EmmaDetermined Member


  • Final update from me! I am sorry it has taken so long but baby was 2 1/2 weeks overdue and since then I have just been enjoying her! Week - weekly change - total change 28 w: 1.8 Total: 1.5 29 w: 0.7 Total: 2.1 30 w: 0.7 Total: 2.8 31 w: -0.2 Total: 2.6 32 w: -0.2 Total: 2.3 33 w: -0.9 Total: 1.5 34 w: 0.4 Total: 1.9 35…
  • I think that is pretty common, I certainly have. I noticed a massive growth spurt around week 28-30 when I was just hungry all the time, and kept eating and eating. Just go with it, your body will tell you what you need.
  • I did as I had SPD and very big babies. I got my from an obstetric physio, so it was properly fitted. I did find it helped, but it was also a bit uncomfortable (esp. when sitting) so I tended to use it when I knew I would be walking a lot but not on office days etc.
  • Hi Lisa, still as round as ever here :) There is definitely a genetic link with when women deliver, so you may be lucky. My other 3 were all around 10 days overdue, so I am prepared for another 5 days, but it could be any minute now. Tomorrow one of my boys has a big part in a school play, so it would be nice to catch that…
  • Haha, I am definitely not waiting for a snow storm!! Tonight's forecast though is for "Scattered thundery showers overnight" so maybe... My first was also born in a thunder storm. I just had 1 1/2 hours of prodromal labour, but I have had that many times the last couple of weeks so not getting my hopes up because of that.
  • Hi! Sorry I haven't logged on for a while, been busy trying to get all my work done before baby arrives. Well done for still logging up and updating on here. If you feel frustrated that you are gaining too much/too fast, just think what the situation would be if you did not eat healthily and work out. 40+3 today and still…
  • Update: I am now just about 35 weeks. I had my 3 hour glucose tolerance test and the results came back super duper, so nothing to worry about. I have only gained a couple of pounds and baby is estimated to be 5 lbs now by growth scan.
  • Lourdesong, sorry to hear things aren't going to plan, but you still have all to play for! Pregnancy messes with our bodies in so many ways, and some women become so efficient at conserving energy/using it wisely that straight forward calorie counts may not work. So try to be super careful with your logging for a while and…
  • Lisa, don't fret! I gained a lot of weight in my first two pregnancies, but lost it really easily afterwards. At this stage (33 weeks) I had gained around 32 pounds already. I haven't really gained much at all this time around, but I think it is just because I was heavier to start with so my body realised there is no need…
  • Post-holiday weigh in - very happy with that especially given the broken ribs which means proper exercise is out of the picture. Only 8 weeks to go :open_mouth: Week - weekly chance - total change 12 w: 0.0 Total: -5.6 13 w: 0.2 Total: -5.4 14 w: 0.0 Total: -5.4 15 w: 0.2 Total: -5.2 16 w: 0.2 Total: -4.9 17 w: 0.2 Total:…
  • Erm....my last labour started like that!! Could just be that things are heating up for you and that your body is having a good clear out/trying to get you to chill to build up some energy reserves for the forthcoming feat! Keep us posted and good luck if this is it!
  • I am getting so excited on your behalves!!! SOOO close now! I can't wait to start getting things ready for bubba, but I have so much work to finish before I can do that.
  • Glad baby is OK, Lisa! Definitely the right decision to rest for a while! Congrats on being halfway! I am 30 weeks, feels like the home straight now! Chocolate egg gain here this week :) 20 w: 0.0 Total: -4.5 21 w: 0.7 Total: -3.8 22 w: 1.1 Total: -2.7 23 w: 1.1 Total: -1.6 24 w: -2.0 Total: -3.6 25 w: 1.3 Total: -2.3 26…
  • I love Aveeno too! When I was doing my dermatology rotation we had to try all the creams available - and by try I mean rub in, smell and taste (!) and Aveeno was one of my favourites for skin in general. It is quite expensive though and oils worked so well for me during my first three pregnancies despite having massive…
  • I swear by oils - hazelnut and almond are good, and wheatgerm oil is a great option for someone with nut allergies. You can also use olive oil if you don't mind the smell. I add essential oils to mine (grapefruit, lavender and lemongrass are some of my favourites) and you can mix up different ones in smaller bottles to…
  • Hi Curly, yes, I mentioned it to the midwife, but apparently it is just one of those things that gets worse and worse with each pregnancy so being on number 4 I just have to grin it and bear it. I am going to see a physio about my pelvic girdle pain though.
  • Eliz, I am the same! Working from home these days and there are so many temptations! Half a pound up for me this week - not too bad considering how hungry I have been! Week - weekly gain - total change: 12 w: 0.0 Total: -5.6 13 w: 0.2 Total: -5.4 14 w: 0.0 Total: -5.4 15 w: 0.2 Total: -5.2 16 w: 0.2 Total: -4.9 17…
  • Haha, yes, I think my husband would object to seeing his son in pink frilly clothes too - as would I. I have a girl and two boys, so I will have 2+2 too (provided the scan was right!). I am not due until beginning of June, but there does not seem to be many June mums around so I have to come here to chat :) I always get…
  • Spunky, I am the doing the opposite - clearing out baby boy clothes as this 4th an final baby is a girl. We could have swapped :) I am hoping I might be able to use some of them though, plain baby blue may work for some clothes for a girl. I get lots of Braxton Hicks too, but all mine have been 11-12 days overdue so I am…
  • 37 weeks! Wow!! Pre-natal massages are great! I did some Clarins ones when I had my daughter many years ago. I am not sure if they still do them but they included a massage and mini facial and were amazing. These days I am too stressed to enjoy a massage (more hassle booking/attending than it is worth), but I do miss them!
  • Meanwhile, I have hit third trimester and the tiredness has returned. Naps seem to feature daily, and between painful pelvis and lots of round ligament pain I have to be careful with how much I walk. It takes me 5 minutes just to stand up, and even my 7 year old son was asking me what was wrong as I was leaning on the car…
  • Interesting debate! Fetal haemoglobin (which carries oxygen around your body) is different than maternal haemoglobin. Whereas you oxygen saturation (how much of the oxygen carrying capacity in your blood you are using) is normally 95-99%, it is less than 80% in a fetus. I am therefore less concerned with my own heart rate…
  • I gained up to 45 pounds with my other 3 and for the first two I had lost it all within a couple of months (e.g. 3), just eating normally, breastfeeding and taking baby for walks. For some reason, the last time I never lost it, despite not doing anything different. So this time I started off heavier and have therefore…
  • Not sure how I managed to post my addition within the quote, but that last paragraph was from me :)
  • Congratulations, Lisa! That's so exciting!!
  • Well done Ruby on only gaining 0.5kg by 32 weeks, that's really good going! I wish the guidelines were what they are now when I had my first babies - I might not have been so overweight then (never lost my last round of pregnancy weigh :( ). Doing exercise every day has really helped me. These past two weeks i haven't been…
  • Lisa, that is pretty close to your target! Women gain at different rates through their pregnancies, so it may level out again later. My weight was very stable until the last couple of weeks, when I started putting on nearly 2 pounds a week! I hope that trend won't last!! Hopefully some of it is water. One can but hope,…
  • It won't be any more difficult than going from deficit to maintenance when you are not pregnant. First trimester you would eat normal maintenance calories (as if you were not pregnant) so it will be the same anyway. Just use those first few months to get to grips with maintenance and then when second trimester sets in, you…
  • Come and join our group! http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/1903-fit-fabulous-pregnant