

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,294 Member
    Trish - My condolences for all your family.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,974 Member
    :'(<3Trish, so sorry your loss and your daughter's loss
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    I'm so sorry about the loss of your son-in-law, dear heart.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    stats for the day:

    ride hm 2 gym= 78c
    lateral macine- 30min, lvl 9, 2.7mi= 269c
    ride dome 2 gym= 55c
    run station 2 wk- 62c
    run wk 2 station- 75c
    ride dome 2 hm- 201c

    total cal 740
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    trisH_7183 wrote: »
    SIL passed away .Both his Sisters were with DD.He was like our son,a wonderful husband
    & father ,a man who will be missed.

    so sorry to hear. thoughts are with you
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Trish, so sorry to hear of sil's passing.
    Kelly, oh my! Can Joaquin get any cuter??? I don't think so! lol
    Lisa sounds like you might have a new job soon! It will go well with your new knee!
    Penny, love the photos from the top of the world, stunning!
    Heather, we moved over a year ago and are still finding places that don't have our new address! We did all the "important" ones, but I was just at the optometrist a few days ago and they still had our old address and phone number.
    So, as I said, saw my optometrist a few days ago, was all ready to shell out for new glasses but he said my vision hasn't undergone any significant changes so it's not necessary! Woohoo! He also didn't dilate my eyes and I didn't have to pay anything as my extended benefits thru work covered it! Yay!!
    That's my excitement for the week, lol.
    Welcome to the newbies, hugs for those needing them and congrats to those celebrating!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • SarahKratos
    SarahKratos Posts: 58 Member
    Trish- sorry about your loss ((( <3 )))
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Did an advanced strength DVD today. The plan for tomorrow is to take the water class

    Margaret – I didn’t realize you knew that the house needed TLC, I thought you just found out. At least you were prepared. If the radon level had been bad, wouldn’t they have had to remediate it before the house could be sold?

    Janetr – I’ll have to look at my WalMart. The last time I looked the one didn’t have tea, but since then the WM Neighborhood Market opened. They carry some different things that the other WM. For example, I can’t get the 8oz cups of yogurt at the Neighborhood Market but I can at the smaller store. I can get the individual boxes of raisins at the Neighborhood Market but not at the smaller store. Go figure!

    Unfortunately, it’s raining cats & dogs here, but I really want to go to the soup kitchen and get the snacks from the general meeting out of my car and take some of the cookies to Lynette (less to tempt me). Even tho I’m supposed to be at the Green Room tomorrow and it’s supposed to be sunny, I want to get them out of my sight so I might very well stop there anyway.

    Viv – what does MOT stand for?

    Penny – there is no way Vince will touch Facebook. More and more people that I know won’t go there, either. It’s so frustrating when you forget something. I do hope your husband finds the cord

    NYKaren – love your feeling of counting blessings not calories. I’d heard the quote from barbie before (the calories that matter are the ones between New Years and Thanksgiving). So true!

    Trish – lovely photos

    Newcomer bowling tonight

    Went to the soup kitchen and dropped off the food then Lynette’s to give her some of her cookies. Volunteered at the Green Room then went to Dollar General, they had some toys on sale so I got some for Toys for Tots. Then went to Food Lion to get chicken to cook and sweet potatoes (29 cents/lb!). Made oatmeal raisin cookies, some for us and some for Lynette Got dinner ready and my breakfast for tomorrow to take to the Green Room. Update: I'm going to make another batch of the oatmeal raisin cookies for us and gave Lynette the ones I had for us since there wasn't much.

    Jo in Chicago – that’s just great about your mom.

    We had a breakout today. I was at the Green Room so I never opened the screen door for Shadow. Vince was in the living room and out walks Shadow. Seems she pushed the screen off the wooden frame and got out. I took a picture of it and said to Jess “where there’s a will, there’s a way”. I’m glad that Shadow feels comfortable enough to WANT to come out. I can tell she’s still conflicted, coming out means she has to be with those “other” cats. But one step at a time.

