
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    SHARON that place in mexico sounds amazing.

    Here its a reasonably priced find for last minute high season.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    So interesting and also has me laughing all the bra topless etc stories.
    Yes in germany saunas are 100%nude and mixed gender. No big deal. In one hot tub place in iceland (there are many) one had to shower nude w soap in big open womens shower to b sure you were really cleaning but wore swimsuit in hottub. I went to the y in Manhattan last year abd this woman was complaining about "new people who aren't naked in sauna" (i was wearong swim suit andit was about 50-50 swimsuit and naked...
  • SarahKratos
    SarahKratos Posts: 58 Member
    Sarah Don't try the Epley maneuver again unless you get a qualified dx. The ringing in the ears with vertigo isn't a good sign. Did you feel nauseous with vertigo? Do you notice any hearing loss over the last few months? It sounds what you are experiencing is an endolymph surge rather than crystal moving in the inner ear. If it is an endolymph surge then, the quick action of the Epley maneuver may cause a larger surge and can result in permanent damage to the endolymph sac or worse cause a perilymph fistula. The Epley maneuver is only good for BPPV which is positional vertigo caused by the crystal being in the semicircular canal. Please let me know and I can recommend articles that I know are approved by specialists and not internet doctors wanna be's. This can be controlled with diet and exercise. I am not a doctor but have dedicated many years to inner ear study. This may also be a virus that is causing the endolymph surges with the most common one being the varicella-zoster herpes virus. Did you have chickenpox as a child? Shingles?


    I would definitely love information! I did have chicken pox as a child. I also had a hole in my left eardrum when I was younger caused by a washer from a watch that was in my ear. Not sure how that got there but when the Dr. said he pulled out a washer I pictured a washing machine...I must have been very young. No hearing loss that I noticed. But, I do get nauseous.

    <3 Sarah
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Faye: I am impressed with your medical knowledge. Do you have formal medical training, or are you very interested and do your own research? :flowerforyou: On another topic, I’ll pass on the senior’s topless movement, but I hope those who are interested will have fun. :star:

    Bananas: I remember seeing a photo of a very elderly Brigitte Bardot topless at the beach in France. The photo didn’t inspire me to try it myself. :noway:

    I had several serious sunburns as a child when there was no such thing as effective sunscreen. We are lucky now that good sunscreens are available and get the job of skin protection done, provided we remember to refresh the sunscreen, especially if we get wet and accidentally wash it off.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,735 Member
    Rebecca Were you ever in Popina's custom swimwear in Portland? Still mad at myself for giving all the retro styling 2 piece outfits I bought there. Spent a few thousand over the years. I gave the last one away after Zek made the common that with the high waist and cheeky back, it looked like a diaper on me. I still have a photo wearing it and he was right.

    I haven't been there, but then I am not much of a swimwear fan. Sounds like cute swimsuits though. I pretty much just wear the wrinkly suit I got.👍
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,656 Member
    Glad you are safe, Allie. <3

    Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    Sarah Sadly the articles that I wanted to share is now available only if you join a medical site and pay. That really upsets me. All the articles I could find still refer to full-blown Endolymphatic Hydrops as Meniere's Disease. Meniere's refers to symptoms described by Dr. Meniere back in the 1800's and it is not a disease but symptoms of full-blown hydrops that scientist refer to as Endolymphatic Hydrops gone Meniere. The internet is full of bad info
    that still fuels the Meniere advocates that profit off claiming this is a mysterious disease that is little understood. That is just wrong! I see many online support groups with their sponsors making a living off selling ads.

    With that set aside your symptoms seem to fit hydrops more than BPPV. Endolymphatic hydrops is simply your system producing an endolymph fluid rush that expands the endolymph sac and forces it up against the boney labyrinth where it leak positively charged potassium into the negatively charged sodium and this mixture is toxic to the nerve hairs and causes vertigo which many times causes a nauseous feeling and possibly vomiting. It is also famous for causing ear or ears to ring or tinnitus. As the surge subsides the ringing may lessen or even stop. Many of these attacks can lead to permanent hearing loss.

