
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,916 Member
    edited November 2018
    Happy Thanksgiving Day to those celebrating.

    Today, I am thankful that I feel fit and healthy.

    Just recovered from a gastric upset brought on by too much rich food (sauce with main, and sticky toffee pudding for afters) at the restaurant on Sunday. My body has become quite dictatorial lately.

    Short bio
    I'm 72, and live in Northern Ireland. Married 52 years, and have 2 daughters and 3 grand'kids'.

    I'm retired, but work as a volunteer Group leader for a lifelong learning charity. I lead 5 groups, and belong to another 10, so am kept pretty busy. I love the Challenges on MFP as the keep me accountable. I'm assistant coach in charge of an optional strength Challenge for a small walking group.

    Pre 2015, when I joined MFP, I had hip problems whichnimpacted my mobility, and gained a lot of weight, which I had to shed to qualify for hip surgery. Lost 40lbs, got a new hip and have lost another 20. Trying to get down to a maintenance weight that gives me wriggle room for high days and holidays. 10 more lbs to go.

    I love all things arts and crafts, and am studying Shakespeare, Latin and art history, to name a few.

    November Daily Goals Doing fine on the goals, Minor drop on the scale this morning.
    ~ Pre-log; stay under goal; balance macros/micros; Hydrate adequately
    ~ 9,500+ Steps daily
    ~ 30+ minutes interval walking
    ~ 15+ mins lower body physio daily or ~ 15+ minutes arms/core/abs
    ~ 5 mins stretch before/after workouts
    ~ 10+ mins yoga or tai chi
    Daily Mindfulness Practice/meditation
    15 mins Daily Declutter session

    30 days of Gratitude in November
    1) Smell: I Love the smell of my Cocoa Butter Therapy treatment Oil. It reminds me of summer days.
    2) Technology: My Seniors Travel Pass, which allows me to travel free of charge anywhere in Ireland. Including state owned ferries and flights to various offshore islands, such as Rathlin and Aran.
    3) Colour: The clear deep blue of the autumn sky peeping through the rain clouds.
    4) Food: 🍫 What else needs to be said!
    5) Sound - the sound of hubby snoring in the middle of the night. Very reassuring
    6) In Nature - walking along the coastline which is just a mile from my home.
    7) Memory - nursing my 11 day old granddaughter at 6 am on her first Christmas morning.
    8) Book: The book which means the most to me is my Journal. I have been writing Journals for over 20 years. I started in hard-backed notebooks, and they have gone through many reincarnations. There are so many volumes they have their own shelves in my study. At present I am using a bullet Journal format. I also love all things sci-fi and art books.
    9) Favourite place: My favourite place is my garden. It's quiet and peaceful. It's taken us almost 40 years to create, and we have many mature trees which block out the houses around us. When we started, it was a flat field, with the countryside beyond, and a field of cows directly behind us. Now the town has washed past us, and we are in a leafy suburb.
    10) Taste: Today, I am grateful for the taste of the cup of tea Hubster just brought me. It reminds me of how fortunate I am to have him in my life.
    11) Holiday: The annual family holiday we have with our elder daughter and her 'children'. I am amazed that they still want to have holidays with their grandparents.
    12) Texture: I like the crunchy texture of a fresh crisp apple.
    13) Abilities: I have a knack of zoning things out, which comes in very handy at times. I was always a dreamy child, and I have never given up the habit.
    Loving the variety of Gratitude entries from everyone. Noticed a few people with similar answers to mine, so I'm obviously not as odd as I thought! 😂😂😂
    14) Sight: The sight of the dawnlight when I opened my eyes. It means that I had a good night's sleep, and wasn't up before daylight.
    15) Season: It has to be Autumn. The colours are spectacular, and I love kicking through the piles of leaves in the woods.
    16) Body: I am grateful that my body has responded so well to the changes in my lifestyle, and that it seems to heal itself quickly.
    17) Knowledge: I am eternally grateful for all knowledge, but especially grateful that experience has taught me that if we believe we can do something, we will find a way to get there. This knowledge keeps me trying, and looking for ways to benefit from ALL the that Fate sends my way.
    18) Piece of Art: Art is one of my chief interests, so choosing one piece is impossible. I love the huge piece of work by David Hockney depicting his native Yorkshire. It was composed of lots of 6'x4' canvases painted in situ. Really like his recent works using iPad technology. Also love Barbara Hepworth and Henry Moore sculptures. I could go on, but there are too many to mention.
    19) Touch: My husband's hand in mine. We often hold hands when we are out walking.
    20) Person: My dearest Mother-in-Law, (God rest her soul). She welcomed me into her family and treated me as the daughter she never had. She was good to all her daughter's-in-law. She said if she kept them happy, they would look after her boys.
    21) Song: This one makes me want to dance!
    But this one is my anthem!
    22) Story: I love stories, per se! At the moment it's Game of Thrones. I am working my way through the books.

