smurfette54 Member


  • I love helping! I sent a request.
  • Sha_man029 We are kind of in the same boat. I have lost weight and have mainly kept it off for a long time. Recently I had gained some back, and am here tracking my food. It has been working out well, but love to have new buddies on occasion to keep me motivated. I added you as a friend. :)
  • So in a 24 hour period you burn X amount of calories doing your normal every day activities (for me it is around 1500-1600 and I know that after lots of experimenting, tracking, and my polar fitness tracker). So normal everyday activities for me is things such as showering, going to work (I teach school, and I actually…
  • I need in on this Turkish Getup thing!
  • Up to 4 now. Man that is hard! Thanks everyone. Keep reaching for the stars.
  • Whey protein isolate powder is the way to go (no pun intended). It gives you the high quality protein you need to maintain muscle mass while losing fat. I do a smoothy almost daily with berries (plus various other fruits whatever I have on hand to change it up a little) with 2-4 oz of whole milk, plus Blue Bonnet whey…
  • Nice work! I too live in the suburbs in Colorado. I don't have to much to lose, but love the motivation and commitment others bring on this site. I will friend you.
  • Hi 5obeautful There is so much to say here and not enough time. I think anyone who reads your posts definitely has a lot of questions. Mainly as stated above. And maybe it is none of our business, such as what activities can you do, ie. are your legs mobile at all, are your arms mobile, can you get in and out of the chair?…
  • Yes...Yes... and Yes.. It should come off. I also get more hungry because of it. Drives me nuts. But then I am less hungry when it is finished. Hang in there and wait until it is over.
  • Just as a reference point, I am 5'0". As of this week I am 123 lbs. This gives me a BMI of 24. Recently I was reaching 130 lbs, so I started tracking my food as i did not want to gain and felt I needed to lose (was once 180 lbs and refuse to go back there). So I have been tracking for about 2 months and have lost 6 lbs or…
  • Are you new to exercising? I would stick to 3 days a week and maybe lower the weight or reps to start out a little slower. But I bet you will notice soon enough that you are gaining strength and can do more. Good quality protein is important to rebuild these muscles, so stick with that.
  • I agree with the above. Corn is a part of my diet especially right now when it is so fresh on the cob and delicious. It is full of carbohydrates which is fine, but sometimes when you eat a lot of carbs in one day, the muscles store it for later energy (simplified version) which can increase your weight a bit (this goes for…
  • Polar friend here! I had a polar loop that I liked, then I upgraded to the polar A360 which I LOVE! No GPS, but does work well. Just yesterday I thought about synching it up to MFP and read that it only works with iOS right now. But I guess wolf0213 just kind of mentioned that. I did not try really hard though to figure it…
  • I guess the question is why are they set high? MFP should help figure out your calorie amount using the parameters you put in (weight, height, activity level). I have changed my macronutrient levels which is working out better for me.
    in New Comment by smurfette54 August 2016
  • I copy the user name and go to find members, and then paste that into the username/email box. It should find the person, and then you can add them as a friend!
  • Take it one day at a time, and do baby steps. If you really try hard to log on here every day and weigh your food and put it in the food journal, it helps a lot. You kind of get a sense of how many calories you are really eating. This might deter you from over eating at night. It may take days to weeks before you change…
    in Hi Comment by smurfette54 August 2016
  • CrittaHipHop I justed read this forum and I am actually appalled by some of the responses you have received. There is a lot of negativity here, enough to make me want to rethink MFP. To me, "eating clean" is not so much a way of losing weight (although I think it helps) but a way of trying to stay away from artificial…
  • Here is to the train staying out of station. Glad you are here. You are among supportive friends. :)
  • I agree with 3dogsrunning in the above. I want to put this into perspective for you a little. I am a 5'0" female and weigh 126 lbs. I really don't need to lose that much, but I was getting into bad habits and was gaining weight back, so here I am holding myself accountable for what I am eating. Either way, MFP has me…
  • Good luck! Been there done that. I am currently working on losing after gaining some back. :)
  • I just started 3 days ago after gaining some weight back also. Trying to nip it in the bud before it gets out of hand. We can do this!