    Cari – I’d be afraid to store the cookies in the garage. One time I put cookies on our screened-in porch. But some animal chewed thru the screen! I’d be afraid they’d chew thru the container. That’s a wonderful idea to get the tea pods online. I never thought of doing that.

    Welcome to any newcomers that I may have missed

    Have a butternut squash in the oven roasting. The timer just went off so need to go see if it’s soft enough.

    It rained so much that our septic is pretty full, when I run the water in the kitchen the sink downstairs starts to gurgle. So trying to use as little water as possible. Vince said to me “you go to the bathroom at bowling, not at home”

    Ann – welcome to a great group of women

    Kj – Joaquin gets cuter and cuter all the time. I especially like the look on his face in the second pic

    Trish – So sorry for your SIL

    Allie – sorry to hear about your aunt

    I did find that if I take Vince’s 16oz cup (stainless steel) to the Green Room, I can get 12oz of water in it. I just have to remove the drain while I’m brewing the tea, then return the drain. But at least I can get a larger amount of tea

    Michele in NC
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Trish: My sympathy to you and your family at this terribly sad time.

    Kelly: Joaquin is too cute, and so bright! <3<3<3<3

    Gratitude calendar:
    14. Sight Blue skies after a snowy day
    15. Season Autumn. Love colors, chrysanthemums and all things pumpkin spiced.

    It has been a week for re-connections. Three former colleagues connected by phone, and tomorrow will have lunch with another cluster of former associates who are in town for a national meeting. Everyone has been asking "are you ready to come back yet?", and my honest answer is "NO, definitely, NO." I'm still only in my first year of retirement, and don't miss the work at all.

    My Thanksgiving cards are ready to be mailed tomorrow. Yogurt is chilling in the fridge. My basketball team is playing well. Life is good B)

    Stay well, friends. We can do this.
    Colorado Foothills
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,654 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Margaret – that’s a brilliant way to help him short term and long term! Great thought process

    Trish – my thoughts are with you and your family.

    I’ve been in the dumps for a couple of days, right on the edge of tears most of the day… and have not been able to figure out any reason why… when suddenly it hit me. My friends I usually spend the holidays with have a group text (which I am part of) they are planning the group Thanksgiving weekend, which usually I’d be part of instead this year I am having dinner with my bio-family – this is my choice – but it is a obligatory attendance and I will go with the right attitude but will miss my friends… I think I am jealous.

    November Gratitude’s
    1. Smell = clean dog
    2. Technology = smart phone
    3. Color = sunrise
    4. Food = herbal tea
    5. Sound = silence, but heard the coyotes talking, and loved hearing them
    6. Nature = the waves
    7. Memories = I think one of my favorite memories, is a conglomerate of memories – in the summer when I was a kid – Dad and I would go out to the grass to “pull weeds” we would pull a few, but really we would look at the clouds and point out the things we saw, or make up stories about were the airplanes were going overhead, who was in them… We were not in a flight path but way way high you would see a plane occasionally. And sometimes a small plane those were even more fun to make up stories about.
    8. Book – oh so many I love – but the harry potter series as my god-son and I got them together and read them and talked about them almost every night
    9. Place – I think the Grand Canyon – I did a 10 day rafting trip down the river for my 50th birthday and it was a life changing event and helped me grow and believe in myself enough to face coming home and being laid off 10 days later.
    10. Taste – sweet or salty – for me it is always sweet! But favorite taste is my mom’s marinara sauce with meatballs, it cooks all day, and I could smell it from the corner of our street and knew one of my favorite dinners was that night
    11. Holiday – tough one, I have a love of Christmas but it is also the day I was beaten by my domestic abuser so it has mixed memories…
    12. Texture – I love cashmere
    13. Abilities – I’m very thankful for my abilities – I think the one that comes to mind right now is planning, I can look ahead and figure out how to plan out things that need to be done to make the most of the time and money available.
    14. Sight- my god daughter smiling at me…
    15. Season- I love them all – it’s winter so it is my favorite right now.


