kyubeans Member


  • I came here to post exactly the same thing. I would like some active friends as well. I like/comment on as many status updates as possible and log in every day.
  • The free content on DietDoctor has helped me so much... I think I'll go for the paid membership too. Thanks!
  • Try thinking of it like this: If you order takeaway and a bottle of wine, won't you actually feel worse about everything afterwards? If you want to feel better, make a better choice now and doing that positive thing will start turning your day around. Turn the bad afternoon into a good night. Good luck!
  • Thanks! I figured -- why would I want to stuff in those extra calories when it'll only make me feel worse? :smile: My name is Kyu! Pronounced like the letter Q. Have a happy holiday weekend, everyone!
  • Good morning, After a nine-month hiatus (where I gained back what I lost last time), I'm back. I'm feeling a little low but happy to really have committed to starting again. I'm reading some of my old posts from last year and remembering how great it felt to be doing this and having it work. I want to get back to where I…
  • Thank you both. Now that I re-read my post and your reactions... It seems obvious that I am putting the cart before the horse. I guess I'll go have that water now...!
  • Oh my god, yes. It did feel sort of nice to sit there and not worry about counting, weighing, and mindlessly dipping into the bag and munching away. But it wasn't totally free of guilt like it used to be, before I KNEW all these facts about nutrition! Now, even if it feels nice and unrestricted, it's like... I know too…
  • Good advice! In past efforts, years ago, this would've applied to me. But this time around I was actually really happy with myself. I was allowing myself indulgences as long as they were pre-planned, I didn't feel deprived at all. I just decided to take a break because my out of town relatives wanted to eat Chipotle, Five…
  • This is the thing that's worked for me a little bit. It's never as good as I'm imagining it will be, and you're right. Beyond the first bite or two, I don't really want it anymore. Also I feel like physical crap after a month of free-for-all! This is what I need to keep in mind for myself. Ten years into maintenance!…
  • I sort of feel your pain. My boyfriend is a little bit farther along in that he recognizes his life would be better if he ate better and exercised, but he hasn't gotten to the decision point. So I'm eating better and weighing things out, and he'll get the fast food or want pancakes in the morning and ice cream at night. I…
  • This. I thought I was the only one who did the food voyeur thing. Definitely strange, but I'll watch cooking shows or on Youtube, there are these things called "mukbang" where people just eat? Weirdly satisfying for me. I also watch 600 pound life! It's so inspiring when they are able to make the changes to live a better…
  • Breakfast type meals are usually quick and easy. I'll sometimes do scrambled eggs with sausage and cheese with whatever veggies I've got lying around. Or I'll have a meal that consists of snackish foods, like slices of cucumber, hummus, cheese cubes, turkey pepperoni and some summer slaw on a plate. I don't quite meal…
  • lol actually, I do this too. Sometimes I wander down the salty snacks aisle, looking at all the nutritional info and hoping that one day I'll see a magical bag of potato chips with no carbs, no fat, no sodium.... It hasn't happened so far, but still I keep checking. :smiley: But I never put those chips in my cart because I…
  • I have done exactly that and thought those thoughts. One difference is I never stopped. I kept walking. By the time I decided to buy the cookies or the chips or the ice cream, I was already halfway across the store and then it became "well am I really going to walk allll the way back for those?" Nope. Or I'd decide I was…
  • Yes! Thank you! You're right - after 6 weeks with no change, I also had to re-assess what I had been eating and how accurately I had been logging. It's such a good reminder to keep using the tools correctly. So glad your scale is moving again -- I will draw inspiration from it. :)
  • Yes, I know there's no obedient linear thing... I was being tongue in cheek :) Sorry about that -- should've been clearer. And fortunately (thanks to these boards!) I know what I need to do... Doin' it is the trick :smiley:
  • And in a year's time, I hope to join you in that same distress! :)
  • I mindlessly put on my familiar pair of jeans this weekend and was so uncomfortable all day because they kept sliding around and they felt huge on me. So I went home and went through all my jeans -- HALF of them were too big and are now in the "Donate" pile! I don't want to spend too much money on clothes, but I think I…
  • Please see your doctor and explain this to him. I know there is a thing called postprandial or reactive hypoglycemia, which happens to pre-diabetic or diabetic individuals sometimes. It is because right after eating, your body is flooded with too much insulin as your body overreacts to food intake, or expects more carbs…
  • Glad to see I'm not in it alone. This IS a long-term thing, and we know how to get back on that horse. Good luck! Keep going!
  • What works for me: Don't treat the weekends as "special". They happen every week, every five days, there are two days of weekend. It's not special, it's not a vacation, there's no reason for a "treat". Treat every day the same, unless it's actually a special occasion. If it's a special occasion, just how special is the…
  • Thank you. It's these stories of eventual success that keep me going. Thank you. I am holding on to those beliefs for dear life! :) Yes exactly. Knowing that it's vicious has been reminding me not to go down that path. Let's both stay strong!
  • This has been so true for me! I am learning so much just by looking at trends in my weight loss vs. what I ate that week. It's been very interesting. I know others have days or meals when they don't track but I can't see myself doing that ever. I am just too curious! I'm so curious about what calorie count, what macros,…
  • Plan indulgences ahead of time, fit them into your daily meal plan. That way you get to eat what you want but it is not considered a "cheat". I think the cheat mentality is dangerous because it is basically like you're breaking rules while no one is watching. But they're YOUR rules and YOU are watching. No one is affected…
  • Bring your own water!
  • I weigh myself everyday and usually I'm pretty good about taking the ups and downs in stride. I've been losing and gaining back the same four pounds over and over the past 6 weeks though, so when I saw the latest UP to the same number I definitely got frustrated. But then I had to remember, I did dine-out the other day and…
  • Beautiful before AND beautiful after. But the confidence in the slimmer shots is shining through. Congrats!
  • Congratulations!! I love that - "Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right." I wrote it down on my "Why to Lose Weight" memo to myself. Thank you!
  • Those are great! I thought they were all good. Some funnier than others. I like the one with the crunchy peanut butter on a slice of bread: 143 cal v. 403 cal. Importance of weighing/measuring!!
  • That is weird, OP. I've had negative adjustments due to having a sedentary day but it never adjusted me below 1200....