mamainthekitchen Member


  • Oh goodness! Locked out of here for a week or so then have caught Covid!!! Feel like…..$&@*+ I’ve missed so much! Happy anniversary Kate! 21 years!! Wow good for you… hope you enjoyed a nice dinner out! Also happy Mother’s Day And happy birthday Meghan!! You’re sipping something with an umbrella in it right about now I…
  • Gooood morning! Light clouds in the sky here now but it’s going to be a sunny day and up to 13C today! (A balmy 55F)…. Should’ve cleaned all my windows yesterday!!!! I’ll really see the winters mess on them today! :s B) Lol on your students Kate!! I don’t know how you cope each day but if naps help then nap every day!! In…
  • Hi all! I hit a 100 day streak then bam! Lost it! Ha! Well I’m taking that as a sign to smarten up!!!! All good here weather wise, yesterday was gorgeous! Today total rain! It’s spring, that’s the drill. I did end up with buying a Turkey on Sunday!! Went down to the store around 10:30 am bought a few other items & came…
  • Haha ^^ “off to teach something”..!!! Lol Kate! Soooo I’ve missed all week!! Holy where did those days go! I’ve had chore upon chore. My gardens, the folks garden, storage of junk, reorganizing junk etc etc…. It’s Sunday now, no Turkey, no family no nothing! Sitting here sipping hot water & lemon with poor old dog next to…
  • Working with nice people make ALL the difference in the world Meg! Glad the new assistant is joint in well. Hey Kate … I just bought a sugar free ice cream for my son… it’s amazing! By Chapman’s… not sure if you get that brand down where you are but it’s a really great tasting & creamy ice cream! I did pretty good…
  • Ahhh how nice Meghan! So glad for you….I hope the new assistant is everything you need!!! Enjoy the lunch out! Way to be inspiring Kate!! 6 lbs down?? That’s really great!!! I’ve got to keep that in my mind all day!! I know I have no one to blame but myself but it IS easier to blame these people I live with!!!! ;) Also, re…
  • Hi all! Awesome job Kate… I know what you mean… getting in the groove takes some drastic measures to kickstart the brain! I need that!! Good job on fasting too Meghan! I’ve been super busy with gardening.. huge tree taken out of our yard yesterday… so big they had to come back today! Tomorrow the stump grinder guy comes!…
  • Woah yes April already! Lol on your weather Kate! And yes my soup was quite yum! I made it up!!After making bacon one day, I saved the fat in a jar (for Yorkshire pudding for the son) but instead of washing out the pan I deglazed it with some beef stock! All the flavour from the pan is cleaned up with the broth! I kept…
  • Thursday’s are early in this house… the son leaves by 7am and I feel guilty sleeping in bed when he is up getting ready to drive to school! So here I’ve been sitting for 2 hrs doing nothing but play games on phone & read news! Ughhh I should be taking care of those dust bunnies!! Nice to still have the opportunity to work…
  • Ughhh…. Indulging….., >:)
  • Good morning! Well you guys have probs had lunch by now….. First off, and most important!!….. Meghan please never delete your thoughts here! Your post was not negative, it’s real. I for one appreciate honesty in this crazy diet forum here! Perhaps my posts are a little ‘out there’ too (many are rants), but I do feel that…
  • Ahhhh sigh…. It seems we’ve all stepped off that wagon and feeling about the same!!! Also soooo tired of the measuring/weighing blah blah is right Meghan! What I need, for me, is to go back to the original 5:2 method and low carbs (again, agree with Meg, no carbs not doable long term!) I felt better on 5:2. Also some days…
  • What a nice visit to look forward to Meghan! So glad to hear your dad is doing well! Amazing treatments nowadays! lol on your state testing Kate!!!! :D So I ran into a ‘friend’ on Thursday I haven’t seen for a while (probs since the start of lockdowns). She looked fantastic! Lost about 20-30 lbs… I told her she looked…
  • Quick post here! Holy Moses Kate!! Hope you are ok!! I can relate to the temperature of the suns surface… but rupturing the cyst? Holy yikes!! <3 Meg your recipe above sounds so delish! Not sure my fam would go for it, but I could try……. Gotta run! Talk later
  • Ughhh…. What a day. My dog is back in her harness so we can help her walk. She had a reprieve there for a bit…. Meds need to be changed now I think. Stairs are a problem. Calling dr tomorrow. Eating properly is a bust! No exercise either! :/ Can’t believe Spring is here! Hope you guys have a good start of the week. I’ll…
  • Hi all! Fasting has been so difficult lately… maybe cause it’s been damp and cold out! Comfort food has been on the menu! Who wants a salad when you’re wearing fuzzy socks & turning up the furnace!? Glad you’re enjoying your break Kate! Time goes by so darn fast I can barely keep up with the laundry I was suppose to do…
  • Woah I’ve missed a lot AGAIN!! Backtracking to Argentinian food here!! That sounded so good Meghan! I really don’t know anything about that cultures’ food.. I will investigate! The lentil dish sounded good too!! Thanks for sharing!! So nice to receive leftovers of something yummy! Eggs: sometimes on a Sunday I make a…
  • Hi all! Well, sounds like you both can relate to my elderly parents vs technology issues! My personal favourite: “My inbox is gone”! :D Yes Kate that Mark guy has great videos plus his delivery with humor is so good! Glad your boys had found him! Meghan I am wondering what your MIL cooked for dinner as you usually comment…
  • Meg: I don’t know how to link…. On YouTube…. “Squirrel Obstacle Course” (Back yard maze) 1.0 by Mark Rober 1M views!! Kate your boys may find this funny too :D Also… if you can watch on your tv with a bigger screen, that is best!
