RalfLott Member


  • Great suggestions. A quick note.... Not all Metformin is created equal. I switched to brand name Glucophage XR for a couple years at Dr. Bernstein's (incessant) recommendation, and the theme music of my GI system morphed from "Wellington's Victory" to "Calm Sea and Prosperous Voyage." Due to coverage issues, I'm now taking…
  • Phinney's really great at explaining things. Also humble and not wedded to dogma - he views even his own results "with utmost skepticism." How refreshing! Bikman is cut from similar cloth. Enjoy!
  • I suppose you'd prefer a random licensed dietitian? If you know, what exactly is your beef?
  • Phinney holds up well, eh? In the meantime, Benjamin Bikman's videos are also terrific.
  • You're a PhD specializing in what?
  • Not to rock the boat, but there are distant facsimiles you can make with heavy cream blended with flavoring (like vanilla extract) and small amounts of stevia and frozen in small ice cube trays...
  • Thx for the heads - up!
  • Bingo! Here are the most recent vids I've watched that clearly explain why T2Ds should not be eating little meals every few hours and, generally, should lay off the carbs - following such misolaced guidelines keeps our insulin levels up, which elevates our BG and our risk for various chronic diseases (aka, the "Plagues of…
  • Thanks for the tip!
  • Good to hear you don't have to juggle diabetes management as well! I'm new to GP, but the more I read, the more mysterious it seems to get...
  • Alas, shooting the messenger can translate into shooting oneself in the foot....
  • Not yet. I'm going to get the R-R interval study recommended by Dr. Bernstein first, in order to try to determine whether the vagus nerve is involved as it is with many diabetics. (He cautions that the variability in stomach emptying can produce different results on the emptying test from one day to the next...)…
  • I have a recent, tentative diagnosis of gastroparesis. I'm not about to stop following a ketogenic diet, but I haven't found many resources that offer guidance. Any tips?
  • Can't wait for the reports from our new war correspondent! If you're like me, you will have quite a few Eureka! moments in the days ahead.
  • Oy! The years I spent chasing the elusive "whole grains" unicorn at the urging of a bright doctor who, like his predecessors who recommended Camel cigarettes, was certain he was right. That I ever stumbled into LC and decided to give it a real try is a testament to the powers of Dr. Google and people like y'all!
  • Have you had a fructosamine test? It's like A1c, but the time frame is much shorter and the confounding factors are different.
  • I have a few stock lines when people ask if I've lost weight, have cancer or GI distress (yes, really). My current go-to is something like, "Oh dear, I must be dehydrated again."
  • Not to be a sourpuss, but 90g of sugar/starch in a day is triple what some of us (like moi) can handle.... I would second the recommendation to familiarize yourself with Dr. Bernstein's approach, which aims to minimize meds and stabilize insulin and blood glucose.
  • I use a CGM and have been eating LC for a couple years. The CGM is a great tool for learning reactions to foods and daily trends. The CGM-revealed differences in reactions to meals with and without crap-carbs (sugars & starches) in my case was just enormous. Even better than killing carbs is just to ignore the rascals…
  • @catherineg3 - Lots of good points, especially the encouraging observation that blood glucose will continue to drift down over time. FF 6 or 12 months while following the same manageable LC blueprint and things might look pretty rosy!
  • Hmm. Not about your great progress (nice going!), but about your doctor's "happiness" threshold. The risk of many diabetes-related complications starts to climb around BG=140 (heart trouble, kidney disease, nerve damage...). So I would want my doctor to give me a good reason - other than the doctor's guess as to what I can…
  • "Pure" capitalism doesn't subsidize polluters and manufacturers of other socially-costly products through a crazy quilt of friendly regulation and tax. Also, the long-term costs of what they produce, like cleanup, medical care, etc. (assuming everyone could agree what they are..) are not incorporated in the price of the…
  • I think Cronometer is a bigger bang for the $$, since it tracks many more nutrients and has generally more reliable food content information.
  • Bingo! Umm, wouldn't the coaching have been along the lines of "don't eat carbs, eat protein, don't eat too much fat, slurp sodium, exercise some..." Not sure I see the detractors' point. But I'm just a closed-minded carbophobe...
  • If you can get a prescription for a Freestyle Libre reader and subcutaneous sensor, they can be had relatively cheaply, and you should be able to get a handle on your daily BG patterns with only one 10-day sensor. (FYI, I was able to snag 3 sensors for $40 at Walgreens.) You could then try different approaches - taking…
  • Wow, no spike at all? That's great. How does she do with cottage cheese, milk, and other dairy with unconverted lactose? I have pretty much switched my food logging over to Cronometer, which reports on many micronutrients and aims to be keto-friendly.
  • Ha! From Chapter 17, "[A]s long as you use ‘live culture yogurt’, ignore the ‘sugars’ listed on the yogurt container’s nutrition facts label. This is the amount of lactose (milk sugar) in the ingredient milk before the yogurt was made. In live culture yogurt, more than half of this is broken down to lactic acid during the…