Yellowon02 Member


  • Nope. Cereal is processed. Not enough protein.
  • Meal plan and prep your food. Don't tell yourself you can't have certain foods. You can, but choosing not to. When you have a treat it will be worth it! Before you start take your measurements. Will you be doing any exercising? I recommend a fit test of sorts. Just another way to empower and show progress. And don't weigh…
  • You just get used to it ;) when I run for the first time in a long time ... Like after Christmas. There's some booty shake. You just don't notice after awhile and pretty soon you shake it right off :-P
  • I will!! Just a warning. I hate the scale! Haha! It's not a reliable way to measure your progress. Take measurements.
  • Why does your weight matter to you? Take measurements. Go by that. The scale is just a number. And doesn't tell the whole story of your progress.
  • Don't eat 1,200 a day. It will destroy your metabolism. No one should eat that little. It will set you up for failure. Especially if you are eating way more. It's too drastic. And don't do steady state cardio. After 20 minutes or so (depends on the person) your body will start to burn muscle. You need your muscle. More…
  • I switched to black. The kids eat I clean up, pack lunches and out the door. I workout. Shower than eat! If you are used to eating at a certain time your body will expect food and be hungry. Once you get on a different schedule. It's fine. You don't get hungry anymore. ... The only time I do is if I didn't eat enough the…
  • I recommend eggs. Veggie omlets etc.
  • Your body needs fat to properly utilize the protien you are consuming. Fat is really important. For far to many reasons to list. A low fat diet is not good for you and outdated medical advice. Mmmm peanut butter ...
  • Aw! Sweet girl. You have your whole life ahead of you. Now is the time to build healthy habits. Not crash dieting or extreme programs. You want to do something sustainable. Look at your diet and make small steady changes. Find something active you enjoy and do it. And when you don't feel like it ... Do it anyways ;) Find a…
  • Loved Unbroken The Sisters Who would be Queen was excellent!! If you love the Tudor era. I highly recommend the Cromwell series starting with Wolf Hall. Very good. And there are audio books.
  • I'm a big fan of historical fiction and non-fiction. If you need audiobook recommendations. ;) The Night Circus audio is awesome. Same reader as the Harry Potter audiobooks.
  • It's my favorite type! Fast and effective :) I have a quick treadmill sorta hit a do. (Warm up 5 minutes and sprints, cool down) I used to always make my own with an interval timer. 4 exercises 50 sec on 10 off three rounds. Lots of squat jumps, tuck jumps, burpees, push ups (various types) mountain climbers, split jumps,…
  • I haven't heard of that site. But I am familiar with intermittent fasting. Right now I do 16/8. Fasting is showing some surprising benefits besides weight control. I encourage researching :)
  • There's more to life than being really, really ridiculously good looking.
  • I gained weight this week but lost an inch on my hips and 1/2" on my thighs. The scale didn't tell me that. The scale said I failed, when I clearly made progress.
  • I'm 5'2" it's pretty much the perfect height ;) Stop weighing yourself. Just don't. The scale is a tool not an ultimate measure of your success. Find a tape measure and measure your waist, hips (I like to take two measurements one below the hip bone and one above) each thigh and your upper arms. Write them down with the…
  • I'm wearing A kitten-kraken t shirt at the moment ;) I used to be big into Sailor Moon and just finished blowing up aliens in Destiny. To be honest I'm weird ... But not so nerdy anymore. I don't have time for video games. And lost most interest in my old geeky ways to pursue photography. I mostly read and wear awesome…
  • :) sent a request!
  • Plan your day ahead of time. I plug everything in in the morning. If I know what I'm making the family for dinner I can adjust the rest of the day to get it right. I track my macros more carefully than calories, some days takes some fiddling. A scale definitely helps! Also at the beginning its easier to find a few food you…
  • Basically I never do the same workout twice. ;)
  • To answer the original. My schedule is based on what I feel. Ha! My schedule is so crazy with the kids I have to be flexible. I can tell by DOMS what areas I missed and grab them next time. Adding in cardio on my mood and what time I have but fairly regularly. I don't plan on being a runner again but hope to get back to a…
  • Hi! I'm not "new" but back at it as well. I think in terms of gains and fat loss not being compatable maybe it's meant in the extremes. No, you can't cut down to extreme low BF% while bulking. And can't make the most gains on a restricted diet BUT a little of both is possible. I have certainly lost fat and gained muscle.…
  • Any way you can get it done is awesome! I have insanity and a couple others I dust off now and then ;)
  • Gum. Brush your teeth a lot. Bring a lot to drink. Sparkling waters, coffee, tea. Plan on one or two snacks and bring them. Once you do a few nights it gets easier. It's just those first few!
  • Did I mention you can listen to audiobooks free through your library on the overdrive app ;) Libravox also has free recordings of books in the public domain. Usually poor quality but some aren't bad.
  • And I love Stuff You Should Know ;) I listen to photigraphy podcasts, motivational and history and Serial. Doesn't everyone? For books I'm mostly historical non-fiction and sometimes fiction.
  • I listen to loads of audiobooks and Podcasts. But I listen to audiobooks FREE through the overdrive app. Through your library. You need a library card, but I always have something to listen to. Sometimes you need to place a hold on a popular book. Did I mention FREE?
  • You can and I often do first thing in the morning ... But I wouldn't do a major WO ... You won't perform well.