    Should the endolymph sac not seal tight and leaking still occurs dizziness and vertigo will last until it gets sealed and that requires getting the endolymph fluid controlled. Endolymphatic hydrops is for life and never cured but can be controlled. I was 3 years in bed with daily vertigo even while on the diet and antiviral. I had my first attack 20 years ago and last 2012.

    The diet is basically the SEARS diet and any healthy balanced diet will work. The balance of protein, fats, and carbs is important. Study the Sears diet. The things that really helped me was my vitamin D was way low, I wasn't taking the antiviral in a large enough amount and the low sodium was a mistake. Meniere's advocates love to teach the low sodium intake and valium pill-popping lifestyle that keeps folks sick.

    You may not have Endolympth Hydrops, but following the Sears diet is good for anyone of any weight and age. Many use it to lose weight as well as control inner ear fluid. Virus is the #1 cause of Endolympth Hydrops with trauma being second. The thing is the Varicella Zoster virus can be controlled with daily, for life, Acyclovir or my favorite Valacyclovir. The virus does NOT have to break out in shingles to be active and destroy inner ear nerves and other brain nerves. Finding a doctor that will prescribe antiviral for hydrops caused vertigo is hard. I would refer them to the book, "Viral Neuropathies in the Temporal Bone" by Dr's RR and MR Gacek. It saved my life as when the neurologist worked with my neuro-otologist, they stopped the inner ear and also brain nerve damage that resembles MS. Ar age 50 my brain MRI looked like the brain of an 80-year-old. Now nearing 70 it still looks 80, so at 80 I am hoping to get a normal and age-appropriate MRI.

    Hope this helps and be careful with the Epley mauver if you chose to try it again. I have both BPPV and Endolymphatic Hydrops and the difference is hydrops vertigo makes you feel very sick and nauseous resulting in uncontrollable vomiting with tinnitus and sometimes a sudden change in hearing and usually last for hours, whereas BPPV last a much shorter time. The after-effects of hydrops will leave you dizzy and feeling weak and off-balance and may take days or months to overcome. I have to be careful with the Epley mauver with my hydrops and healed fistula. I use heat on one side and cold pack on the other method with slow head changes and it eventually gets the crystals back where they came. I designed this treatment after the VNG test, but instead of causing vertigo, it helps stop it if from BPPV.

    Former dizzy FAYE hoping you get this controlled soon.

  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Today is National Night Out!

    "[In the U.S.], National Night Out is dedicated to building relationships between communities and law enforcement. The day and the events that take place on it bring together police and neighbors under positive circumstances. It is also designed to raise awareness about police programs in communities, such as drug prevention programs, and town and neighborhood watch. National Night Out is held on the first Tuesday in August, except in Texas and a few other locations, where it is celebrated on the first Tuesday in October. Events on the day may be small or large and often include block parties, cookouts, parades, and festivals. Community events with seminars, safety demonstrations, youth events, exhibits, visits from emergency personnel, and more are also often held. Events are generally organized by block watches, police departments, companies, and nonprofit organizations."

    Faye - About dirty gyms... I only use the equipment in ours. I've never even been in the locker room. We are getting by OK without but I do miss the strength training. I was just beginning to make some progress when we stopped going due to the plague.

    Debbie - Mosquito fish are another name for gambusia. They are hearty little fish - I think they could stay alive in a mud puddle! I just added the algaecide yesterday after letting the pond aerate with the new fountain for a day. I'm not sure how long it'll take for it to start taking effect but the aeration alone has already made the water look clearer. Funny story: We lived here for three years before we discovered that there were fish in the rain barrels!

    Barbara - Best wishes to your nephew and his family. That sounds really scary. I hope his boys have many more good years with him.

    Tracey - Your welcome sign looks like it's going to be gorgeous!

    drkatiebug - I'm about the same bra size as you - think my last one was a 38 GGG. And no, I rarely go braless even around the house although I will sometimes switch from an underwire to a less supportive bra when I'm at home. I went to a specialty store for a bra fitting and a couple of outrageously expensive new bras, and now when I need a new one I order the same model and size online to save a little money. I actually tried one of those stick-on Wonda-Bras with hilarious results.

    Annie - Glad Isaias didn't hit you too hard!

