I’m in my first trimester (8 weeks) and not feeling much of anything except some mild fatigue which I mostly just dismiss as me being lazy :) I am working out as usual - my runs felt sluggish but my pace hasn’t slowed. Just did an hour of rigorous tennis with the husband.. always so much more energized after a workout!
Sounds like a combination of some sort of neuroma and achilles tendon issue. Make sure your shoe box isn’t too tight, even better, go to a running store and get fitted for a good pair of shoes. If pain persists, see a doctor. It has nothing to do with lactic acid (in fact, it has been debunked that lactic acid build up…
I had read that “belly splints” can be used postpartum to help accelerate healing of diastasis recti - the desperation of ab muscles, which can contribute to that postpartum “pooch”. But haven’t really heard of it as a way to lose weight or “reshape”
There is nothing disproportionate about your body that I see
Powerbeats 3 Bluetooth works for me.
Strength train with single leg exercises. Start with 2: single leg Romanian straight leg deadlifts, and single-leg Bulgarian squats. they work magic for runners knee. Then, as some already suggested, get fitted for running shoes at a specialty store. Know your pronation.
Planks are a good place to start. But you need to lose body fat to see abs. Sorry.
NEVER sacrifice sleep for workout. I used to do it and it was not sustainable and very stressful on your body especially since you are already stressing it with a diet. When life get’s crazy busy my personal care priorities are sleep >> workout >> diet
If you can’t hold a plank for 5 seconds I suspect something’s wrong with form.. can you do crunches, leg raises, etc?
A shot of espresso with 1tsp of brown sugar is enough to kick start a 10mi run!
Tried all 3, don’t like any. If I have to choose, probably yoga in a hot room for recovery, injury prevention and meditative benefits. Would much rather run, bike, play tennis, lift weights. Barre actually makes me feel like a “sexercise” and if you look it up it actually had its roots in improving women’s sex lives!
I do a 5 mile easy after my 10-12mi long runs. I run them at about the same pace/~10 seconds slower pace as my long run. The next!!
When I introducing a new workout to my routine i always take almost a week to recover. Honestly I just train through it because the body just get used to it.
Honestly this sounds like a disorder to me. Do you feel like it’s hard to stop? Why do you need it - even at 2-3 times a week is a lot. If it’s a conscious feeding episode to take break from dieting, it’s a different story. If you feel out of control (eating for hours till you stomach hurts..) that may signal something…
“One can never be too rich or too skinny” I’m just joking :) I forgot who said that but I always found that funny. In all seriousness - doesn’t matter what others say unless they have genuine reasons to believe you are hurting your health - which judging by weight alone, you are not. So - you do you!!
Foot injury took me out of a 30-35mile/week running routine. Moved from the city to the suburbs where I hardly ever walk anywhere anymore.
Why are you asking others about this.. It’s all about how you feel and want..
Don’t necessarily have a specific number but I am aiming for 18-19% body fat, probably will need to go down to 120 range (where I was 4 years ago) Main motivation is that I’m a runner and I run faster in that BF range. My “vanity” goal is 25” waist, 35” hips and 19” thighs. I am currently about 128lb and measures about…
I rely on a warm drink to curb sugar cravings. E.g. I make a decaf earl grey or Ceylon tea with a dash of cream and Equal for sweetness. That’s like 20-30 kcal. By the time I finish sipping on it the craving is mostly gone. Or, I make myself a small espresso cup of sipping chocolate, about 100 kcal it somehow does the…
Dunkin Donuts medium coffee with cream and sugar. 190kcal - wtf??? How much cream/sugar do they dump into that thing of filtered coffee it doesn’t even tast that sweet.
PT!!! And use KT tape while playing.
Second Nike training club
I do and the way I cope with it is to come up with a realistic plan that I can stick to, with optional days. When you build the plan be very specific about what fitness goals you are planning to accomplish - calorie deficits? Running faster? Lifting heavier? Mental health? How will a 3-day workout week help you towards…
If you can use the tower without a problem, you should be fine on a bike and elliptical too? How about boxing?
Most exercises don’t affect my appetite. Running long distance actually suppresses my hunger. But some HIIT such as while running speed intervals could make me crave more food. Some weight sessions make me hungry too particularly leg days. I stay away from swimming because it makes me want to eat everything in sight for…
I run 10-12 miles in a 12oz latte with 2% milk and a teaspoon of brownsigar. It works awesomely for morning runs.
Great progress!! Don’t worry about heart rate. My resting HR is consistently at 43-45 but I run my tempo runs at 180 and long runs around 175.
I just lace up my shoes and start running before I give myself a chance to think things through
How old are you? I don’t think this is necessarily a lot - it looks to me that you do 2 cardio workouts/week, and then some strength training. That is not necessarily a lot depending on how fast you walk your 10,000. Perhaps watch your nutrition and take a break.
You need to see a therapy before you hurt/injure yourself, if you have trouble forcing yourself to wean off this unreasonable need to exercise. It sounds as much of a exercise addiction as a body image problem. Do you feel like you need to look perfect to feel worthy? I experienced a lighter version of this when a running…