
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,656 Member
    Hello all!
    Pleased to say that my three girlfriends don't seem too horrified at my bowing out of our reunion. Sad, but not devastated. We usually have them twice a year, so next spring will be fine.
    The one who now lives in Glasgow said she might visit us in the New Year. :D
    My cold is still keeping at bay for the moment and I hope it stays that way. I had nine hours sleep last night. :D:o

    We did a LOT more box opening and sorting this morning. The kitchen now looks pretty clear and ditto the bathrooms. Found the other two TVS and all the wires etc. I've been trying to get all my food items organised, but it's a mammoth task. I've made some progress. The kitchen and utility room have handy slide out shelves that take a lot, but I still have MASSES left over.

    My son is coming over in a minute with a van to take an armchair from the garage that we promised him. He will bring a friend as it is going three floors up in his his house and it is BIG. Then we will be able to organise the garage.

    We are still managing to do our exercise session in the mornings, so I have 600 extra calories to play with. The shifting boxes and walking up and down all the stairs has been my bonus calories for now. Must go for a run tomorrow. I've kept my weight the same through the move - just under my goal weight. :D:D:D:D
    For the newbies, we have three exercise machines in a tiny spare room. My DH and I do our session together every morning, then I do yoga-ish, stretching things in our bedroom and then a bit of weights. Isn't retirement grand !!!

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxx

  • reneinitaly7
    reneinitaly7 Posts: 15 Member
    edited November 2018
    Good evening ! I am Rene, and I am an expat who lives near Florence Italy. I am coming off a decade and a half of WW, moving forward with MFP. I must say that I am not great at keeping up with personals, but will try my best . This is a tough adjustment for me but I need a change and some spark that comes with newness and change. I am 62.

    SW 203.8
    CW 146
    GW 140
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    Yay! My app is working.

    We were in and out in under 15 minutes when we voted this morning. There was a crowd and a line, but it was moving steadily with absolutely no wait. Another vote for looking forward to no more ads. I finally figured out the confusing amendments enough to vote my conscience, thank goodness.

    Beth, several years ago I stopped at the grocery store on my way home from buying a brand new mini van. Putting the groceries in the van, my hand slipped and the cart put my first scratch in the paint. I cried and cried, but it did make the next one easier.

    I am against any kind of political or religious discussion that implies people of a different opinion are somewhat “less than” but I don’t mind statements that give me a glimpse of who you are, whether liberal or conservative, religious affiliation or anti-religion at all. I love the diversity in this thread and our ability to get along. I also appreciate the leadership of those who get us back on track when we stray into controversial topics.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,932 Member
    I haven't been on the computer really since Thursday I read a few posts on Friday and Saturday, but when I got on here this morning I was 186 posts behind! Phew!

    Kelly - I had a couple treasured childhood book in my head for a long time. I finally bought it a few years ago. It was called the Story Girl by L.M. Montgomery, the author of Anne of Green Gables. This story meant a lot to me as my grandmother read her 1st edition copy to me when I stayed with her while my brother had a three week stay in the hospital. The memory of lying in bed with her reading to me and me reading to her (we took turns) is one of my fondest memories.

    Allie - I am so very blessed that my eldest daughter makes time for me every single week. She brings the kids out every Wednesday for supper and every Sunday I either have them all there or just the Grands. My youngest daughter though seems to make more time for friends than she does us. Although in fairness, she mentioned yesterday when I saw her that she misses us and is trying to figure out how to spend more time at our place. I prefer to stay home than go anywhere so although I'm not busy I have a hard time making commitments to visit others often.

    Machka - I had a coworker that used a system for managing smaller tasks. If something was going to take him less than 5 minutes he did it immediately. Longer tasks he scheduled time for each day. He was very strict with his time even with the big bosses. It worked well for him to keep him organized.

    Lisa - Yay for getting out of the lease!

    I can't even remember if I mentioned on this thread that my branch is going to be closing. I had to travel to Calgary yesterday to receive my notice of termination letter. I was expecting a week's notice as that is what I was told last week verbally and that is all that I am legally entitled to, but in a very nice turn of events I have been given a month's notice. So my last day is December 7th.

    I went away for the weekend to my cousin's, I took my grandchildren with me. She has a granddaughter the same age as mine and we thought it would be fun to have them play together. It was fun most of the time, but her granddaughter is the only and doesn't like sharing her toys very well. I ate too much and very unhealthy so I need to get back at it this week.