    Irish Terri


  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Morning, afternoon, and evening my friends...

    Happy Thanksgiving, my dears, and my appreciation for your presence in my life continues without bounds. For those of you across the pond, welcome to our truly American tradition, one of the few we haven't pirated from you! :)

    Sharon in Seattle - Congrats on your surgery date! I hope it's swift and without issue, and you have an amazing recovery. Watching your body shrink afterward is amazing, but you will find it disrupts everything in your life, one way or another, both positive and a few negatives. Sleep patterns change, coping issues rise up, as we've always used food to cope. A few things you've probably already heard, but worth remembering. The change to your appetite does not last forever. Take advantage of that "honeymoon," as they call it, to lose. And hold onto the commitment to take your supplements every day, without fail. Malnutrition is a real issue. I struggled with a number of vitamin levels for years, and even though I'm careful to take them, my iron level still skims the line of anemia, so I keep an eye on it, along with my doctor.

    Take pictures of your journey! Those pictures still matter to me, to remind me of where I was. I also kept the one pair of 36W jeans. I've hauled them all over the country with me for 13 years now. :)

    Willow - Well done for everything you're doing to change your situation!

    My November Gratitudes
    1. Smell - Coffee, always coffee. If coffee actually tasted like it smells, it would truly be the nectar of the gods.
    2. Technology - The technology that allows us to be together here, that allows me to work from home, the technologies that connect us.
    3. Color - All the bright, eye-popping primaries and their infinite variations stir my soul.
    4. Food - It has been my worst enemy most of my life, my only coping tool at many points, and food and I are finally reaching a form of detente, it seems. I'm eating in a way that I can sustain for the first time in my life, and I think my weight will eventually steady down into the 150s. I seldom feel deprived, and am more at peace on that side than I ever have been.
    5. Sound - Music has brought me to tears, supported me through rough times, and made me happy. The fact that so many of our companions on this planet have their own songs as well, from the whales to the wrens, makes me happy, too.
    6. Nature - Flowers... all of 'em. Even the ones that make me sneeze.
    7. Memories - The moment I fell in love with my husband.
    8. Book – My mother's journals.
    9. Place – This one. My forever home.
    10. Taste – That first incredible sip of coffee in the morning.
    11. Holiday – Honestly, more grateful for holidays in the British sense, as vacations from the ordinary world. Organized holidays, from Thanksgiving to Christmas, have little meaning from my memories, much like Kim's. They are only what they have been since I grew up. Time off work.
    12. Texture – Not sure who said "skin," first, but am pirating that one. When I roll over and rub my husband's back in the middle of the night, the touch of his skin under my fingers assures me I'm not alone, I'm secure, safe, loved, there's so much wrapped up in that.
    13. Abilities – Typing! I bless Mrs. Coralynn Gamble, my typing teacher, who hung in there with me through three years of teaching me to type in high school, first on a manual typewriter, then on an IBM Selectric, frequently. It has served me well, and allows me to be able to express my thoughts very nearly at the speed they occur.
    14. Sight - Simply being able to see is such a gift, and I try to remember to be grateful for that. We take it for granted.
    15. Season - All of them, honestly. After my years of living in the desert, having more than two is a blessing. After the recent cold snap, we're finally moving into the cool, dry fall days for the next week, and having a true fall again is amazing.
    16. Body - This one's hard, as I've hated my body's betrayal of me all these years of struggling with my weight. But its ability to hang in there with me, to not completely quit on me no matter how much abuse I've put it through has to be respected. So I guess I would have to say the resilience of my body as a whole.
    17. Knowledge - I'm grateful for the knowledge I've gained, and enormously pleased at the possibility of being able to use everything I've learned in the last year and a half to continue to benefit girls in my new home state. :blush:
    18. Art – All of it, honestly, even the ones I don't understand.
    19. Touch – My husband's touch still thrills me, ten years later. That he even wants to touch me is a miracle after 27 years of living with a man who didn't.
    20. Person in your life – He's still my miracle, and because of him, I am a mother and grandmother. He brought me a family. I am ever grateful.
    21. Song – So many of those, too! But my own personal theme song in recent years has been "Fight Song." The lyrics to the chorus speak to me every single time.
      This is my fight song
      Take back my life song
      Prove I'm alright song
      My power's turned on
      Starting right now I'll be strong
      I'll play my fight song
      And I don't really care if nobody else believes
      'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me
    22. Story - I am grateful that stories exist in general. They have sustained me, helped me escape, helped me understand things I never could have otherwise. All American Southerners' conversations consists of sitting in groups, telling stories, it's a thread through our lives.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in Arkansas
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Good morning! Happy Thursday! Happy Thanksgiving! Gratitude #22 Story I am most grateful for: This time of year it has got to be A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. I read it every year and it's theme of redemption always hits home. Have a wonderful day everyone! Love and hugs ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,615 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving!

