connorbambam98 Member


  • Yeah I don't want that I just want to lose the little bit I got on my stomach, thank you
  • I've started lifting a little bit here and there at home but nothing worth talking about yet but thanks
  • I'm just new to this and thought I was eating very good but clearly I'm aloud more stuff than I thought i was, it's not hard to eat this way just hard to know what to eat and the amount so difficult
    in Help Comment by connorbambam98 July 2017
  • Oh okay thank you, I changed how I was eating a while ago and didn't even realise until I think back now as I just did it but not for weight loss but some reason I just stopped eating loads of rubbish and had nornal stuff and im always drinking water, where as before i use to go shop and buy sasauge rolls pastys crisps…
    in Help Comment by connorbambam98 July 2017
  • Oh okay sorry I'm so new to this and it frustrates me as I really want to get into shape and I really struggle knowing how and I over think so much and it ruins it for me
    in Help Comment by connorbambam98 July 2017
  • I'm trying not to eat bad but I suppose a pack of crisps or something won't hurt if it puts my calarioes up will it? If I've eaten clean all day I don't know how it works lol
    in Help Comment by connorbambam98 July 2017
  • Don't worry how long it takes you, you should be proud of yourself for taking the step to even be going because alot of people don't even do that so well done ☺
  • Thank you I'm defiantly going to start swimming but at the moment I'm struggerling with dieting, I been eating really good but don't seem to be getting enough calarioes even with my 3 meals a day it's so frustrating and don't know what I can do
  • Thank you means alot
  • I understand that but I don't really know what I'm doing but I'm still trying
    in Help Comment by connorbambam98 July 2017
  • Yes I know but eating my 3 meals a day feels me up I don't feel hungry to eat much more but before I used to just eat junk so I'm doing alot better than I was but what am I suppose to eat if I'm not hungry and need extra?
    in Help Comment by connorbambam98 July 2017
  • See I'm very fussy that's why I eat plain stuff and this is the reason I gave up last time as I don't know what to eat to get that extra calarioes just when I thought I was doing well
    in Help Comment by connorbambam98 July 2017
  • Oh can I, i just know if I start eating that again I won't stop
    in Help Comment by connorbambam98 July 2017
  • I've been eating healthy and trying to lose weight but I don't know what else too eat as I don't want to start eating crisps and sasauge rolls and pasty and that
    in Help Comment by connorbambam98 July 2017
  • Oh okay see it's hard as I'm 19 still living at home I can cook but not alot of stuff and to find all the right stuff as mum's does the shopping it's just hard but even the way I'm eating now is 100x better than stopping past the shop for a pasty crisps and fizzy drink for breakfast lol
    in Help Comment by connorbambam98 July 2017
  • Thanks and they wasn't getting annoyed I'm autistic and suffer with high anexity so I always overthink and worry that they will lol
  • Oh okay and I don't splash but I'm afraid I will if I start going to quick but I'll look that up thanks for the information
  • Sounds good I love to swim I normally do breast stroke but at a faster speed as I like freestyle and all that but feel like I'd annoy people by splashing them lol
  • Yeah when I go swimming I've started preping meals before and then soon as I'm back I eat my lunch and I'm fine, thanks everyone for the comments sorry I didn't reply to all of them each, feel free to add me for support and motivation as I could use the help also, thank you
  • Thanks guys I love swimming and can swim so going to try it for an hour a day see how I get on
  • 6 oh that's good, I love swimming but haven't exercised properly in a long time so need to get into it, How long have you been swimming for? And have you noticed a big difference? Thank you
  • Yeah that what I mean lose weight and tone up I'm not bothered about being really big in muscle and what sort of other things would you recommend for strengthen muscles? Just lifting weights at a gym is boring to me personally and I don't enjoy it, thank you
  • It's not that I struggle with weight training I just don't enjoy it, it bores me and I know I would end up not sticking to it if I don't enjoy it
  • How long have you swam for and have you lost any weight from it if you don't mind me asking, I didn't know if certain ways or routines for swimming would be better and good luck with the swimming
  • I know this was posted a long time ago and I can still see so many people commenting would just like to know how you've got on from then to now
  • As If I leave it and don't do nothing it will get worse and harder to get in shape
  • You are an absolute inspiration and should be so proud of your self, if you wouldn't mind dropping me a message with some tips and help on how to lose weight that would be amazing and apprecatied as it wouldn't let me message You, I'm not massively overweight but I've put on a bit and really need advise and guidance off of…
  • I don't understand are you guys trying to get over weight? Not hating just confused so I thought I'd ask
  • I'd like to lose some weight and build muscle