Skyblueyellow Member


  • I drink a little water and head to bed. I like to have two evening snacks (I have very light breakfasts and lunches to "afford" this). My family and I eat dinner between 5:30 and 6:30. I then have my first snack around 8 and my second around 9:30 or 10. I fear that this makes me sound a bit like a hobbit.
  • Coffee is a non-negotiable to me. Every morning I have an extra large. I personally prefer a splenda packet and good old ordinary half and half. I love my coffee to have a particular taste. On the weekends I'll use 2% milk because that is what I keep in the house. I've tried skim milk, 1% and almond milk and they are just…
  • Because diabetes. And because I now take NO meds for my diabetes. Losing 50 lbs and setting carbs as 30% of my calorie goal helps me to keep my sugar in check. I personally don't want to set my carbs any lower. Everything boils down to personal choice and what YOU find sustainable.
  • I don't know what sorts of stores you have in the UK (my last visit was 1999) but in the US you can find a small assortment of plus-sized clothing in "big box" stores (Target, WalMart, etc) and you can find brands on Amazon. Too bad you don't have Old Navy because the nicest pants I have are from there. I don't spend too…
  • I love the elliptical because it is very low impact. Unfortunately not everyone can run or walk for long on hard surfaces because of prior injury. Anyhow, you have to use the elliptical correctly, which means playing around with the resistance and speed. I do intervals on the elliptical and continue to challenge myself.…
  • I don't know how people go as low as 5g of carbs a day. I'm diabetic so I do watch my carbs (I sent mine to 30% daily) and I would have constant low blood sugar and be passing out all over the darn place.
  • Full-fat sour cream.
  • I belong to a PF. I'm just looking for cardio right now. It is $10/month and operates on a schedule that works with my life. People drop weights A LOT at the PF I belong to and I've never heard an alarm go off. It's a no-frills place for me to burn some calories when it is -20 outside.
  • We use mostly frozen vegetables in the winter. I live in a northern climate. In the summer I buy a lot more that is fresh because the quality is fairly good. I live in an agricultural area so I have the benefit of buying local (yum) in most seasons. I don't really care for canned vegetables. I grew up on frozen vegetables.…
  • I have a Fitbit Charge 2. I love mine. It is on the large side but that doesn't bother me. I don't wear it if I'm going someplace dressy (like a wedding). I wear it all of the time. I have super sensitive skin and it doesn't bother me as long as I properly clean it.
  • Metformin can take time to adjust to. When I first went on the dose you are on I couldn't keep anything in my body for more than a few hours for almost 9 weeks. Then my body adjusted. The lessened appetite might wane over time as your body adjusts to the medication. In the meantime try to find things that are calorie-dense…
  • Sometimes I just let it happen. I let myself have the thing that I'm craving but I control the portion. I've found that completely denying the craving didn't work well for me. I would end up trying to ignore the craving for something sweet and would end up eating the non-sweet thing and the sweet thing. I should have just…
  • Not true (concerning the low carb statement). We are all individuals. Some people need a low carb diet for medical reasons. I'm one of those people. Lowering my carbs and losing weight allows me to keep my diabetes in check while lowering my medications by 75%!
  • I think the worst is trying to get on and off of the toilet without feeling like your thigh might snap.
  • Here too! I work full time and have a 6 and 7 year old!
  • Yoga! Yoga will help with general flexibility and will help you to develop core strength if you practice regularly.
  • Lowering carb intake will shed water weight, but why do you want to do this? I struggle with swollen ankles and when I'm very strict with carb intake I don't have an issue with edema.
  • I have the same scale in that video. If you are looking for a food scale the one pictured is pretty inexpensive and I've found it to do a pretty nice job. I've been using it daily since August and only changed the battery once.
  • Because you aren't that far away from your goal weight losing .5 lb each week is a great pace. I understand that you are feeling frustrated BUT the scale is going in the right direction!
  • I started around the same place and I'm now down 41 lbs. I went down a shirt size and one pant size after about 30 lbs. Now I'm feeling the way you are...when do I get to go down another size? Every time I feel like giving up I remember that I already made it down one size and with every passing week I'm hopeful that the…
  • What gets me fired up is thinking about politics in our country and my co-workers. Whatever makes you sweat...
  • Every so often I have a "cheat meal", meaning that I don't track the calories or macros. I do this every other month or so.
  • Doubtful. There are other options such as coconut milk or cashew milk as well. So many options!!! I usually put protein powder into smoothies. My fav is greek yogurt, almond milk, vanilla protein power, and strawberries.
  • No special diet needed. I'm 34 and have had Hashi's since age 11. I've lost almost 50 lbs just by maintaining a deficit.
  • I actually use almond milk.
  • You said you have sugar issues, are you diabetic? If there is a medical reason to eat lower or moderate carb you should check out some reputable sites, such as the American Diabetes Association. You can get excellent advice and recipes there.
  • I am currently Type II but had GD with both of my pregnancies. I'm going to friend you so that you can see my diary. I still basically use the guidelines my dietitian created for me when I was pregnant!
  • @shinycrazy --here too! I had Japanese this weekend and did gain water weight because of increased carb intake. It shed after 2-3 days.
  • @kshama2001 Thanks so much! Don't want to hijack any more than I have but appreciate your input here :smile: OP, I hope you realize that many of these critiques and questions aren't meant to belittle you but are coming from a group of people who truly want you to be successful. At least that goes for me.
  • What people CAN do and what people CHOOSE to do are often two different things. Yes, we are all different. But many people erroneously believe that they CAN'T have something because of random internet advice. If you carefully read my original statement, I used the phrase "erroneously believe", which means that their…