    I am really enjoying everyone's gratitude lists. Even though I'm not taking the time to post mine, it truly makes me appreciate what I have to be thankful for.

    Safe travels to those of you on the road today and big (((HUGS))) to all who need them <3

    SW WA State
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,231 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,042 Member
    Good Morning~
    I am at the Cape with dear Doris wow it is really really really cold.. well so I made a reservation at a place on the beach... got there.. they called and said they weren't going to be there all weekend, meaning the lobby...so we got there and it was on the second floor.. not good for an elderly woman, and I had reserved 2 full beds /or queen don't know which got there and it was one bed, and the room was freezing and the heat didn't work..
    well there was 4 numbers left on the door I called one and left a message , and will call the other's in a bit... I wan't a full refund of what I paid , utterly rediculous...(sp)
    stupid me should have just made the reservation where we stay the other times we come up ... clean rooms ,nice view.. and comfortable beds...
    we are in the room and the heat works which is a blessing it is frigid cold out..
    we will be going over to see Ruth and and then to dinner at Hearth and Kettle in Yarmouth..
    I am thankful for my family and for you wonderful sister's how blessed are we?
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,932 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Well, first things first... I walked out of this morning's interview with the job. It was wonderful... they were selling ME on the organization. I think I'm going to love it, lots of respect for my new boss, and for the CEO who is her boss. Thank you for being there with me through this...

    And... I stopped and got a new faucet, and Johnny installed it lickety-split. :) Proof below. Someday, that will be sitting on a farmhouse sink.

    Love y'all!
    Truly giving thanks in Arkansas,


    Congratulations I’m so very happy for you!

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,656 Member
    Thinking of you all during your Thanksgiving. <3

    DH found some recipe books in the boxes, so I got all excited and thought we could make a Christmas cake. (Fruit cake) But it was the wrong books, not the ones I actually use. I really, really want to get rid of a lot of books, including recipe books.

    Hope your weekend improves Allie. Arriving somewhere new is often disorientating. I usually hate the first day anywhere! But I would want my own bed!!!!

    Stories - I love stories of redemption, like 'What Katy Did' , or 'The Valley of the Snows'. Does anyone else know that book?

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • SarahKratos
    SarahKratos Posts: 58 Member

    :) Sarah
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,821 Member
    Rebecca ... love the poem!

    Heather ... I was overrun with cookbooks. Some I never used. Others had one or two recipes that I liked. I especially had a lot of those spiral-bound cookbooks that organizations put out as fund-raisers -- collections of recipes submitted by the organization's members -- and they get ratty quick if you reference them a lot. So I did the unthinkable. I went through all of the cookbooks (except a few favorites) and TORE OUT the recipe pages that I wanted to keep and threw out the rest. This exercise was quite freeing to me actually as I had been brought up that you never, never deface or mark up a book! The individual recipes were put in protective plastic sleeves and stored in 3-ring binders. Much easier to use and a heck of a lot less space to store.

    Kim ... thinking of you as you join your mom and brother for Thanksgiving ...

    Spoke with my Mom earlier today (Dad was out getting Boston Market RIBS for dinner (?!?), will text my brother later, all other family members have been wished a Happy Thanksgiving. My turkey is in the oven, the sides are ready to bake/finish later, trying not kill us with salmonella so lots of hand washing/counter wiping. Cold but beautiful day today. Both my boys are here, so even though my plans changed last minute, my nest is full and I'm content.

    22 Story ... I love stories. Love to read them. Love to tell them. And I am especially grateful for the stories you all share with me here!

    Beth near Buffalo
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Happy t-day everyone. Phew, spent most of the morning making lots of phone calls connecting to family far away. Just lovely. DH and I are snuggly and content with a lazy day ahead of us. I have a chicken roasting in the oven and will enjoy it thoroughly for an early dinner.

    I have so very much to be thankful for, including you wonderful, wise women.

  • PurpleSparkles85
    PurpleSparkles85 Posts: 44 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving to all of you lovely ladies and your families🦃 I am cooking some things to prep for Thanksgiving brunch on Saturday. Work schedules are crazy! But hospital call schedules for DH and Me always made Thanksgiving a bit mobile, so everyone here is ok with that, especially those that have to sleep working the Black Friday sales.

    Whoever it was: thanks for reminding me!
    Love from the Bluegrass State,
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,231 Member
    :heart: Happy Thanksgiving!
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,310 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving Ladies!!