    Kim from N. California
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    I have nothing to add, but love ya all.💞💞👍
    Whidbey island
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Trish, so sorry for your loss. Biggest big hug <3

    Janetr OKC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,789 Member
    Trish ,
    My sincerest condolences,he is now at peace..wow,your son in law,my aunt and Roy Clark all in one day..heaven sure got quite a few angels yesterday...
  • raffzahn2712
    raffzahn2712 Posts: 4 Member
    Good Morning, 09:15 am in my region.. clear, ice cold, sunny weather outside , hot coffee inside with me. I wish all of you a great day ! Me I'm planning a trip to rome these days. Just for me... it will be my reward for loosing 5 Kilos til the 31.01.2019. So much fun run virtually through Rome :-)
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Hi all

    Welcome Lucy and Willow. :)

    Trish and Allie condolences to you both at this sad time.

    Michele - MOT is a certificate you need to show that your car is roadworthy and safe to be on the road. I think you need an MOT certificate to get car insurance too. There were a few things wrong which have now been fixed, but DD is just over £400 poorer! It was a little more than expected, but at least it "safe" for the winter weather!

    I know what you mean about Facebook taking up too much time, I go on to check on messages from a group I have joined and always end up looking at other things posted on my timeline. Before I know it a few hours have passed in the blink of an eye! I try to limit my time on it.

    Had a few bad nights sleep wise, I've been falling asleep downstairs, but the minute my head touches the pillow, I'm wide awake! It's bad enough that I have to visit the bathroom every few hours, but it's as if a switch is turned on in my head saying "no sleep for you" and my mind won't settle, or I can't get comfy.

    I've split the Strong Women video into two as one hour was too long for me. I'm trying to do half an hour every day. So far so good! But I know what I am like, it doesn't take much to derail me.

    Going shopping this morning, so I'd better motivate myself - need to exercise first!

    <3 Viv UK

  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    I'm so sorry for your loss, Pat. Good to hear that your daughter and his sisters were together at the time so they could support each other.

    Kelly - Joaquin is no longer a baby :cry: but he sure is one cute little boy! :wink:
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :| At dance this morning I felt extra clumsy and was worried until I noticed that I'd accidentally worn dog walking shoes instead of dance shoes so my feet were much heavier.

    This made me chuckle. :D

    :'(Penny, I feel your pain about troubles with your step counter. I have had troubles with mine and I was surprised at how sad I was about it.

    Yeah! A couple times I've achieved my step goal but when I connected the device, the day's steps and heartrate data vanished into cyberspace - even though the data from my run were safe. I've felt cheated! Aren't we silly?

    :)Jo, I am really fortunate to be retired and living in a community where walking in the dark is safe. Otherwise, I'd have to seek more indoor alternatives. I walk my dogs for about two hours in the morning which at this time of year is mostly in the dark. Good news about your mom.

    My version of this is when I'm jogging at our holiday place on the mainland. I feel safe knowing there's zero likelihood of encountering polar bears. Up here in the winter, darkness is a given so we just deal with it.

    :) lucyogrady, Welcome. I found MFP at age 62 after decades of failure at weight loss. I started by making a plan for my day of what I would eat and logging the food into my food diary. For many days I found myself watching the clock waiting for time for my next meal. I read this thread every day and read other things about healthy eating and exercise to help me create a slightly better plan each day. I figured out a plan that works for me. My eating is simple and I stopped eating for recreation and entertainment. Willingness was the first step for me. I hope you will keep coming back.

    The statement in bold really struck me. No quantum leaps: just small but consistent improvement. That's what will succeed in the end. You put it in a nutshell. Thanks Barbie!

    Today's gratitude:
    16. Body - Basically, I'm grateful everything that works. But today I'm feeling vain, so I'll say I'm grateful for the dainty ankles I inherited from my mother. :lol:
    /Penny at the t07190.gif