
Has anyone lost weight and got in shape using swimming as there exercise? If so how did you do it, thanks


  • SundropEclipse
    SundropEclipse Posts: 84 Member
    I lost 60lbs last year swimming about 90 minutes a day plus 1 hour walking. This year I've been swimming 2-3 hours daily, 30mins walk and I've lost 11lbs in about 2.5 weeks. Still eating junkfood.
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Many people (and at least two studies support this) find themselves more hungry after swimming. As long as one doesn't overeat their calorie expenditure- swimming is a great way to get fit and lose weight.

    Two tips. 1) as the previous poster mentioned, knowing HOW to swim is key. Learning to swim or floundering in the water is not necessarily good exercise. 2) Combat the post swim hunger: it is theorized that post swim hunger is due to the body attempting to warm up a swimmer's core temp which typically drops during swim. Therefore post swim time in hot tub, or a cup of hot tea immediately post swim might help. Personally, I tread water in the 91 degree hot well pool and drink a large cup of decaf coffee just after swimming- ymmv but it has kept that aching post swim hunger at bay for me.
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    ryenday wrote: »
    Many people (and at least two studies support this) find themselves more hungry after swimming. As long as one doesn't overeat their calorie expenditure- swimming is a great way to get fit and lose weight.

    Two tips. 1) as the previous poster mentioned, knowing HOW to swim is key. Learning to swim or floundering in the water is not necessarily good exercise. 2) Combat the post swim hunger: it is theorized that post swim hunger is due to the body attempting to warm up a swimmer's core temp which typically drops during swim. Therefore post swim time in hot tub, or a cup of hot tea immediately post swim might help. Personally, I tread water in the 91 degree hot well pool and drink a large cup of decaf coffee just after swimming- ymmv but it has kept that aching post swim hunger at bay for me.

    I am one of those people that gets hungry after swimming. I do my best to control it, sometimes it wins though. It is the only workout that makes me so hungry right after I am finished and the hunger doesn't go away. Knowing this is half the battle.
  • Tweaking_Time
    Tweaking_Time Posts: 733 Member
    Swimming is an excellent cardio exercise that uses many different muscles, especially if you mix up your routine with breast, back, side strokes and free-style. I also like to swim with arms only (no kicking) and kicking only using a kick-board. Notice I did not mention butterfly - I would never recommend a swim stroke that would drown me in under 50 yards ha-ha.

    I am not sure about being hungrier after swimming as mentioned above. I have not noticed any difference between swimming, cycling, or running...but I eat a diet heavier in protein.

    As mentioned above - having good form is essential to a good swim workout. There are many excellent You-Tube videos on the do's and don'ts for swimming. Getting good form is not that hard either - work on form, then distance/endurance, then speed.
  • connorbambam98
    connorbambam98 Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks guys I love swimming and can swim so going to try it for an hour a day see how I get on
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    I like to mix it up triathlon-style. But swimming is my best sport. Love it in a 50m pool or in a pond (in the summer) or ocean. Stroke lessons are key to enjoyment: it.feels good when you do it right.

    I've never noticed particular increased hunger relative to other sports.
  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    I have lost weight by creating a calorie deficit. Exercise can help, but I mostly do it with diet and portion control. Swimming as definitely improved my fitness.
  • SundropEclipse
    SundropEclipse Posts: 84 Member
    edited July 2017
    Following up on my earlier post, my normal routine:

    Wake up, drink a cup of apple juice with my iron supplement, then go swimming. I always have a bottle of water that I work on gradually throughout the swim. Most of my swim is composed of water jogging, with leisurely breast strokes when I need a break.

    I very rarely am hungry afterward, but waiting until after swimming to eat should help deal with post-swim hunger if you get it. I usually have to wait 1-2 hours to eat otherwise I end up with heartburn. I find I have to pee a lot though on account of the lowered body temperature, so don't be surprised if that happens.
  • connorbambam98
    connorbambam98 Posts: 46 Member
    Yeah when I go swimming I've started preping meals before and then soon as I'm back I eat my lunch and I'm fine, thanks everyone for the comments sorry I didn't reply to all of them each, feel free to add me for support and motivation as I could use the help also, thank you
  • jennybearlv
    jennybearlv Posts: 1,519 Member
    I agree with other posters that you have to be good at swimming to get much burn. I'm in that not so great and get tired easily category, so my calorie burns are a little disappointing. I definitely burn more walking and would likely get a better burn water walking to keep cool. I really enjoy being out in the deep water though so I consider my swim time more of an exercise in relaxation than cardio. I am thinking of looking for swim lessons or coaching at the beginning of next season so I can learn to swim for fitness. You might want to look into that if you are interested in swimming.
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    typically swim hunger has to do with your body's attempt to maintain the same body temp when the water is colder - so you expend energy doing that (on top of calories burnt while actually swimming)
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    Love love love to swim. It's my favorite--and primary form of exercise. During the school year, I swim two to three times per week X 1.5 miles/70 minutes (54 laps). The majority of that is freestyle, but I usually do a kickboard set of 10 - 12 laps, and sometimes throw in some backstroke or breast stroke to mix it up a little.

