Scamd83 Member


  • Did all of that help meet your goals? Do you feel physically good eating that? Did you enjoy it all? If the answer is yes to all three, you're good.
  • You could have just said it was your opinion to begin with rather than try and pass it off as scientific fact. People asking for help here are trusting others to tell them what's what, giving them false information is harmful.
  • Do you need help with typing out full posts?
    in Help Comment by Scamd83 June 2016
  • Congratulations on kicking your coke habit, you don't need drugs to get high when you've got exercise.
  • There's no trick to it, you just keep trying until it sticks. I think we're all stories of past failures before eventually finding success. That's all you can do, try and hope your best efforts are enough. I guess the only practical advice I can give you is to remind yourself of your goal whenever temptation strikes. Maybe…
  • You seem to assume these people you're taking aim at haven't had these problems before and haven't had to learn how to build up willpower. I'd say everyone here who has successfully lost weight has had the same struggle, but you make it sound like you're part of special group of people who have had to struggle whilst…
    in SABOTAGE Comment by Scamd83 June 2016
  • @usmcmp I've never read the xxxmorph part of that, wasn't particularly interested in that bit. I just skipped straight to the part about lifting the same weight for more reps gradually and the plan part after that. Can't find anything on HST, PHUL looks okay though, PHAT looks terrifying long and yet strangely enticing.…
    in SABOTAGE Comment by Scamd83 June 2016
  • What do you use if you don't have an iPhone to use the app on? Are you not able to do this if you don't have an iPhone?
  • Also, bro, you should eat caloriez after 8 pm coz caloriez eaten after then go against your body's clock watching ability and automatically get stored as weight gain, bro. Also, try not to poop too much or you'll loze ur gainz, bro.
  • @sijomial Guess I'd better be careful with how much leg work I do in the gym then.
  • @sijomial Do you find cycling develops strength/muscles in your legs?
  • @ndj1979 My issue with those sort of programs is the repetitiveness and the impossible demands it places on being able to secure needed equipment at the gym I go to. I mean where I go if you can get hold of the bench press you're unlikely to get hold of the squat rack in the same session, and vice versa. Stronglifts, All…
  • @sijomial Thought I was going mad with seemingly everyone else being a big fan of 5 x 5 but when I've tried it or All Pros, I just lose the will to carry on for more than a week. I've just made a start with the beginner plan on this…
  • @CincyNeid @sijomial @_benyboy5 Are you doing programs like Stronglifts 5 x 5?
  • You've just said he's toxic, you want to block him and that you shouldn't feel guilty about it. Nothing any of us need to say, you've answered your own question.
  • Is the complaint here that someone hasn't given praise for weight loss efforts? Because nobody is obligated to do this, nobody is obligated to even care. Maybe your sister never saw your weight as a big deal worth talking about in the first place and has always just liked you for however you are. I don't want to put a…
  • I'm not quite sure how you're expecting anyone here to be able to help you battle depression? Something either helps or it doesn't, for me it does much of the time, but sometimes it doesn't. See your doctor, change medication, plan something in your life that you look forward to, change your workout to one that excites…
  • One tablespoon/16 grams = 90-100 calories.
  • You have a flawed understanding of how this works, you cannot gain muscle on a calorie deficit and fat cannot be converted into muscle. You either burn fat or you build muscle, one involves eating less, the other involves eating more. And there is only so much muscle you can put on in six months. Simple and most likely…
  • Same, I am thin but it doesn't really make any difference. Weight loss is a good thing physically if you need to lose weight, it doesn't guarantee mental improvements though.
  • Watched this once, they had a segment where they set up a buffet table at a party complete with hidden camera. At one point a young girl (looked no older than 12) who was at a perfectly healthy weight helped herself to a few things and Anna on voiceover was so mocking of her it was cruel. Imagine mocking a young girl for…
  • @quiksylver296 @singingflutelady Good suggestion, found some microplates on eBay I can always carry with me to the gym. Totally hear you on the OHP, I definitely benefit on that one with microplates.
  • @jmc0806 Do you increase weight increments in 2.5 kg? My gym rarely has 1.25 kg plates available so I expect I'd have to aim for a 5 kg increase every session. But I'm guessing this might be an unrealistic rate of progression.
  • That cheat day you mentioned is a likely problem, it is very easy to undo a deficit with a day where you overeat.
  • Just to back up what everyone else is saying, you're losing fine, lower your expectations, you can't lose anymore fat than you currently are. Accept that and carry on with what you're doing.
  • You know how people can 'crack' their knuckles? I can do that with my knees. I wouldn't stress it, it's just a thing.