Why I Post my Exercise and Gym Check-ins on FB

skinnyminikendra Posts: 187 Member
edited June 2016 in Chit-Chat
Okay you guys,

I just wanted to get a few people opinions before I post this on my facebook page. I'm just curious what y'all think.

You all probably have that one friend on your friends list that ALWAYS checks into the gym or in vivid detail describes their daily workouts, maybe both. This person might get the same 10 likes or a few comments like "Get it", "Push yourself", and "Way to be" from the same 3 people. This person also probably posts their healthy meals and lets you know how many calories are in each serving and you probably get a little annoyed and wonder why they HAVE to post it. For a lot of you I am probably THAT friend. I've seen my fair share of "What if I told you that you can exercise and not post it to Facebook" meme and I just wanted to let y'all know why I post mine.

1. It motivates me. Knowing that I continually post about it in my head when I don't go to the gym or exercise my head tells me that someone noticed. It motivates me to keep going.

2. I motivate others. You may be wondering why I think this, I don't think, I KNOW it. I know because I get snapchats, texts, messages, and in everyday conversations. People tell me that my facebook posts inspire them and motivate them to eat healthier and to exercise more.

3. Because I'm proud of myself and I'm loving my changes. Y'all are posting pictures of your kids that you're proud of. Your car that you love. Your weekend plans the consist of booze. Well, I don't have kids or a car that I'm proud of. And my weekend plans usually consist of going to the gym at some point. I post it because I'm proud that I go, that I am no longer the lazy person that I was.

Finally 4. Because it's my facebook and I can pretty much post whatever the hell I want. You don't like it, unfollow me.

*Edited to get rid of the picture. It was in poor taste and I added it in my frustration*
-also I would like to point out, I don't only post exercise things on my fb-


  • skinnyminikendra
    skinnyminikendra Posts: 187 Member
    Am I missing anything? Or do you guys have any good points I should add?
  • skinnyminikendra
    skinnyminikendra Posts: 187 Member
    Oops forgot to say - Not planning on posting the pic. I just liked it
  • skinnyminikendra
    skinnyminikendra Posts: 187 Member
    I guess I should also comment that I've been tagged in, along with others, on these memes and had them shared on my wall and have had comments made. I just wanted to address it.
  • Tialuna18
    Tialuna18 Posts: 9,591 Member
    edited June 2016
    If you can say what you want on your FB then why aren't you saying this entire post there with no fear? Also if you're mad about peoples post of their children,marriages cars etc there's this wonderful option to "block all posts from this user" you seem to be familiar with unfollowing
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    I guess I should also comment that I've been tagged in, along with others, on these memes and had them shared on my wall and have had comments made. I just wanted to address it.

    So ... did you post this on FB? It might work better to b1tch over there where the people p1ssing you off will read it. I prefer to keep my FB drama on FB.
  • skinnyminikendra
    skinnyminikendra Posts: 187 Member
    Tialuna18 wrote: »
    If you can say what you want on your FB then why aren't you saying this entire post there? Also if you're mad about peoples post of their children,marriages cars etc there's this wonderful option to "block all posts from this user" you seem to be familiar with unfollowing

    I plan on posting it there. I just wanted some like minded feedback before I did.

    I also don't mind the kid, marriage, car etc posts. It was just part of my point. Why are those pictures and posts deemed "okay" and mine not...
  • skinnyminikendra
    skinnyminikendra Posts: 187 Member
    sjohnny wrote: »
    It's sad that you aren't proud of your kids.

    I don't have kids lol :D
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    A better question is, "why would you post this on MFP?"

    Please, don't answer that.
  • Scamd83
    Scamd83 Posts: 808 Member
    That pictures sums up why people get annoyed at this. It's not that you're trying to share what you're doing as much as it is you're trying to tell people you're better than them and they should acknowledge this or at least know so. I go to the gym and strength train 3-4 times a week, I go cycling for hours, I play squash...I'm quite happy with that and don't care who knows or doesn't. If someone else wants to sit down a lot instead of exercising, that's their business. I don't do what I do to use as a weapon to try and make others feel bad with. However, I do agree with you that people have a choice as to whether to unfriend or even just unfollow someone like you on Facebook. And I'm guessing a few already have in your case if your argument amounts to "Look at me being better than you."
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    I guess I should also comment that I've been tagged in, along with others, on these memes and had them shared on my wall and have had comments made. I just wanted to address it.

    Escalate the drama.

  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I am sorry you life is sad and boring.
  • skinnyminikendra
    skinnyminikendra Posts: 187 Member
    Why do people always assume it's a look at me I'm better than you thing?
    As I said, the #1 reason I do it is for motivation for myself/accountability, apparently I'm the only one (guilty)

    I guess I just find it frustrating and wanted to inform those of why. And asking for advice on such a subject was not something I should be doing here.

    As for the picture... yeah probably poor taste. I just liked it as I've been hit with it's counterpart. Again wasn't planning on posting it.
  • skinnyminikendra
    skinnyminikendra Posts: 187 Member
    Saeraphine wrote: »
    If you feel the need to post this but want to keep the tone positive, listing the positive reasons for your actions, I think it may be best to remove the finger pointing "you" wording and change to a neutral tone "people".

    Y'all are posting pictures of your kids that you're proud of. Your car that you love. Your weekend plans the consist of booze.
    People are posting pictures of their kids that they're proud of. The car that they love. Their weekend plans that consist of booze.

    And maybe re-word 4 to say "My wall is for posting what I like, not necessarily what others will like. If someone doesn't appreciate my posts, I encourage them to make use of the unfollow option, which will make both of us happier."

    Thanks :)