lisaloolovesblue Member


  • *facepalm* being healthy is not just about losing weight. Yes, you can lose weight eating nothing but snickers bars. But you would also be in the worst health of your life. Please try to get all your essential nutrients in from real food sources every day.
  • Healthy weight loss is between 0.5-2lbs per week. If you lose weight faster than that, you have a much higher chance of gaining it back. So don't be frustrated with slow weight loss.
  • Honey. Please listen to me. I've been there and as much as you're going to want to blow off my advice, please don't. I've been the girl eating less than 500 calories a day, and I'm also currently the healthy girl getting a health psychology degree who turned her life around. I'm not an expert, but I want you to know that I…
  • The only people who should be eating gluten-free are people with Celiac disease (an auto-immune disease in which the immune system attacks the digestive system in the presence of gluten.) So if you truly have a gluten intolerance, by all means please don't eat gluten. Otherwise, it's a bunch of bull. The only reason people…
  • Yes, there is a huge difference. First of all, you should try to make at least half of your grains whole grains. Switching to wheat bread is a really great way to do that. I'll explain why it's important. When refining a grain (as they do to make white bread) they remove part of the grain. This part contains fiber and…
  • I have the same problem, and have started eating a lot of peanut butter and other nuts. I've started focusing on the snacks in between meals to try to get some protein in little bits throughout the day.
  • In addition, do not limit your carbs like that! Carbs are not bad!! They are your main source of energy. Focus on eating the right kind of carbs, like whole grains, instead of cutting them out. Your carbohydrate intake should be between 45% and 65% of your calorie intake.
  • 60% protein is really high. Protein should be between 10% and 35% of your daily calories. More specifically, you need about .8 g of protein for every kilogram of body weight. So, take your weight in lbs, divide by 2.2 to get your weight in kilograms, then multiply by .8 to get the number of grams of protein you should eat…
  • I went through eating disorder recovery several years ago. You're not going to like this answer, but step 1, delete myfitnesspal. Now is NOT the time for you to be counting calories. Now, if you're working with a therapist, take their advice. Don't listen to us- listen to a trained professional. If you don't have a…
  • How tall are you? 125 seems very low to me. (But I'm taller.) You need to make sure your weight goals are in line with what is healthy, not just an ideal number you have in your head. 1200 calories is also very low. That's the number of calories for someone living a sedentary lifestyle and trying to lose weight. First of…
  • Losing weight is all about a calorie deficit. One pound is 3,500 calories, so if you cut out 500 calories per day, you'll lose one pound in a week. How you go about that calorie deficit is totally up to you, but some ways are healthier than others. For example, say to lose a pound a week, you need to eat 1300 calories per…
  • While it is true that the BMI chart is not for everyone (athletes, namely), it's a good rule for the general population. There will always be people saying that the BMI isn't accurate, but assuming you are one of the general population, you should be fine following it. More accurate than the BMI is the body fat percentage.…
  • Don't double-dip with your calories! The number of calories you eat per day should cover you for your daily activities- walking around, cleaning, etc. In my opinion, you should only be eating back the EXTRA calories you burn, meaning if you go to the gym for an hour, you can eat back half of those. You're not going to lose…
  • I weigh every time I go to the gym- so like three times per week at most. I always go in the evenings after dinner. I like to see the fluctuations. Even though I have a scale at home, if I only weigh myself at the gym, it encourages me to get to the gym because I get curious.
  • I know how you feel- try to get six smaller meals in per day, rather than just three. I try to have breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, and evening snack. Also, try to get a lot of healthy fats in. Nuts and nut butters, avocado, olive oil, etc. Also, cliff bars are pretty high in calories while still…
  • Your body has hormones in charge of your appetite. Leptin depresses the appetite, and Ghrelin causes you to feel hungry. You could have an imbalance of those hormones. As far as I know, there's not really a "fix" to that, you just have to be more mindful of what you are eating because your body might not be the most…
  • You have your diary set to private! Go into your settings and change that.
  • Instead of going low-carb, try to get the right KIND of carbohydrates. Fueling your body is about so much more than just the number of calories. Focus on eating whole, unrefined carbohydrates such as whole grain bread and brown rice. These are so much better for your body. White bread (and other foods with high glycemic…
  • I haven't done C25K, but did my own, similar thing. I didn't like running at all, but a couple weeks ago I started. At first, I spent the majority of the time walking, with a couple individual minutes running. I did that at least 3 times a week, for 30 minutes each time. It's been about a month now, and just yesterday, I…
  • I will have to try that! Thank you!
  • I eat until I'm full, usually. I eat breakfast lunch and dinner, with 3 snacks between. I eat what appeals to me, but often that's salads, sandwiches, fruits and vegetables, poultry, etc. I don't like a lot of dessert- usually just eat it if my husband dishes it up for me. I never allow myself to feel hungry- if I am, I…
  • I struggled with an eating disorder in high school, and my therapist helped me come to an understanding that it's okay not to count calories, or step on the scale, or stress about how I look. Bodies are build magnificently, and are pretty good at letting you know what's wrong. Now, obviously, everyone is different, but…
  • Pork loins with mixed veggies! Hubby and I got home from the gym STARVING and realized we hadn't been to the store yet this week, and had no plans for food. But found some pork and veggies in the freezer!
  • I wouldn't worry about a gym membership, as there are lots of exercises (both aerobic and anaerobic) that you can do from home! However, don't shy away from the strength training! You can build muscle (which will help your metabolism) without it being bulky. I've heard a lot of recommendations that to build lean muscle,…
  • There is a lot more that matters than just a calorie deficit. A calorie deficit is all that matters to pure and simple weight loss. But weight loss can happen in a variety of ways, and not all of them are healthy. For example, the Atkins diet. That diet says NO carbs, (including the little bit in milk), but you can have…
  • I don't; this is my first time using MFP to maintain my weight. I went about a year without weighing myself, and realized I had lost 14 lbs. With maintenance, my calorie limit is 2,030. Most days, it's honestly really difficult for me to eat that many calories, especially when I've burned an extra 250. I usually have…
  • You sound pretty similar to me! 5' 8" High weight: 156-ish Current: 142 Goal: I'm happy with my weight; don't want to focus on the numbers too much. But I'm 22.2% body fat, and am hoping to tone up and get closer to 20%.