SarahKratos Member


  • Faye- thanks for the information! I will do some research. <3 Sarah
  • I would definitely love information! I did have chicken pox as a child. I also had a hole in my left eardrum when I was younger caused by a washer from a watch that was in my ear. Not sure how that got there but when the Dr. said he pulled out a washer I pictured a washing machine...I must have been very young. No hearing…
  • Help! I woke up this morning with vertigo!! I have had it before and tried the Epley maneuver and that really intensified the dizziness and made me extremely sick! I laid in bed this morning until the spinning stopped and I am moving very gingerly! I think I know what the trigger for it is. I went on a long bike ride the…
  • Faye thanks! I’m glad you found the spoiler! If you ever want to use it for pictures or a “rant” you find that option under the paragraph icon just click on it and then click on spoiler. You might want to try it out for fun!! <3 Sarah
  • Thanks for the remarks on my she shed! We built it from scratch! The only things we had help with was plumbing and final electrical hook up. My DH ran all the wires. It took 7 weeks to get done! <3 Sarah
  • Hello ladies! With my anxiety I was unable to stay on this site due to way too much posting about Covid back in March. Looks like that has calm down a little bit on here. Just thought I would touch base and let you know what I have been up to.
  • Hi! You may remember me from last year! I am back on track hopefully! I have been reading the posts and am caught up! Amber My husband and I are retired and on a fixed income. We rent our house out to supplement our income. We really need our renter in order to pay our bills! It’s bad enough that the government ordered no…
  • Janetr- you are very inspirational. I wish I would have kept an old pair of pants around to compare to where I am now. :) Sarah
  • Been extremely busy. Weight is very, very slowly going down. I've been staying very close to my calorie goal. Just like Lucy I've been extremely hungry. I think my body is noticing I'm eating less and complaining. :) Sarah
  • Lucy - I bought protein powder at Cosco. A cup of that will fill you up and hold you over till supper and very good for you.
  • Trish- sorry about your loss ((( <3 )))
  • Katla & Barbara - Curious as to why all this talk about tsunamis. My favorite taste is orange and I have loved that flavor ever since I was a child. Orange slices bring back memories every once in a while I have to have some. Texture is a little harder but I remember the very soft texture of my grandma's cheek. I went to…
  • Hello everyone! This is a very busy thread! We got up early for the ladies breakfast here. I logged that and the rest of my food for the day. I like to know what I am going to eat for the day so that it fits into my calorie limit. I will go do my exercise next. Then see about going for a hike later this afternoon. Such…
  • Michele- thanks. I had a great time there and did not go over calories! :) Sarah
  • The place I am most grateful for is Heaven. I look forward very much to be in the presence of God one day. I did my exercise with the kettle bell today. Starting out slow. I am saving all my calories for going to the Golden corral today for the early bird special rate for seniors. There is a large group of us going. I…
  • Michele- thanks. You must have also had great fun watching soccer :) I can picture that! My favorite book was one we had to read at school. That was then, This is now. It was made into a movie. Young men in bad home situations and choices that forever changed their adult lives. I'm exercising daily. I started swinging a…
  • I have very negative childhood memories but I have fond memories of watching my children learn how to play hockey at the early age of three. They could hardly skate and when they lifted their stick to hit the puck they would tip over like dominos. It was funny to watch as most all of them would be scrambling to get back up…
  • :) I also was shut off from MFP yesterday. I missed a whole day of logging. I recently turned 61 years old. I exercise daily. I enjoy strength training. I also hike and swim. My husband and I are going to be purchasing E-bikes soon. I have been retired for six years now. My husband retired last year. We have become what…
  • Janetr- beautiful girls! :) Sarah
  • November Goals 1. Stay within calorie goal except 4 days. 2. Exercise 6 out of seven days a week. 3. Cut down on sweets. 4. Lose 4 pounds. 5. Record in diary daily. 6. Walk and have fun daily. Hopefully this will be accomplished without too many problems! Word for the month - consistency Sarah
  • Beth - you have an inspirational outlook on life. ((( Hugs to you and your family ))) Sarah
  • Sharon- it is actually a book! I think you're right about eating one sweet leads to another. :) Sarah
  • Good morning ladies! I noticed that several ofyou bold print when you talk to others. And yes this is a very chatty group. Tracey- Happy Birthday! Heather- good luck on your move! We have moved as well and it is a lot of work! But so worth it. Enjoy your new home. Sarah
  • Thanks for the welcome ladies! Cindy - I know all about binges! I was fine with my calories until later in the evening then I went way over! I need to get a grip on my sweet tooth. Maybe I can ask the dentist to pull it :D Sarah
  • Kim- thanks for the welcome! I think we are a lot alike. I try to hold off too. I think I obsess more about food since I started trying to lose my weight. Sarah
  • Hello everyone! I would like to join the discussion! I need to lose my last 35 lbs and would like the support of ladies my age. So far I have lost 50 lbs. I love to eat sweets so this is really hard for me. There are so many calories in that type of food :# I'm trying to follow the cupcake diet. If you read that book you…
  • Knitormiss- thanks for the information. I had no idea that there was anything but either being in the state of ketosis or out of it. I didn't know that there was a gray area. I am new to this. Also I thought that this thread was specifically to be meticulous which I took as a challenge thread where you wanted to be very…
  • Thanks for the information. How do you determine that you are in ketosis? In response to who I wrote my post toward, no certain individual. I just considered this thread a challenge and instead of hearing success all I was hearing was failure. I know that life happens but it is very easy to make excuses. I right now am…