
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,310 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Michele below is a link to the recipe I use for fudge. I've used it for years and years and it always turns out perfectly.


    Janetr OKC

    I have used this recipe too, it always turns out great! A candy thermometer is a must for me.

  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,310 Member
    I hope you are happily in your new home Heather!

    Safe travels Lisa!

    No lentil recipes KJ. I have only cooked them once and just cooked them in chicken stock with some spices and then used them to bulk up my egg white veggie scrambles. I think I will cook some this weekend after my girlfriend leaves with some veggies added in and use them in scrambles or as soup next week.

    Sorry you have to lose your bird feeder Allie. My hub loves watching the birds (and squirrels) on his. I cleaned out the fridge yesterday after the company all left and threw everything out in the side yard for the deer and other wildlife.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,042 Member
    Morning again ladies-
    I am just feeling a bit off.mentally have to shake it off...
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    (((Sue and Husband)) Prayers for you both!

    Carol in GA
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,615 Member
    Kelly - for lentil and bean recipes, try pulses.org - it's a very neat website with lots of recipes! If you like Progresso Lentil Soup, let me know and I'll repost my own version.

    Wizzywig - yes, skim! Helps to be retired, lol. And bored some days. Kelly has it nailed = we often post what's going on not really expecting an answer or conversation to ensue. Funny what gets us going sometimes.

    Lisa - sending you strength to get through this long day. Tomorrow at this time you'll be back home and able to take some time and sort thru all of this with Corey at your side.

    Heather - could they disassemble that exercise machine to make it easier to get down the stairs - or onto the first floor? I'm sure they have a method.... crossing fingers that neither the machine or movers get damaged.

    - glad your daughter is back in her house and I hope there's no mold. What a mess. Where was she working - any chance her job will resume at some point?

    I wanted to mention how proud I am of Ginger going on a social media hiatus for 2 weeks.

    Have a good day, ladies!

    SW WA State
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,527 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    So...I am beginning to search for recipes using lentils and beans. Does anyone have a favorite recipe or website they go to that they would like to share?

    ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)

    I use these ... and we had the Dhal Makhani tonight with chicken, rice and veg. :)



    Machka in Oz

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    DanaReel: Welcome back! You’ve been missed. It is good to know that you’ve had a little fun along the way. I hope the surgery that you’re discussing with your doctor turns out well. :star:

    Heather: Happy moving day! :heart:

    (((Sue in WA))): Sending prayers & good thoughts your way. I hope the medicine for your DH can be gotten through Medicare or with help from the manufacturer. Is he eligible for Medicare? :flowerforyou:

    We’re having work done on our windows. The ones that we had replaced last year needed a fix to keep bugs out, and that has been done. I’m quite pleased with the change, and hope it actually keeps bugs out of my house. Work on replacing windows in the guest bedroom and guest bathroom is in progress. So far, supplies are being collected and are being stored in the neighbor’s garage.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    I tried to go to early voting today and gave up and came home! There must have been 150 cars there! I had to park very far away and finally got down the hill and into a line that was way down the sidewalk. Decided that my knees could not stand that long so trudged back up the hill. Told my husband that maybe if I waited until Nov 6th that everyone else would have already voted.

    Carol in GA
  • SarahKratos
    SarahKratos Posts: 58 Member
    Good morning ladies! I noticed that several ofyou bold print when you talk to others. And yes this is a very chatty group.

    Tracey- Happy Birthday!

    Heather- good luck on your move! We have moved as well and it is a lot of work! But so worth it. Enjoy your new home.

  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,310 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Michele Rodney Yee=eye candy indeed! :naughty: Speaking of candy, this fudge never fails me. Only things I do differently is to melt the chocolate chips VERY SLOWLY over a double boiler. Never let the water do more than simmer. Then let the fudge come to room temperature before putting in fridge. For me, the secret to chocolate success is to slow everything down.

    This was the microwave method my Dad always used. It never failed him.

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Michele below is a link to the recipe I use for fudge. I've used it for years and years and it always turns out perfectly.


    Janetr OKC

    I have used this recipe before, and concur that its awesome!!
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,615 Member
    edited October 2018
    1948Peachy wrote: »
    I tried to go to early voting today and gave up and came home! There must have been 150 cars there! I had to park very far away and finally got down the hill and into a line that was way down the sidewalk. Decided that my knees could not stand that long so trudged back up the hill. Told my husband that maybe if I waited until Nov 6th that everyone else would have already voted.

    Carol in GA

    Carol - for years I'd always apply for an absentee ballot since it was just easier that way - driving to the polling place at night was a hassle plus I didn't like to feel "rushed". Would it be possible for you to get set up like that in the future?

    WA State is now all mail-in ballot. Election workers just have to match signatures and slit envelopes and double check that dead folks didn't come back to life and try to vote, lol. Seems to work very well in our small county. They love it when we vote early.

    SW WA State
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Michele below is a link to the recipe I use for fudge. I've used it for years and years and it always turns out perfectly.


    Janetr OKC

    I have used this recipe too, it always turns out great! A candy thermometer is a must for me.


    I need to buy a candy thermometer! When I moved mine broke the end bulb thingy!😕
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    FUDGE!!- lol this is the fudge recipe I use for grown ups. I am not a fan of Jack Daniels, so I substitute a wonderful local cherry bourbon. Tastes like chocolate covered cherries with a punch! I only make this once a year (Christmas) and make sure I send the majority of it home with others.

    5 c sugar(2 pounds)
    2 stick unsalted butter
    1 c whole milk
    11/2 tsp vanilla extract
    1 pkg of semi sweet chocolate morsels
    25 large marshmallows, ripped in half
    21/2 c powdered sugar
    3/4 c jack daniels, or a whiskey you really like. you will be able to really taste it!