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,169 Member
    Stats for the day

    Rowing machine- 20min, 90aw, 140mhr, 122ahr, 3810meters= 177c
    Manual treadmill- 20min, 137ahr, 151mhr, 1.38mi= 209c
    0runner- 20min, 44l, 13h, 108c, 9min mi, lvl8, 129ahr, 152mhr, 2.22mi= 189c
    Jump- 10min, 158mhr, 133ahr= 199c

    Total cal 786

    Happy gobble to all
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,169 Member
    edited November 2018
    auntiebk wrote: »
    #20 person(s): Mama for teaching me, Papa for believing in me, Joe for caring for me and BFF Candy for loving me unconditionally.
    #21 song: hard to choose, but "It is well with my soul" has popped up many times lately...

    Margaret good for you for refusing to be pressured into the wrong decision. Sound advice to the first agent.
    Lisa Happy Happy Happy dance. Knew you could do it gal. Hip hip HOORAY!
    Heather happy anniversary, may this be the first of the best ever anniversaries in your new Hove Home.
    Penny loved the image, but really think losing Lisa will be the most apt justice for the interim CEO. :devil:
    Carol, your rain arrived this morning. Many MANY thanks!
    Kay someone will be VERY grateful for your turning their checkbook in. Holidays are not the time to be losing such.
    Evelyn you've piqued my curiosity about the chicken wire/front door decoration...
    pip aww how old was the pup when that was taken?
    Michele and KJ right there with you about Heather's "waiting for the blind man" ;) If you don't want to buy a candy thermometer, this is my go-to fudge recipe:
    Only things I do differently are melt the chocolate S L O W L Y in a double boiler, use waxed or parchment paper instead of the foil and cool to room temp before putting in fridge. Feel it "tempers" the chocolate somehow.
    Kylia good to see you posting. Happy Thanksgiving right back atcha!
    Sue in WA good news about the chemo, keeping good thoughts for you and yours.
    Linda in the North Well done! I've had not one but two or three crappy days, but today was way better. Funny how just a few loads of laundry can give such a needed sense of accomplishment!
    Katla it was your Health Insurance plan I was asking about (aka Medigap or Medicare Supplemental). Think all of us not on Medicare Advantage have Part A and B Medicare.
    Sharon with your attitude and great prep your surgery is bound to succeed!
    Barbie I loved your holiday soap opera stories. :laugh:
    Willow Brava for exercising yesterday! Brava! Love love LOVE the "cannot brain today" meme, I could wear it on my back.
    Machka "...actually put 'Rest' on my calendar" Brilliant! And so very crucial to schedule self-care. Well done.

    #22 Story: "Papa and I were lonely and wanted a child but couldn't make one. Pastor Ruehle learned of a child being born whose parents couldn't keep her. He came with us to the hospital to get you. We brought you home to love you forever."

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.
    walk one more step 16/21, 60 g protein 16/21, rx/vits 16.5/21, meditate 18/21, knee exercises 19/21, SWSY UP 4/8, SWSY LOW 3/8, core 4/8, play with Tumble 8/21, hang up or purge art 0/4 AF 16/21.

    That was yogi when we just got him and we were driving home, he was 8 weeks
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,493 Member
    Did Tracy Long’s Define Lines DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do Denise Austin’s Quick Burn Cardio DVD.

    M – After all you’ve been and are going thru, it’s no wonder you sleep thru your MRI’s!!!

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

    Jess called. She was in class, but the funny part was, even tho they were in class, in the Student Union they were watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade.

    Skype was overloaded earlier in the day so hopefully now we can Skype with Denise and Pete.

    Just got back from our TD dinner at Ruby Tuesday. I had the grilled salmon, Vince had some sort of triple dinner consisting of ribs, shrimp and chicken tenders with french fries and onion rings. He brought some of it home. I had steamed broccoli and a sweet potato. I need to remember not to order a sweet potato when we go out. They always put this stuff on it (like sugar, etc) and when I ask for it plain, it’s always overcooked. Probably because they overcook it but you can’t see how overcooked it is because of all the “junk”

    Last night before going to bed we couldn’t find Shadow anywhere. Finally, Vince looked downstairs, even tho he couldn’t believe she was down there since 3 of our cats were there. She was! Vince could only think that she came down while he was watching TV and the cats were with him. He found Shadow under the sofa! Problem was, she wouldn’t come out. Finally, he heated up some of Lexi’s food so that it would have a strong smell and she came out to eat it. After she finished, I picked her up. Admitted, she did growl at our cats when she passed by them, but I put her down in the living room and she promptly went into the bedroom. I can see how conflicted she is! She wants so badly to explore and expand her horizons…but that means being with the other cats. Hopefully, they’ll get to the point where they just ignore each other. Shadow and Bonnie were just staring at each other earlier. They were probably only 2 feet away. There was some hissing, but that’s all.

    Michele in NC
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 3,016 Member
    <3 Happy Thanksgiving!