now so I will have to do it this evening, but I wanted to reply to what you said about the meals because maybe you can offer some advice. I cannot figure out how to add calories without adding…
  • I opened my diary; although there are only 2.5 days of entries as I just found the app. I can tell you it's been almost exactly the same all week. Well minus my "starbucks passion tea lemonade - unsweetened". Serious reality check when I found out it had EIGHTEEN carbs and they are ALL sugar. So that was on it the first…
  • Thank you both do much. I was seriously concerned that I was missing something important. :)
  • I do not know how to friend anybody or do anything on here as I am new to this site, but I'm wondering if you can help me please. I am on day 5 of this keto diet and everyday when I fill in my diary my saturated fats are too high my cholesterol is too high and other things are off. I'm not falling in where I'm supposed to…
  • Would you please clarify what you mean by "weight gain of the SAD" Thanks, Heather Look at Jimmy Moore. 60 pound gain in 2 years of his keto diet. That is far beyond the weight gain of the SAD[/quote]