whathapnd Member


  • English Breakfast Tea, black. Sometimes Earl Grey. (Hot.) 😊 Before dairy allergy, I added a good glug of whole milk -- never skim. Normally use pre-bagged tea, but occasionally I use loose leaf. I have an electric tea kettle, and I much prefer the flavor I get with it versus microwaving the water. And it's much faster than…
  • CREWAHL wrote: "I’m only being mildly facetious, but the clearest correlation to my daily weight chart is the fact of getting on an airplane. There’s something about that jetway that puts five or ten pounds on me every time." Put me on a plane for a long vacation, and I generally will eat fewer calories and get in a lot…
  • Are you sure it was the Motrin that caused the weight gain versus the underlying condition that caused you to take the Motrin? You mentioned having a gout flare-up. Yes, I realize I'm asking this question of a doctor. 😁 But back to your question. I don't weigh daily, but if I did, I feel confident there would be a…
  • I'm up .4. As I said above, I had a good week. Tracked everything and set a hard limit on junk food. I just need to repeat and let the scale catch up.
  • I forgot to weigh this morning so will report tomorrow. But it's been a really good week in terms of tracking everything, sticking to my calorie goal and limiting junk food.
  • Ha! Thanks for the heads up. I've had my head buried in the sand and haven't paid attention to this. I'll be buying some tickets later. My state doesn't allow anonymous trusts to claim lottery prizes, but that's how I would handle if they did. So, if I win, you'll know. And if you see that the winner is a 50-something…
  • Down .8 over two weeks. I was out of town part of last week with no scale access. I've been bopping around gaining and losing the same couple of pounds the past month. I'm truly mentally ready to string together a few days of proper eating then repeat. I've got meals planned/shopped for through Monday and will get the next…
  • I'm up 2 pounds. I know why. Blah. I also need to wish harder/more regularly.
  • Way to go Steve and Al! I'm down .6. It was a decent week in terms of not snacking, but I didn't have the well-rounded meals I intended. I let some things get in the way of nightly cooking, so there was too much take-out. I managed portions well, but there weren't enough vegetables and quite a few allergens. (I love you,…
  • I'm down .4 over two weeks. I was out of town part of last week with no scale access. While out of town, I made both stellar choices and total crap choices. DH and I just had a chat about trying to eat better, consistently. I'm planning to develop a meal plan for the week this weekend. That's always super helpful for me.
  • Hey there, Friday Weighers! I'm back after a long absence. Feeling refreshed and ready to lose weight/make good health choices. I'm down 1.2 pounds. This number is the lowest I've been since May of last year. The positive psychological impact of seeing a new low number has put some pep in my step! Have a great weekend!
  • My week was "meh." I was very "hungry" this week. I don't know why because I haven't been creating a huge deficit to cause that. I didn't track a couple of days. I suspect I had a small deficit for the week, but I can't know for sure without tracking, can I? 😁 I exercised a bit, but not as much as I'd hoped to due to…
  • @Al_Howard - - let me know if it helps. If so, I'll drag myself to a meeting. ☺
  • Reporting on my behaviors versus weighing in. I tracked diligently. My calorie deficit was 3250 versus my goal of 3500. This may not seem like a big deal, but I'm not very muscular and am sedentary, so to lose a pound a week consistently, I likely need to have a higher deficit than 3500. I didn't exercise like I said I…
  • My calorie deficit for the week was 3250 versus 3500. I didn't exercise like I'd planned. More in 10 Pound Challenge.
  • I feel ready to commit to an exercise goal and will use my check-ins here to report my compliance. It's been helpful to report on behaviors that should lead to weight loss (e.g. tracking and whether I've achieved my desired calorie deficit.) I want/need to exercise for many reasons: better health, more stamina, build…
  • Bengals for the win. I made extra chili a couple weeks ago and popped it in the freezer. Easier to keep the eating under control tomorrow with not going to a party.
  • Greg, I think it's great that you're readily willing to try something new, and I appreciate your openness in sharing why you're giving Noom a try. I completely agree that for many of us, if we can get at the underlying issue(s) that drive poor choices, we have a better chance of correcting those choices, long-term. I…
  • My behaviors were generally good regarding good choices/portions. I diligently tracked. I posted more in 10 Pound Challenge.
  • I had a good week from an eating standpoint. I actively reduced my snack/junk food intake significantly. I overshot my goal deficit of 3500 calories to a deficit of 4900+ calories. This was the result of my sleep pattern being significantly off and trying to time meals so that I was not eating too close to when I…
  • I caved in and weighed yesterday. I'm thrilled to be down six pounds in four weeks! More in 10 Pound Challenge.
  • So . . . I gave in to temptation and weighed. My starting weight on January 8th was my highest ever recorded weight. I was concerned that with not meeting the 3500 calorie deficit each week that I wasn't making progress and might need to give myself a KITA. I can see a slight difference in my belly, but at this weight,…
  • I'm still reporting on behaviors versus weighing in. I didn't meet my 3500 calorie deficit. It was 2855 per my tracker. The main issue was something I baked to give away but didn't get out of the house quickly enough. Indulging in that item was more than 2000 wasted calories. I'm mad at myself for that. No real progress on…
  • I never record my daily weights when I'm in daily-weighing mode. When I weigh daily, it's to see what fluctuation can look like, so I wouldn't record the wrong number. Impressive data bank, Al!
  • I'm still not weighing but am reporting on my behaviors. I had a good week. Finally achieved my weekly goal of a 3500 calorie deficit. It was a bit over 3600. I had better meal plans in place for the week. I feel good about my progress in terms of food choices (i.e. more fruits/veggies and better planned dinners) but…
  • I had a good week. Finally achieved my weekly goal of a 3500 calorie deficit. It was a bit over 3600. I had better meal plans in place for the week. I feel good about my progress in terms of food choices. Still room for improvement, though. More in 10 Pound Challenge.
  • BTW, in terms of what NOT to put ketchup on, I think Ketchup's tag line should be: "Pairs well with fatty and salty foods."
  • Ketchup for me. I put it on fries, burgers, onion rings. (Rarely eat onion rings.) Maybe a tad on scrambled eggs if there are home fries/hash browns on a diner breakfast plate, but never at home. I glaze meatloaf with a combo of ketchup/yellow mustard and a smidge of brown sugar. I may add a bit of ketchup on the side…
  • I forgot to add: Way to go @Al_Howard!! That's fantastic news!!
  • As I mentioned previously, I'm not going to weigh for awhile but will focus on/report on behavioral changes of diligent tracking and calorie deficit (and eventually more movement) each week. Tracking was great this week. I improved over last week's deficit of 2200 calories to about 2900. But my goal is 3500 deficit. There…