MEG924 Member


  • @GaleHawkins Congrats on your success with this woe! I have stayed under 30 for almost a year, but have been closer to the 40-50 range lately because I work out so much. Glad to see someone who does have them fit into their plan. Now that I'm getting closer to goal, I'm just looking for ways I can mantain healthy eatting…
    in Bananas? Comment by MEG924 June 2016
  • I'm 24 and was 240 lbs (at 5'4") last February at my physical. My dr told me what I knew for years, that I needed to lose weight. I tried on my own, excercising and eatting healthy and tracking, until June 9 when I became frustrated that I only lost 7 lbs. I saw a nutritionist who suggested I try low carb. A year later I…
  • Shredded parmesan cheese in clumps on wax paper (on cookie sheet), 400 degrees in oven for 3-5 mins, let cool, dip in sour cream. So yummy!
  • Yes, with everyone's mention of pics and measurements I do those more often and it definitely helps when I'm frustrated with the scale! I think my body is just taking time to adjust to this weight, it's been over 10 years since I've been this weight. I'm so thankful for all your help and suggestionsI they mean a lot! I'm…
    in Macros Comment by MEG924 May 2016
  • Thanks ladies!! Yes, I do lift weights and run. Lately I'm finding it hard to eat more than what I have been, which is why I've mostly stayed under 1300 every day.
    in Macros Comment by MEG924 May 2016
  • Thanks for the reply! I tried the link, but it was a bit confusing. I'm 24, 5'4, 159 lbs, 31% body fat. If you (or anyone else) wouldn't mind plugging those numbers in to help me out and explain it a little better, I would be forever grateful! All of this is so confusing to me. :neutral:
    in Macros Comment by MEG924 May 2016
  • Congrats on getting back on track!! I've been lucky enough to never let a slip-up last longer than a weekend. I wish I could have her mindset too! But I like sugary foods every now and again and think if I decided never to have them again, it would make me want them more. I allow myself an occasional cheat, but only if I…
  • That's a great perspective!! And I envy that mindset. :) I still enjoy an occasional treat every now and again, but no longer view it as "rewarding" myself, nor do I comfort myself with junk food anymore, which was my biggest problem my entire life.
  • I am definitely bigger framed so I don't think I could ever get to 125, though it may be possible. After all the responses I think 140 seems to be a good number to try to get to. It'd be nice to make it an even 100 lb loss. ;) And who knows, maybe I can get lower than that, or decide to stop at 150. I appreciate everyones'…
  • I agree with the body fat. Last time I saw my nutritionist (2/23) I was 168 and 32% fat. Next appointment is Wednesday and I'm currently 160 and wear a size 8, so I'm eager to see how much my percentage dropped. Do you know what percentage is attainable? Maybe I should just focus on that rather than the scale. Congrats on…
  • Congrats on your loss! I share the same philosophy, that the scale isn't as important if I look/feel fit, it just helps to know what others are able to get down to because I don't want unrealistic goals, or to "settle" if I can lose more (if that makes sense). I guess really the only way for me to know what my body can…
  • Awesome! Thanks so much!
  • Good idea! My nutritionist just recently started measuring my body fat, I wish I knew what it was when I first started out, but atleast I can compare the measurements I have now. Good luck with your goal! :)
  • Thank you!! :smiley: It IS so hard to win battles with yourself, and I'm sure there will be a time I end up giving in, but I'm finally learning that it's not worth it, but if I do slip up I'm only human and just need to get right back on track. Atleast for me anyway, I find beating myself up over mistakes only makes me…
  • Ground beef with pasta sauce and sauteed peppers and onions. Used to add that to pasta before I was low carb but have found it to be just as satisfying without the pasta. :smile:
  • Awesome progress @auntstephie321! You and @Sunny_Bunny_ have definitely motivated me to take more pictures and use those to gauge my progress instead of just relying on the scale, so thank you for that. :)
  • Thanks @Sunny_Bunny_ ! And congrats on your journey! What a difference 4 lbs makes. I should definitely start taking progress pics more often. My loss started slowing down when I started excercising more too. From the beginning, I mostly just walked. I started running in Aug and stopped around the holidays but in January,…
  • Thanks so much! Your current is around my goal. I hope to be between 145 and 155. Maybe even lower but since I haven't been in that range in a long time, I'm not sure what my body is capable of. Plus, I'd like to stay active and be strong, so I'm okay with compromising the number on the scale to "look fit." I'm sorry…
  • January 1 - 23 I lost 7 lbs. Between January 23 and today I lost 2 lbs.
  • Thanks for the suggestions!!! :smiley:
  • I haven't had quest bars but I definitely know the cravings from having atkins products a few times. The sugar alcohols don't mix well with me and then I have intense cravings so I stopped those a while ago. I sometimes have random cravings for chocolate or even cereal. I haven't "given in" but I'm wondering if there's…
  • Thank you @wabmester! I've always beat myself up in the past when I've had a cheat meal (there was even a time I considered an apple to be a "cheat" but I really wanted one).. thinking that if I ate one thing off plan I'd start gaining. Now I realize how silly that thinking was, because it's really the emotional effects…
  • Thank you for your views! I haven't thought about some of your points so it's definitely given me a new perspective! I may even change my mind about the meal(s) between now and my trip, but I now know regardless of my decision to stay on track. How have you managed any carb cravings you've had?
  • So that power is over cravings, not necessarily weight gain from the food itself, if I understand correctly?
  • Do you think it's best to really restrict carbs before/after cheat meals?
  • Thanks for all the responses! In terms of long term maintenance with this woe, what's a good carb level to aim for once I've gotten to my goal weight? What has worked for you?
  • Yes. 71 lbs so far, still have between 14 - 19 to go. I was overweight my whole life and I think just general bad eatting habits are to blame. Not caring and emotional eatting. I tend to do better when things are out of sight/out of mind as well. I know those 2 foods I wouldn't have after my trip so I'm not fearing the…
  • Thank you!! It's so good to know I'm not alone in these feelings. I think I'll need to see a therapist at some point if positive thoughts don't work. Looking at what your body can do, instead of what it looks like, is a great suggestion! I will definitely try that. Congrats on the mileage! I've picked up running and do…
  • All of your comments filled with positivity and encouragement are so nice and appreciated! I'm new to posting so I'm not sure how to respond to each individually but I read them all and feel so thankful to be a part of such a supportive group and thank you all for your responses and advice!