    Not a lot to say, just wanted to say Hi and tell you all I missed you
    Tracey in a snowy cold Edmonton
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Tracey, it's really hard to tell by your post if you're happy or sad to be leaving your branch. Whichever you are, I hope it's a good thing for you, either now or down the road. So many of the things I've grieved over have, in the end, turned out to be the best thing that could have happened to me. Doesn't stop the grieving over it, but does provide a little perspective for me afterwards.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,169 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,656 Member
    Good to hear from you Wendy. I was worried about you. :o<3

    Hooral, hooray, hooray Lisa!!!!! The best news. :D

    My son came by himself to collect the chair. Don’t know how he is going to get it upstairs.

    We had a look in the 'mezzanine' level in the garage. It will be a useful space, but not an easy way to get up into it. We found a torch lamp which works, once I put some batteries in. Will be useful for a power cut.

    Looking now for an artificial Christmas tree for our diner. The old one we had fell to bits so we threw it away before the move.
    Also I'm looking at outside lights for the natural pine tree that is growing in the front garden. I've never had a decent front garden before, let alone outside lights. :D Excited!
    We are not having anyone for actual Christmas Day, because the kids are going to DDIL'S parents and then straight on to Cornwall on a house swap. :'(:'(:'(
    However, she has booked us all in for a visit to Santa on the Saturday before and they are coming back here for lunch and our present opening. :D:D:D Sounds good.

    Happy days.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,932 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Tracey, it's really hard to tell by your post if you're happy or sad to be leaving your branch. Whichever you are, I hope it's a good thing for you, either now or down the road. So many of the things I've grieved over have, in the end, turned out to be the best thing that could have happened to me. Doesn't stop the grieving over it, but does provide a little perspective for me afterwards.

    Thanks Lisa, I'm really indifferent about it. I have not been overly happy with this position since I took it. I was hoping that I could grow it and make it a success after they forced me into selling, but I know I have done more than I had agreed to when I took the job and I think what I feel now is relief. Something else will come along and at least I'm getting some notice and will have EI when it comes to an end if I haven't found something else in the meantime.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,615 Member
    Hi all, just a quick note to say I am taking a step back from social media for awhile until I regain balance in my OTT life. Can't keep up so might just pop in now and then. Love ya'all, Wendy

    Wendy! Hi!! We missed you, glad to hear you are OK - hope things settle down soon for you! <3


  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,600 Member
    Janetr Hubba hubba!
    Allie a former pastor once told us to look at our day planners and checkbooks to see where our hearts were, and if we didn't like what we saw, ask for help to change... ;}
    Lisa now that I'm retired, moved from the sagebrush to the sea, (and prone to the complaining that seems endemic to aging) when someone asks me how I am, I reply "Happy to be HERE!" ;) "It's rented" already? Halelujah!
    Machka so glad you were able to nap through the MRI. Sorting through 2 piles is a great start. Come on over and we can sort just one pile each together ;)
    Jo impressive interval training and save travels!
    Beth busy-ness lets us slide past spending precious time with our loved ones. It is a thief. It robs us of joy now and sweet memories later. I was uber busy all the time when I worked and now have to learn all over again how to be present for Joe and the dogs.
    Barbie holding good thoughts for Jakes surgery. Love the image of you out planting your bulbs while someone else remodels your kitche ;)
    Welcome Tanya! Walking to work is a great way to increase your activity. Well done!
    Heather SMH at your exercising together wtih your husband. That would NOT work for me!
    Welcome Rene, how did you come to live in Florence? Bet there's a story there...
    Tracey glad you got more notice than expected and that you are relieved at the change. Something better is out there for you.
    Wendy so relieved to hear from you. Pop in whenever, you were missed.

    Voting: Mama was born into a time in the US when women were denied the vote. She never missed a chance, and neither do I.

    #6. Blue skies and ocean after 3 gloomy days.

