Scamd83 Member


  • Meticulously watching what you eat means nothing without numbers. Swapping so called unhealthy food for so called healthy food means nothing without numbers. A calorie has the same effect on weight as any other calorie regardless of what its source is. You say you usually 'try to stick to' and mention 'splurge nights',…
  • Firstly that is amazing progress, I mean you've completely exceeded what most people can expect. If you're just not feeling it then just have some time off and stick to your diet. You can still lose without exercise if you stick to your diet. Or even just do some light exercise that doesn't demand too much, go for a walk…
  • Ignore, you said yourself those are not accurate, scales do nothing more than guess your bodyfat. You'd be just as accurate drawing a number out of a hat. Your weight is down so that's good, now start measuring your waist and neck and track those. Without any specialist equipment, that's your best way of tracking fat.
  • From personal experience, I don't think there's much you can do. I mean if you're making an effort to meet people it then depends entirely on if those people are willing. People who spend a lot of time on their own often get accused of not making the effort. But personally speaking, you can make the effort but if others…
  • You probably don't need to eat that much protein, maybe work out what your target weight is and calculate your protein requirements based on that.
  • From a sports therapist type I know: "The only people who ever have anything good to say about Herbalife are those trying to sell it."
    in Herbalife Comment by Scamd83 June 2016
  • I can't imagine what tomfoolery has made you think that is true, you are literally the first and only person I've come across who thinks this.
  • So many people want to over complicate something that is so simple, like simplicity cannot work for some reason. Eat more dang food you calorie avoider! Can't chew anymore bites? Fine, get a blender, chuck protein powder in, peanut butter, oats, milk, banana, whatever you like, blend, drink. Even if you just make yourself…
  • That's not fair, adding someone as a friend doesn't mean you have to then tolerate them making advances. Too many people seem to take any little thing as a sign of someone welcoming advances. This place is full of people being friends to discuss and share fitness goals, not hit on each other. No friendship…
  • That pictures sums up why people get annoyed at this. It's not that you're trying to share what you're doing as much as it is you're trying to tell people you're better than them and they should acknowledge this or at least know so. I go to the gym and strength train 3-4 times a week, I go cycling for hours, I play…
  • Everything.
    in Eating Comment by Scamd83 June 2016
  • Nutella pizza, good luck avoiding that.
  • That's not the best way at all, it is a way, but you have no right to insist it is the best way.
  • And before anyone starts with the "are you weighing your food and how can you be sure" etc comment (although i promise that i understand you are only trying to help) we are quite fortunate in the UK that we can buy individual portions of alot of foods like beans and chicken breasts, steaks, veggies, bags of rice etc so…
  • Fibre's great, you just need to carefully increase how much of it you eat. If you go for a spell where nothing is coming out, it'll be followed by a spell where you're basically living on the toilet. If you want your digestive system to not be sluggish on a good day, more fibre is going to help long term. Also lots of…
  • If you've got room at home you could always purchase your own weights, bench press, squat rack, etc. But if not and you want to build muscle, you'll need to join a gym to lift weights. Body weight exercises at home can only do so much, and not nearly as much as you seem to desire.
  • Shame you're not in the UK or you could get the Meridian brand peanut butter I get which only has peanuts on the ingredients. Or Whole Earth. You could look on Ebay for it of course. But you'll definitely have nuts'n more in the US. But all that said, this guy gets it: There are people who have gotten into great shape not…
  • So you logged 'strictly' until Saturday last week and from Wednesday this week? So that means from Saturday last week until the end of Tuesday this week you didn't log 'strictly'? If that is the case, I think you have your answer. Some people tend to think logging some days but not others is enough, and sometimes it is if…
  • I can't be friends with anyone who kicks kittens or enjoys others doing so.
  • I've been single for about 12 years, it's not very good. But you actually look dateable and I've no doubt you'll have your pick of the people on here at least. And in the real world too.
  • No, I lost all of my excess weight years ago and since then it's been a constant check to see that I haven't started putting any back on. All the time and work that went into getting here, I'm paranoid it'll all be for nothing if I don't keep check.
  • It's not a teenager thing, it has no age restriction feeling like that. Is selective eating actually some sort of medical condition? Sure I've heard it actually has a proper scientific sounding name. I can't really see how you can't eat fruit and veg, but maybe you could try one of those greens powders (I'd recommend The…
  • I can't get away from fast food. I can't get off of my butt and get up to work out. Not even take a walk. Unless you have some sort of physical impairment, then that isn't true. You absolutely can do all of those things, telling yourself you can't won't help you. Nobody is going to make you want to do those things if you…
  • Carbs are great.
    in Carbs Comment by Scamd83 May 2016