    No National Night Out for us as our town sensibly celebrates it in the fall when the temperatures are more reasonable. I need to do some meal planning because we've run out of easy meals and are in danger of reaching for the mac-and-cheese and pizza soon.

    Wishing everyone a good evening (or morning, or afternoon, or whatever it is where you are!).

    -Yvonne in TX
  • SarahKratos
    SarahKratos Posts: 58 Member
    Faye- thanks for the information! I will do some research.

    <3 Sarah
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,174 Member
    ydailey wrote: »
    Today is National Night Out!


    Debbie - Mosquito fish are another name for gambusia. They are hearty little fish - I think they could stay alive in a mud puddle! I just added the algaecide yesterday after letting the pond aerate with the new fountain for a day. I'm not sure how long it'll take for it to start taking effect but the aeration alone has already made the water look clearer. Funny story: We lived here for three years before we discovered that there were fish in the rain barrels!

    Wishing everyone a good evening (or morning, or afternoon, or whatever it is where you are!).

    -Yvonne in TX

    Let me know how the pond turns out- My parents had gold fish in the tub/trough for the animals that survived for a long time until they had a really hard frost-the survived when there was a small amount of ice on the top but I guess that was too much for them.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,916 Member
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    edited August 2020
    Yvonne The gyms are a great source of equipment that many can't afford or have room for at home. It really makes it hard being closed. I know some younger that just gave up after the gyms closed again.

    Katla After my first attack I was sent to Dr. Epley and Dr. Black in Portland. I love science, doing research, and experimenting. After they saw my interest and I volunteered to participate in the research center, they would make copies from medical text for me so I could understand what was happening to me. They recommended many medical text that I could purchase. Very expensive but I love to learn about anything affecting my health and life so I gladly paid the price. I have sold off most of those text and gave many to my PCP so she could understand what the specialist was referring to in my records. I learned a lot about virus and wish I had access to more info on this Chinese born virus.

    What I do know that many don't realize is that the virus laced droplets do not turn corners. If someone coughs away from you, they won't reverse and hunt you down as many fear. Also from what I learned from a neurologist is that coronaviruses mainly spread by hand. It is more important to sanitize your hands when entering a store and when you leave than it is wearing a mask. I wear one too get along and make others feel at ease, but when I see 2 out of 10 sanitizing their hands entering and leaving a grocery store, I have no doubt why the virus is spreading. I avoid any place that doesn't offer hand sanitizer. The mask may slow the virus but hand sanitizing by everyone will stop it.

    Also if someone infected coughs in your face and you are not wearing glasses or goggles, but wearing a mask over nose and mouth, then your eyes will absorb it. I make my own super sanitizer from Everclear and clear aloe vera. I mix a 10 to 1 ratio. 1/10 aloe and 9/10 Everclear. I bought some witch hazel which is great for wiping the face. I am not sure a hasty hand washing kills the virus, so rub soap for several minutes before rinsing. Out East in the state for awhile helping an old friend install handrails and other safety guards.

    Faye - wishing all a great day or night.
    Be safe ladies, the world needs us.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Faye: Thank you for the information. I wear my mask, and I also wear my glasses. I never suspected how important my glasses might be to my over all health, and particularly protecting me from airborne virus. :heart:

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,735 Member
    Faye, I appreciate your medical knowledge regarding vertigo. My husband has gotten the intense swirling vertigo twice. It was awful. All he could do was keep his eyes closed with his head over the toilet. The first time it was related to his bile duct being plugged. He recd a liver transplant back in 2014 and in 2016 he had a whole year of monthly stents put in to keep his duct open. His new liver connected to his old body were different gauges of piping. I guess the vertigo was one indication of plumbing issues. He has had another surgery to mainline his liver to his intestines, so not plumbing issues anymore. Ah, the complexities and miracles of the human body.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,042 Member
    Yvonne- i know those stick on ones.. aren't they a hoot,i tried them with hysterical results myself...
    Going to go to sleep and get up early if needed..
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,527 Member
    Help! I woke up this morning with vertigo!! I have had it before and tried the Epley maneuver and that really intensified the dizziness and made me extremely sick! I laid in bed this morning until the spinning stopped and I am moving very gingerly! I think I know what the trigger for it is. I went on a long bike ride the day before yesterday and my ears were extremely cold from the wind. Then last night I had ringing in my ear. It’s my left ear. Hopefully it will go away!! Any tips would be appreciated!