    1. Whisk whiskey with confectioner’s sugar, and set aside.
    2. Foil and butter a 9 x 13 (or larger) baking pan.
    3. Put sugar, butter, milk, and vanilla in a large pot with a heavy bottom. Stirring steadily until mixture boils, continue stirring while letting it boil for 3 minutes (time it, this is important). Remove from heat.
    4. Add the marshmallows and chocolate, stirring until all of it is melted and blended into the sugar mix.
    5. Give whiskey mixture a quick stir, and add it to the pot, stirring until fully incorporated.
    6. Pour into a greased pan, and chill. Let mellow for a day before cutting.
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Lanette: Right now is Georgia there is a big fight among legislatures about the signatures on absentee ballots having to exact matches to the original filed. The argument is that some people's signatures change a lot as they age, etc. Don't know what the end will be on that controversy.

    Carol in GA
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,615 Member
    edited October 2018
    1948Peachy wrote: »
    Lanette: Right now is Georgia there is a big fight among legislatures about the signatures on absentee ballots having to exact matches to the original filed. The argument is that some people's signatures change a lot as they age, etc. Don't know what the end will be on that controversy.

    Carol in GA

    Carol - that is an understandable concern. Next time I'm in town, I'll ask our Elections Supervisor how that is handled. I know they have representatives from both parties present - perhaps if there appears to be a discrepancy on a signature, someone from each party will say "yay" or "nay". If agreed on, the ballot goes thru. I'm just guessing. I do know that someone from elections is always checking death notices to ensure the ballots aren't sent out to those who are deceased. They've been known to vote too, lol.

    SW WA State
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 394 Member
    Katla - I often wonder if the rufous hummingbirds I see in summer are the same, or descendants of last year’s. They hang outside my picture window where I used to feed them, like they’re expecting me to come out and set up. We have Anna’s here year ‘round, and other than stopping at my tree to rest they know I’m out of the hummer feeding business. My whole neighborhood has feeders up all year, so I don’t feel too bad about missing it this year.

    Lanette - I went back for my 50th reunion in ‘11 and was shocked by how many were gone from us. My class was about 400, and I’d say a good ¼-⅓ have passed. Many were unrecognizable, but a number I’d have known instantly, even without the name tags. They say my face is unchanged too. My mirror says they’re wrong.

    Heather UK - We list elms here in the USA too. My parents bought a house because of the lovely huge elm on the front yard in ‘56. It was gone by ‘60.

    Machka, your photos are lovely! You have such a smiling, positive face!

    Cynthia! Love the photo of Pigo! For the old comic strip, I presume?

    Barbie - I love standard poodles, but Heinz 57 doggos are great too! I may think of getting one if my walking comes back next year. It IS your own private world early in the am. I’m a late riser, but on camping trips I was always up at the break of day just because of that.

    Sharon, AHMOC, near Seattle
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Kelly I swear by the "Red Lentil Soup with lemon" recipe on New York Times website. I eat it regularly through fall and winter, cheap, delicious and filling.

    Heather after all the ups and downs, and the long long wait! So happy for you, congratualtions.

    A satisfying day of teaching, I am a lucky person, to do something I love. Now, off the couch and onto the treadmill! :o

  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 394 Member
    Beth! One of the things I think most kids remember with horror is “dodgeball”! I’d have “nope”d right out of that too!

    SarahKratos, Welcome. I never heard of the cupcake diet. That’s probably a VERY GOID THING for me, lol! One sweet leads to another if I even get started.

    Kim, you are so right. Each of us walk our own path.
    And a scarecrow costume sounds just perfect. Hope it scares bees too!

    Ginger, I’ve thought of the same, but I’m not ready yet. My online communities are a major part of my social contact.

    Barbara, AHMOD! Ok, we won’t. Talk about house cleaning. At all. For now.

    Lisa, I’m a very, very sociable person, but I too am a dreader. I talk myself out of gatherings I know I would enjoy just because of the bother of getting ready, and of getting there. I’m so hoping I will have more energy as the weight starts to come off after my surgery!

    Margaret - isn’t spending time with youngsters great? I have no nieces or nephews, but LOTS of grands. They keep me young!

    Sarah, I have seven teeth left, and my dentist still hasn’t found that one!

    Dana, my heart aches for your daughter and all who lost so much! I hope she can build her client base in Destin.

    Rebecca, my neighbor is from Denmark, and he and his wife are living examples of “hygge culture”. I’m taking lessons out of that book myself!

    Snowflake! So glad to see you post again!

    Oh dear, Allie! Hugs!

    Sue, what awful news! I’m so sorry. If you need support in the area I’m just out in Issaquah.

    Sharon, AHMOC, near Seattle
  • SarahKratos
    SarahKratos Posts: 58 Member
    Sharon- it is actually a book! I think you're right about eating one sweet leads to another. :)

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,042 Member
    I'm home and in bed..
    Yeahhhhhhh Heather I'm glad and hope the wait was worth it ...can't wait for pictures.
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 394 Member
    WizzyWug - don’t even try. I just did, and it’s used my entire morning. (Which I might have spent eating otherwise!)

    Barbara, AHMOD - The first time I tried to cut the box oatmeal recipe in half I cut the time and heat level in half too. Ugh!

    Lanette, they can also contact you if there’s a question on signature and ask you to bring ID down as proof.

    Karen, your grandson is thriving. Perhaps his success with your methods will help modify his family’s thoughts about how it’s done.

    I too am devastated at the sad news from PA. Many of my friends are Jewish, and I notice I’m seeing nothing on their social media at all. I think I can empathize w that.

    Sharon, near Seattle.