    Oops, time to dash to try "Chair yoga".
    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.
    60 g protein 3/5, rx/vits 5/5, meditate 4/5, walk one more step 4/5, knee exercises 5/5, play with Tumble 4/5, core 2/8, SWSY UP 2/8, SWSY LOW 1/8, hang up or purge art 0/4 AF 3/5.
  • SarahKratos
    SarahKratos Posts: 58 Member
    :) I also was shut off from MFP yesterday. I missed a whole day of logging. I recently turned 61 years old. I exercise daily. I enjoy strength training. I also hike and swim. My husband and I are going to be purchasing E-bikes soon. I have been retired for six years now. My husband retired last year. We have become what they call snowbirds. I never thought that I would see this day. It is a huge transition from working especially for my husband. Talking about busy he feels he has to be busy all the time. I try to find him things to do around here. I have a very sweet sweet tooth! Right now I weigh 150 pounds. I am 5'4" tall. I am trying to get down to around 120 pounds. The hardest thing for me is to stick to my calorie goal that MFP set for me of 1230 calories. I usually go over!! That is set for losing 1 pound per week. I am trying to eat mostly a Paleo diet. Anybody have any luck with that? That way I get a variety of healthy food. I am trying to get my sweet tooth satisfied through eating fruit. It doesn't always work LOL my husband sabotages me most of the time. He brings home my trigger foods thinking he is being kind to me. I want to throw all of the sweets out of the house but he resists that suggestion because he doesn't want to waste money! I wish he had to lose weight and would jump on board with me but that is doubtful. I noticed the gratitude calendar. Great idea! It is nice to evaluate your life to see all of the things that there is to be grateful for.

    Janetr- Happy Birthday! What a sweet card from your granddaughter!

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,042 Member
    Well I came home at 2 going to take a bit of a nap .maybe go play bingo tonight I will see...
    Think someone or something knocked over my bird feeder..I'm kinda miffed but it's pouring rain so will deal with it tomorrow.
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    welcome Sarah . I am a 5’4” as well—quite a few of us on this thread. I think it’s tough when the sweets keep showing up, but if you are substituting protein, hopefully you can walk on by. At night a little yogurt with some berries is something I will eat instead of cake/cookies/ice cream. Welcome!
    Stick with this chatty group!

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
    edited November 2018
    Wendy :) So glad to see you. Thank you for posting, & glad you are fine.

    Machka Your post reminded me of the method used to get all the windows clean at my childhood home. There was a high school girl who was very involved in extracurricular school activities. She lived way out of town in the country. If she rode the school bus home, she missed her meetings and rehearsals. They were poor & couldn't afford the gas or a car for her. So she lived with us in town during the week, & in exchange for room & board, she helped my mom with some household tasks. My mom was dreading cleaning the windows, so our boarder suggested that they clean 1-2 windows every evening after dinner. She did the outside & Mom did the inside. It was a big old house with lots of windows, but they stuck with it & got all the windows done in about 6-8 weeks. Dad had to do the outside 2nd level windows using a ladder. They would have so much fun that my sister & I wanted to join in. It was practically a party for about 15 minutes every evening after dinner. :)

    Rita Great photo!

    Karen in Virginia

    p.s. I voted. We took the grandkids. I made up a Civics question for my grandson today: Explain what each of the following Amendments had to do with voting; 15th (suffrage for freed slaves), 19th (suffrage for women), 23rd (gave right to vote to residents of D.C.), 24th (outlawed poll taxes & literacy tests for African Americans), and 26th (lowered voting age to 18). I turned 18 in July of 1972. The 26th Amendment was ratified in 1971. I voted in the 1972 Presidential election as an 18-year-old. The Presidential candidates were Richard Nixon (Spiro Agnew) and George McGovern (Sargent Shriver).
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,615 Member
    Dana - it was Janetr's birthday, lol. And her granddaughter's precious note. I'm still a youngster trailing a year or two behind you I think. B):D

    Karen in VA
    - loved that window washing story. Yep, doing these tasks in 15 minute increments seems to work really well.

    Instead of being discouraged that there's still a lot to be done, celebrate each small victory.

    - yes, glad you are out from under that rental so quickly! Just like getting a raise! Woo hoo!!

    - I love your long posts as well. If you don't get worn out writing them, we don't get worn out reading them. <3

    Nice sunny afternoon here. I need to head out to the potting shed and gather up liquids to put in the garage that might freeze. We'll likely see nights in the 20's starting tomorrow night. I'm not complaining since I know many of you have seen snow already. B)

    SW WA State
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Barbie boy do I remember the noise of a kitchen renovation. I would go for long walks too, the noise and the dust—well worth it when it’s finished though.

    Karen love that cleaning story— Sometimes I set my oven timer and get to cleaning up just to see what I can accomplish in a short time.

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    Happy Tuesday - was able to get a 2.5 mile interval workout in yesterday before it got to dark in the neighborhood. Was super excited about that since I had been off for 3 days from working out, and gained 3 lbs from the weekend of parties. This weekend coming up is a short family vacation celebrating my hubby of 37 years (my high school sweetheart) 60th birthday. Our kids are going with us so super excited about it.

    I too had issues with MFP and it seems to be ok this am. Keep our fingers crossed they have it rectified.

    Rebecca - that is a beautiful picture of your cat and the scenery is just gorgeous. Thanks for sharing I am a cat and dog lover but only have a cat at this time.