    <3 Sarah

    You might have a look at this website: https://vestibular.org/understanding-vestibular-disorder

    That's where I went first to find out more about my husband's issues.

    Also, you might see if there is someone in your area who specialises in vestibular disorder. It is best to get a proper diagnosis and be treated by someone who knows what they are looking for and doing. I've been so impressed by my husband's physiotherapist. She has taken all sorts of training, in addition to basic physiotherapy, in vestibular disorders.

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,527 Member
    What I do know that many don't realize is that the virus laced droplets do not turn corners. If someone coughs away from you, they won't reverse and hunt you down as many fear. Also from what I learned from a neurologist is that coronaviruses mainly spread by hand. It is more important to sanitize your hands when entering a store and when you leave than it is wearing a mask. I wear one too get along and make others feel at ease, but when I see 2 out of 10 sanitizing their hands entering and leaving a grocery store, I have no doubt why the virus is spreading. I avoid any place that doesn't offer hand sanitizer. The mask may slow the virus but hand sanitizing by everyone will stop it.

    Also if someone infected coughs in your face and you are not wearing glasses or goggles, but wearing a mask over nose and mouth, then your eyes will absorb it. I make my own super sanitizer from Everclear and clear aloe vera. I mix a 10 to 1 ratio. 1/10 aloe and 9/10 Everclear. I bought some witch hazel which is great for wiping the face. I am not sure a hasty hand washing kills the virus, so rub soap for several minutes before rinsing. Out East in the state for awhile helping an old friend install handrails and other safety guards.

    Faye - wishing all a great day or night.
    Be safe ladies, the world needs us.

    Tasmania's Ongoing Advice ... happily it also helps prevent flu! :)


  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    Rebecca It is interesting how many other problems can trigger inner ear problems. The liver can really play heck with other organs and can cause endolymph surges. Old age can also cause endolymph surges and imbalance as our inner ear balance mechanisms deteriorate. Your hubs sound like a tough guy that has been through a lot. If vertigo and vomiting ever return, once he can get to bed have him lay elevated at 35-40 degrees with his head looking up at the ceiling and hold it still and apply a folded cold wet rag to his forehead and over his eyes and keep it refreshed for hours if necessary. It is a slice of heaven that my old neighbor a retired paramedic did for me when he saw me have a drop attack on my patio and once the vomiting stopped and my head felt like it would explode, applied this simple therapy and stayed until a friend could arrive. Another great thing I learned from him was don't go to the toilet to vomit, use a large zip lock bag wipe your mouth and put in the tissue and zip it up, once full put it in another bag like plastic grocery bag and tie it up and dispose of it. No mess no smell no big clean up like using a wastebasket. Also easy to sit up and get back down without leaving the bed. I pass these tips along in hopes of helping someone as I was helped. Enjoy that precious great-grandchild. I love holding babies and making funny sounds to make them laugh.

    Faye winding down nearing
    time for a sleepy lullaby
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,493 Member
    Vince decided to cut the grass today since it’s so nice out and not real humid or hot. Tomorrow supposedly there is going to be rain.

    Cut the grass and used the weedwacker. I don’t know what it is, but I am soooo tired. Normally, I don’t feel this way.

    Karen – ROTF

    Sarah – a washer from a watch?????

    – I almost never use the weight machines at the gym. To me, they isolate the muscle too much. They are good for rehab, tho. The one machine I think is pretty good at the gym is the dip machine. On that you’re using multiple muscles. On the others you’re basically sitting or lying down which is why I almost never use them. I go to the gym mainly to use the equipment like the elliptical, treadmill, stationary bike. That way I don't have them at home taking up room

    Michele NC
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,527 Member
    trucker743 wrote: »
    Welcome Freya Clair Noland! My first newborn great grandchild.

    She is definitely the target of many masked figures, but kidnap is NOT on their minds. Really. Well, I’d consider it, but my grandson Joey and his lady, Aaliyah seem pretty attached.

    Much love to all of you!
    Sharon Near Seattle

    Congratulations!! :)