    LOVE it. Did I mention I LOVE it?!
  • connorbambam98
    connorbambam98 Posts: 46 Member
    I agree with other posters that you have to be good at swimming to get much burn. I'm in that not so great and get tired easily category, so my calorie burns are a little disappointing. I definitely burn more walking and would likely get a better burn water walking to keep cool. I really enjoy being out in the deep water though so I consider my swim time more of an exercise in relaxation than cardio. I am thinking of looking for swim lessons or coaching at the beginning of next season so I can learn to swim for fitness. You might want to look into that if you are interested in

    Without sounding big headed I'm a good swimmer so I think I'll be okay with swimming but thanks for the comment
  • connorbambam98
    connorbambam98 Posts: 46 Member
    Love love love to swim. It's my favorite--and primary form of exercise. During the school year, I swim two to three times per week X 1.5 miles/70 minutes (54 laps). The majority of that is freestyle, but I usually do a kickboard set of 10 - 12 laps, and sometimes throw in some backstroke or breast stroke to mix it up a little.

    LOVE it. Did I mention I LOVE it?!

    Sounds good I love to swim I normally do breast stroke but at a faster speed as I like freestyle and all that but feel like I'd annoy people by splashing them lol
  • Skipjack66
    Skipjack66 Posts: 102 Member
    Love love love to swim. It's my favorite--and primary form of exercise. During the school year, I swim two to three times per week X 1.5 miles/70 minutes (54 laps). The majority of that is freestyle, but I usually do a kickboard set of 10 - 12 laps, and sometimes throw in some backstroke or breast stroke to mix it up a little.

    LOVE it. Did I mention I LOVE it?!

    Sounds good I love to swim I normally do breast stroke but at a faster speed as I like freestyle and all that but feel like I'd annoy people by splashing them lol

    If you are splashing while doing freestyle then you are not as efficient as you could be when moving through the water. The water is your friend, don't attack it - use it to pull yourself through in a nice streamlined position. Sharks don't splash. They swim fast on stealth mode. Be like a shark and take a few one on one lessons to learn what you need to fix and refine your technique. Plenty of websites out there dedicated to improving swimming technique too.
  • connorbambam98
    connorbambam98 Posts: 46 Member
    Skipjack66 wrote: »
    Love love love to swim. It's my favorite--and primary form of exercise. During the school year, I swim two to three times per week X 1.5 miles/70 minutes (54 laps). The majority of that is freestyle, but I usually do a kickboard set of 10 - 12 laps, and sometimes throw in some backstroke or breast stroke to mix it up a little.

    LOVE it. Did I mention I LOVE it?!

    Sounds good I love to swim I normally do breast stroke but at a faster speed as I like freestyle and all that but feel like I'd annoy people by splashing them lol

    If you are splashing while doing freestyle then you are not as efficient as you could be when moving through the water. The water is your friend, don't attack it - use it to pull yourself through in a nice streamlined position. Sharks don't splash. They swim fast on stealth mode. Be like a shark and take a few one on one lessons to learn what you need to fix and refine your technique. Plenty of websites out there dedicated to improving swimming technique too.
    Oh okay and I don't splash but I'm afraid I will if I start going to quick but I'll look that up thanks for the information
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    A bit of splashing is completely expected in lap swimming. Splash away.
  • Okiludy
    Okiludy Posts: 558 Member
    I lost about 30lbs swimming 3x a week and lifting 3x a week. I mainly do breaststroke and freestyle. I get between 1 & 2km a session.

    I agree with the hungry after if water is cool or cold. Right now the water temp is in 80s and don't get hungry, just really thirsty. Talking like 2 extra liters at a min on swim days.
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    A bit of splashing is completely expected in lap swimming. Splash away.

    I was thinking this today as I swam. There is always some splashing.