    Barbie - Glad things worked out for you at the dentist, not my fav place for sure. I have horror stories and could write a book about dentist experiences.

    Janet OKC - Happy Birthday - loved the card from our granddaughter and the flowers from your hubby. You look awesome keep up the good work.

    Carol Ann - Welcome to the group, I am pretty new myself and so far seems to be an awesome group of ladies who have interesting lives.

    Machka in OZ- prayers all turns out for you, as for the software issue, just go in with a positive attitude that you can do this and you will be fine.

    Voting day - do your thing!!!!

    Everyone have a great day the choice is yours!!!!! 7557ebr3efgj.png

    Oh that Suki is actually not MY cat, but is on a Facebook page called Suki The Cat, and I follow it.👍. I refer to Suki as my mental rental cat!
    👍💗 Rebecca
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    What's Important to me, well my husband of course. He is my hero, having survived from 2007 to 2014, when he had a complete liver transplant. Now he's a different guy, and I have learned just like he survived, I survived too in some ways. My sons are important to me, and presently we are sharing a home with our active duty eldest son here on Whidbey island WA. My middle son and his wife are expecting a baby come this May. Our first grandbaby, so The Chief of a husband and I are ecstatic! My youngest is Navy and stationed in Japan. I am grateful that I got to see him before he left!💗

    Being able to go on base here, use the gym facilities, the exchange and commissary has been great, and so getting healthy and not breaking the bank has been important.

    I don't know if this body of mine will ever get to the point of maintenance and not have to lose weight, but in the mean time I exercise, eat right, and enjoy life. I appreciate you all, and it drives me to always have a grateful heart.

    Today, I upped some of my weights in the weightlifting room. I need to calm my face down, or my husband will just watch me, I'm so darn entertaining! The pull down machines are 50 lbs now, and I am feeling it! But in a way, my back is so much stronger. When I did the treadmill I jogged at a 5.4 pace! Wheeeee! I did that 3 times during my 30 min. walk.👍. There was a gal next to me that had her treadmill up to lightening speed, so I jogged because I felt spurred on by her!
    Afterwards my normal sauna just didn't happen. The thought of putting back on this sweaty attire seemed pointless, plus I was so hot from the treadmill!
    You all are doing amazing!
    Whidbey island
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,656 Member
    edited November 2018
    Good afternoon! (in the PNW) I voted last week. Fun fact: according to OPB, Oregon has the highest percentage of registered (I believe) voters who vote. After living in quite a few places, I can say that I much prefer Oregon's way of voting -- All by mail or drop off. No polling places. You just have to be sure that your ballot is received by 8:00 pm of election day. So I voted at my dining table, with two voter pamphlets for reference. It took about an hour, but I felt really good about it. Then when the other two voters in the house had finished, I dropped all three ballots off.

    Also, we are a motor voter state, so when my teenager got his license, even though he wasn't yet 18, he was registered to vote. He turned 18 about a week ago, and a ballot showed up for him. I don't know if he will vote this election; he is feeling a little overwhelmed by it, but I feel proud to live in a state where I have seen no obvious voter suppression -- just the opposite -- all encouragement to vote.

    Hubby ended up not going to Switzerland this week -- he went to Ottawa instead. He said it is cold, dark, wet, and cold and dark. Lol

    For the newbies and reminder to others -- I am 57, married, with three boys (22, 18, and 13). I am a college administrator and for fun and relaxation, I watch British crime dramas. I had nearly reached my goal weight about a year ago, then my younger sister (who suffered from severe mental illness -- the institutional kind) died unexpectedly. That threw me more than I thought it would, since I'd effectively lost her 30 years ago, but I lost my mojo for eating appropriately and consistently exercising -- started snacking on chips in the afternoon and neglected the gym -- and I've put on 10 pounds in that year. It's very frustrating but I am trying to be kind to myself and get back on track. For exercise, I walk, take fitness classes, and do yoga. Before she died, I had worked up to running three miles (after running quite a few different times in my life), but that's all lost, too. :disappointed: But kindness and forgiveness.

    I have Celiac, so I am 100% gluten free. Apparently, I also have wonky kidneys, so I am trying to be kind to my internal organs with my diet as well. Other than that, I don't restrict what I eat very much. Just moderation.

    Oh, and while many of the women here are trying to go alcohol free, I have added wine to my diet. :lol: I was going to wait until I retired, but I decided to start drinking early.

    Felicia, living in wine country
    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,656 Member
    Here's my "I voted" sticker:

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,169 Member