  • Oh gosh guys.. sorry, just so busy lately! Got a new tv for the folks and hooking it up & programming it to their remote is not as easy as you think! Then of course they hit random button and doesn’t work again! I only have so many days I can drive in to help out. Been cleaning up their garden plus mine from winter and…
  • Blue sky and very sunny here this morning and quite cold as my hummingbird feeder froze over night!!! Not sure what I’m doing today… may take our dog to the beach. I also may make a small batch of soup this morning! We’ll see. Time to have a cup of tea and mull it over. Hope you working people enjoy your day! Meghan,…
  • Ah thanks you guys. I’ve been compiling pics of my dog with her park friends… weird how she has no idea I’m taking pictures to remember when she’s gone! I can no longer get her back into my car so the Hubs came with me… reminder that it’s to time to get back to lifting weights!! Food has been so so, pretty good for the…
  • Hi guys, Kate you sound like you’re really ready for a well deserved 3 day weekend! It’s almost here!!! <3 Meghan my daffodils are about 8 inches above ground! So spring is coming, that’s a fact!! Hope the sun peeks out for you over the weekend! Well, sad news of my dog…. Cancer is confirmed now, most likely all throughout…
  • Hello! Meghan, great story of on-line successful love story…. Sell it to hallmark! I love those movies!!! <3 Still astonished our first dates were Feb 8th just years apart! And great news of your manager words…. Awesome relief for you!! Have a great anniversary/valentine’s/super bowl weekend!! Kate! Bahaha omg that’s…
  • Morning! Hey… happy anniversary Meghan!! And you mentioned ‘yesterday’ … being Feb 8th?? That was our first date! Feb 8th 1986!! Got engaged feb10th ‘88 and married Feb 25 ‘89! What a coincidence!!! I celebrated them all! Hope you two have a wonderful weekend!!! And also routing for the young QB for the Bengals…. Although…
  • Happy Tuesday !! Meghan I hope today’s meetings go well and the ‘powers at be’ are able to hire more staff to give you some relief!! Being overworked is exhausting… mentally & physically!! Hope today ends well :) Thanks Kate… yes 32 years?? Haha I’ve been married so long I’ve forgotten that it’s actually 33 years this…
  • Holy cow hello all…. I’ve been so busy and every time I sit and go on my phone I’m distracted by this stupid game called Triple Match… stupid really, but I may need counseling :# each game starts by throwing out a bunch of toys and you have to match three of them to disappear. Matching all of them clears the board. The…
  • Hello! Well Kate we must have posted our last posts near the same time cause I didn’t see yours…. Did not know about your son testing positive! Poor guy!! Hoping his symptoms stay manageable and hoping the rest of your house stays well!!!! <3 Going to bed soon, went for a nice walk by myself today and paused my timer by…
  • Hi all, I got a ton of gardening done at my house and at the folks sat, sun & today! Both yards are clear of winter debris and my daffodils are sprouting!!! Lunch was at the folks today so had to have her homemade cinnamon scones! Plus a homemade soup of just tiny diced onions, lots of fresh minced garlic & chili flakes…
  • Wow! Ok Meghan your house was built in 1870???? How fantastic!!!!! I love historic houses…I’d be searching census records, finding the history of all the people who lived at the address! My house is from 1965, and we’re second owner, so zero historical stories!! Quite dull! Yes I agree with Kate, your dinners Meg always…