mspr1nt Member


  • Thanks so much for the advice folks. Definitely still in the "trying to find what works for me and what could be sustainable long term" block. Any weight loss over the next few weeks is a bonus (having just started working out again for the first time in probably two years.). Long term, I'll probably switch it back up to a…
  • Also had the chicken wings and blue cheese sauce last night :) Tonight, tarragon chicken, basically chicken pieces cooked in loads of butter and cream with mushrooms, mustard tarragon, splash of wine and a few carrots. Salad on the side, maybe
  • Shooting in the dark here, but perhaps try make a dough from some psyllium husk and coconut flour? Depending on how low carb you are and whether you use gluten, there's also the option using soy flour in a recipe here
  • You can make carb free pasta with cream cheese and psyllium husks :)
  • Yep, cauliflower everything. Rice. Pizza crust. Mash. Everything. It'll change your life
  • I'm a newbie, but I'll plus on the salt. I've been using a spoonful of Bovril in hot water to up my sodium and haven't struggled much through anything (including intervals on the treadmill). Felt a bit more tired when pushing myself, but fine afterwards.
  • Thanks guys. I've been doing OK with exercises, making sure I get max sodium and haven't struggled too much about four days into monitoring carbs closely. Have about 22lbs to lose, but 10kg :wink: so I expect progress to be modest, but just didn't want to get all heeeeehaaaa after a dramatic drop when I know it's just…
  • Google Tim Noakes chicken mole. Really delicious, but does use almond flour so won't be ideal if you're super low carb. Still, if your date ain't low carb, say the crumbs are bread. Serve with a spinach salad. Or line fish with bacon bits and tomatoes, baked in the oven.
  • Thanks all. Tried some with protein shake powder (chocolate) and just a dash of double cream yoghurt and it was super yum. Like chocolate mousse basically. Will investigate the fat bombs
  • Well done! I'm on day two of strict low carb and all I want to do is dive into a bag of cheesy Doritos. Instead, I'm going to have a cheddarey beef burger wrapped in lettuce to replace the bun and give me some of the crunch I might be craving from crisps. Are you struggling with free weights or the machines? If you're part…
  • Would pork crackling also work for the salt substitute if I'm making sure it slots in with calories? I already do loads of both (salting and drinking water). I'm basically like a cow with salt, I can just lick the stuff off my hand.