Summer kissed: I'd love a tip or some thing - I didn't know we could do this! I mean taking good care of ourselves.! (I don't end up eating lunch till 2 or 3 or 4 and am running to catch up on daily bare necessities and struggle with the low-self-esteem/ depression that often overlaps with an extreme case of…
A makeshift schawarma in a whole wheat wrap! -make your own spice combo from a recipe (or buy schawarma spice ready made) -The ends of all the salads in your fridge! -if no salads handy, I like cucumbers or celery - to offset the dryness of white meat I've roasted and now reheated -Top with tahini (or curry-mango sauce)…
Hi. Totally athletic. I'd love to get to where you've come! I'd guess hourglass. (Possibly rectangle. If someone would photograph me from the back, I'd look one way, but including my front view, I'd look another category.) It looks like you're dedicated-healthy! Have a good one.
Depression is an interesting creature, affecting habits - eating, self-care, cooking, energy, motivation, sleep. One day at a time, one choice at a time. Sign Me Up!
Thank you!
Thank you!!
Hi. Catching up on posts, I see I haven't thanked you. Thank you for your input. It's time to get cracking now!
Thanks for the empathy. It's good to know i'm not alone. Love every bit of feedback!
Thanks. No time! Hmm, then again, how much am I missing out on by not deciphering things.,. :lol:
"Got any general fitness/diet questions that you would like my opinion on?" Thank! Do we measure food before or after it's cooked, for MFP purposes?
Awkward.[/quote] Very
I didn't even know SMH till now!
" unless you're in the upper deck if seats watching the Jays game." :D
LOL I want to hear the texting acronyms and lingo out there we caught onto after everyone else :)
Hi. That's definitely the kind of advice I was hoping if hear. I want to look that over again later for it to sink In better. Thank you!
Sure thing!
I'm in!
Congrats. Hope it's motivational in your journey!
Hi. How about "you've taken great care of me. It was so good and really so satisfying!" If someone keeps pushing, then you can start the broken record: "it was so satisfying." the next attempt: "I am so satisfied." Next attempt: "Thanks, but I'm really satisfied...." As for the comments, I hear you. How about hoping for…
Hi. I wondered about our hangout, too!
Me too. I find I very much prefer cooked over raw. I also am likely to consume soup over straight vegetables. Can you isolate a preference? How about any one or two vegetables you don't mind as much as the others? If you were at a restaurant and it served___ as a side dish, and you'd try a bite, what was that ___?
Hi, Fellow single mom here. Hats off for trying to take care of yourself!!! I am in awe of morgancs21, and at the same time I didn't let myself finish reading her phenomenal post, feeling down on myself for being so different than her. We each have to work with our respective natures ****combined with current other…
I'm in! Totally packed day, logistics make gym impractical. I'd love motivation and to motivate others!
Your words are so encouraging. Thank you for posting your key pieces of advice. What a radiant smile you've always had!
Jen, thank you for telling us your unfolding story. You are realistic about the process, and that makes it easier for us, too, to think maybe we can find our respective ways to being healthier
looking forwards to upcoming prigress. Again congrats
Congratulations! What an amazing feeling! I hope I can share it one day :)