RobBasss Member


  • The activity level really needs to be renamed or a caveat added, I had it on moderately active, because I workout 5x a week, I was overeating for months :/ Now that I have it set correctly, down 3lbs and counting.
    in Confused! Comment by RobBasss May 2017
  • I eat Atkins bars, usually buy a bunch when on sale, so all too aware of sugar alcohols :s
  • I was like what the heck is Halo Top, a Google search later all I can say is THANK YOU.
  • I was pre-diabetic @ 212 but at 160 or less my A1C was 5.4 no more metformin! I started off slow, 30 mins of light every other day and when I saw the weight coming off it motivated me to do more. As for food, boy that took a LONG time but I learned over the course of my 18 month journey. Now I eat to live, not live to eat,…
  • I talked to a couple of my buddies at work one of which was a former body builder, it is highly recommended to continue to lift when cutting / losing weight to try and keep what you have.
  • If your syncing your Fitbit I think you have to set your activity level to Sedentary. When I had mine set moderately active, it was giving me some really odd numbers.
  • Back at it, going way too slow, some motivation would be nice. I was in maintenance mode for a few years, was 212 got down to 145, decided I wanted to push my physical and mental limits so I decided to climb Kilimanjaro, got to about 17000 ft in -20C weather on summit night, then severe AMS set in and my guide told me we…
  • I know it slow my progress, but love a silky cabernet, refuse to give it up. From reading the replies did not know so many people are against alcohol.. but hey to each his (or her) own.
  • ^^^ that, stupid term cheat meal, like your doing something wrong, one bad meal is not going to make or break your weight loss (within reason o:) ).
  • If your doing low carb yes, otherwise if your keeping under your daily goal then no, especially if they keep you away from sugary bad snacks.
  • Just found it, you click ... more, then connections. DUH :p Thanks
  • Be careful don't hurt yourself, I was injured / sick after Kilimanjaro climb and then hurt my back doing dumbbell lunges a couple months later, long story short gained 20lbs... but back it at and 3 down.
  • I just got a vivosmart 3 and ordered the fenix 5 but its on backorder... anyhow added you. I could only do it from garmin connect website, how do you add it from the phone app? My username is simply Rob
  • Eat less to lose, exercise to shape. Start slow make small adjustments, when you see the progress it will drive you hopefully to do more.
  • Intersting, most websites must use the TDEE method then, I usually pick moderately active and they spit out this: You need 2,572 Calories/day to maintain your weight. 2,572 You need 2,072 Calories/day to lose 1 lb per week. 2,072 I will just use MFP to track the 2000 calorie number and not put in exercise. Its easier to…
  • Thank you both, I think I finally understand the math. I did some random online calculators and to no surprise MFP pretty closely matches those site based on the fact I workout 5x a week (I chose moderately active): You need 2,572 Calories/day to maintain your weight. 2,572 You need 2,072 Calories/day to lose 1 lb per…
  • I think I see the math now will read through your post again. So then is the issue with the Garmin device, I would think it would be much higher / projected since I went for the walk early this morning and just messing around the house I am already past 10000 steps / 5mi before 11 am, I went over my settings in the Garmin…
  • How does MFP come up with the 2789 number, I logged 300 calories so why is the projection for the day so high? One or both of those projections seems to have an issue or both are just really bad at estimating.
  • If your muscular its way off, for example my bud at work is 190, 5'7, by BMI standards he should be obese, but he has a lot of muscle and is in great shape. Its one measure, not thee measure.
  • If you plug in the numbers to MFP, it will tell you how many calories. 1 lb is what is usually recomeneded but if your extremely overweight 2 lbs is doable.
  • 212->147 at my best and still had a flabby midsection... people keep telling me diet and weights...
  • I thought it was a cheat meal not a whole day...
  • Similar situation, anyhow, Google "skinny fat", echoes what others have said. When lifting, be careful not to hurt yourself, jacked up my back a few weeks back. Be safe.
  • With an MPH you would think... :) And I used the wrong term earlier, should have said reduced metabolic rate, but apparently that is a myth too, just like climate change B)
  • By Madeline R. Vann, MPH Medically Reviewed by Lindsey Marcellin, MD, MPH But you all are right, know nothing about OP and should not try to help, I was just in a similar situation during my weight loss journey, 5 hours of cardio and…
  • Why Low-Calorie Diets Slow Your Metabolism If you are on a very low-calorie diet, you may wonder why the numbers on your scale aren’t budging, but your diet buddy is slimmer by the month. The reality is that different people respond differently to low-calorie diets. When your body senses that food may not be in plentiful…
  • Sorry for loss and hope your doing well. Just stick to it, don't worry, you will get back on track. I am in the same position weight wise, I gained 15 after being 150. I got very ill climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, and could not work out for a couple months, or as hard as I would have liked to. Then last month, while doing…
    in Help :( Comment by RobBasss April 2017
  • 10 lbs... wow, well are you sure what your logging is accurate, with home cooked stuff and what not, you can be way off. Try buying pre-measured (caloric) wise things so you know exactly what your eating. If your prepping you meals maybe get a food scale or just try to be as accurate as you can be. As others pointed out,…
  • With exercise that is a VERY low calorie count, your body might be starvation mode and hanging on to everything it can. Trying going up to a safer 1800 net for a couple of weeks to see if your body adjusts and the weight starts slowly coming off.