SarahPeters3 Member


  • Everyone on here is right! The cardio part is up to you if you want to keep it going for cardio vascular health or if you need it to maintain your calories. Heavy lifting is not going to make you bulky it will grow you a nice booty though
  • I weight train for about 45 min's- 1hr a day and burn around 200 calorie's in that time you have to be in the gym for a few hours for 600-900. I agree it's your tracker that's off if you're sure you are logging calories right.
  • Yes definitely find something that's already put together it should be something chest Biceps one day then back and Triceps then legs another day and then shoulders and abs. You can break it down anyway you want but thats what I find works the easiest and doesn't over do your muscles
  • Have a 2 pound worth of deficit is alot first off. Start weight training and once you get into it if you find yourself out of energy add in some more calories for the day you'll still be at a deficit. Just make sure it's from good sources like protein
  • Only calories matter for weightloss but eating things with alot of sugar will prbably leave you hungry again in an hour...
  • Try even just doing 100 calories less and keep lifting heavy add it alot more protein and veggies fueling your body the right way has a huge impact on your energy levels try to cut out more sugar and replace it with those protein and healthy fats the last few pounds are all diet and really keeping tight to it!
  • Do you have anything to back this up because I'd love to read it! I don't think that's the case until you hit menopause our metabolisms don't really change either we just get less active as we age hence why we gain weight and think it's due to our metabolisms. Most people were much more active at 20 than they are now and…
  • I wouldn't push yourself too much maybe try light swimming if you have acess?
  • Since you exercise eating 1300 calories is probably still putting you in a deficit everyday which is what really matters. As long as you eat less calories than you burn make your macros whatever you want them to be its that simple. Eating more protein and fats is just going to keep you full longer which is why people tend…
  • Heavy lifting is alot better than body weight when it comes to "toning" your muscle. It's works the muscles alot more to better preserve them while losing weight
  • Since you're 5'3" you probably don't want to go any lower weight wise 110 is on the low end as it is. It sounds to me like you just need to build muscle at this point instead of trying to lose more weight. Eat at maintenance and lift heavier with either the same or less cardio whatever you prefer but liftin heavier weights…
  • As long as you don't feel fatigue or weak all the time you should be okay where you're at you'll know if you aren't eating enough by how much energy you have
  • The only time any macro nutrient is burned for fuel in the sense youre saying is when you're burning more calories than you consume and your body has to turn to those macro nutrients stored in your body for fuel hence weightloss :) protein is always going to count for calories, 4kcal to be exact, just as fats and carbs are…
  • Any food as long as your calories in are less than calories out. If you're having a hard time with that try to stick to lots of meats and load up on the veggies they have little calories and make you full fast. Yogurt is good and helps with digestion and salads can help with keeping you full if you put chicken in them!…
  • If you're having a hard time with energy levels try only dropping your calories by 100 and make sure you're eating lots of protein from meats or other sources and fiber from veggies it makes a big difference I have steamed vegetables for dinner last night with a little rice and was full for the night!
  • Goodwill! I've found lulu leggings for 5 dollars and countless nike shirts and zip ups for under 10 each as long as they're in good condition I just wash them first and they're fine!
  • Try walking on an incline or eliptical rather than running it will maintain your muscle. If you've reached your goal weight eat at maintenance and weightlifting heavy for fewer reps. If not eat at a small deficit and still lift heavy. I love using the cable machines at the gym hooked to an ankle strap and doing kick backs…
  • It's a little of both it is strength training using your body weight usually and incorporates stretching
  • If you really want to seen trends over time pick a day every week to measure but there's nothing wrong with doing it everyday
  • You're not giving your body the right fuel I weigh 130 pounds and can eat 1700 calories a day and still lose weight. If you're working out that much you're probably burning alot more than 1300 calories and shoukd be eating more to create less of a deficit to provide for steady and reasonable weightloss.
  • If you're still breast feeding Ive seen alot of people warned not to go under 1800 calories a day ask your doctor to be safe. Worry about your baby first the weight will come off later!
  • Running can have an impact on muscle mass just make sure you keep your protein intake high.
  • I always enter everything in mfp and look at my fitbit app for the calories I have left I find it more accurate as it shows calories in vs out rather than adding and subtracting exercise and all that in mfp.
  • If you're still having the pain after 2 weeks you're body is probably telling you to give it a rest. You should see a doctor if it continues I know you have an event but it's not worth injuring yourself over!
  • The charge HR is great I love mine I'm considering upgrading to the blaze because it has more features for 50 dollars more but the charge is great if you don't need the extra features on the screen. The fitbit website let's you compare side by side
  • Weightlifitng can have an impact on lose skin but there's not a whole lot that can be done otherwise besides surgery
  • Eat less until you get it checked out
  • We just got a vitamix and it's worth the money it even cleans itself cant beat that!
  • Eat less if you can't get rid of your stomach that's all fat so a deficit will get rid of it.
  • I second this! The watermelon flavor is the best.