Welcome back @Jerdtrmndone! Congratulations on your marriage. We're just starting to discuss vacation. We've stayed close to home the past few years, for a number of reasons. I think Scotland may be on the horizon for fall.
I'm down 1.4. That's a pleasant surprise given that I don't feel like I tried hard this week. Meals and eating were a bit all over the place. However, I'm finally starting to feel rested and plan to get some meal prep done this weekend.
I'm down 22.6 from the end of December of 2023. My pattern seemed to be lose awhile, maintain awhile, repeat. I did the same thing when I made it to goal previously. I feel good about last year but need some time to reflect to see what I might change in hopes of improving or making things easier going forward.
I think 2024 is going to be a year I look back at as a pivotal year. I finished the year down 22.6 pounds. That's fabulous, and I'm proud. More importantly, I generally maintained any losses I had, so there wasn't a ton of beating myself up from see-sawing. I tried new tactics this year and was more public (on this biard)…
I'm not on FB or any other social media, do this group is it for me (since 2011 with a small break.) I'm extremely thankful for this group. I find it incredibly helpful to post and read here even if there's not a much activity as on the old GOAD WW board. I've been wondering about Podkey. Anyone know how he's doing?
I did okay during December, in general, I think. The scale says I'm ok, but I wasn't weighing in December. My behaviors were mostly mindful. The end of December/beginning of January have been a bit more indulgent/less mindful due to unexpected travel, fatigue from same, a foot of snow and a bit of grumpiness from all of…
Generally speaking, I don't mind eating the same foods over the course of several weeks. I think doing that helped me get to goal. Those foods don't have to be boring/lacking flavor. I'm a decent cook and regarded as a good baker. I think this has helped think about whether a food is truly "special." I want to sample ALL…
I definitely identify with that comic! More and more, when I see that Progressive Insurance commercial where the guy is trying to stop people from turning into their parents, I think, "Oh my God. I do that." And I frequently see my grandmother's face in the mirror - - not a bad thing. I loved her dearly and cherish the…
Up .4 from last week.
Hey Friday Weighers! I'm a week late reporting but wanted to post it here to be official. I'm down 5.4 pounds since mid-September when I took a break from weekly weighing. I have much more to say about that experiment/experience but I'm playing catch-up on life right now due to some unexpected things that happened during…
Um, hello? Why did these experiments not include the second step of "kiss the food to the angels" before ingesting. This is a critical part of the five second rule. Duh.
I've been tracking more often than not the past few months, and it definitely helps me not overdo the calories by large margins. I'm planning on tracking through the holidays even if there will be a fair amount of good faith estimates.
I had a good week and am back to diligent tracking. A couple of big projects/events are behind me, so I should have more time to cook at home the next few days before we become holiday road warriors. I'll be baking for friends and neighbors tomorrow, so I need to stay focused on quickly getting items out of my house and…
I try to eat before going to the airport, but when I can't I tend to default to Starbucks egg bites as a meal. I shouldn't have the cheese, but if I haven't had a lot of dairy that week, I'll eat it. We had a five hour delay a few weeks ago. Restaurants were closed, so the only option was a protein bar from the convenience…
"No pun intended, but it sounds a bit like having your cake and eating it too. 🤷🏻♂️" Fair question, Charlie. But I disagree with your read of "why" I may weigh in again. TLDR: I'm not looking for "directional" support in going to a WW studio. I'm looking for ways to keep weight loss front and center in the month that is…
I'm on week #12 of not weighing. But I popped into a WW Studio today to record a weight. In my goal to not gain weight during the holidays, I asked whether I'd gained, lost or stayed the same. She said I'd lost since last weighing in. I didn't want specifics. I may go again next week to keep that goal front and center.…
I have a negative experience. I have a family member who has asked me, over the years, what I'm doing to lose weight when I'm in loss mode. She seemed to think there was something magical other can creating a calorie deficit over an extended period. Instead of reading/researching on her own, she wanted me to share anything…
Ha! Ha! I think it's a good strategy for Thanksgiving dinner and maybe for when I sit down with a bag of salty snacks. 😃 There were even more side dishes than normal this year, and I had a bit of everything. Those small portions add up quickly when there are like ten items. However, I limited my day after eating of…
I'm on week #11 of not weighing. I had a decent week in that I got back to tracking, and I banked some calories earlier in the week for Thanksgiving. For our Thanksgiving meal, I ate more than I should have but not as much as I wanted. I was full without being miserable. I got back to basics the next day and need to put a…
@Brian_19, I hear you on this being a tough time of year to adhere to a weight loss plan. I mentioned in another thread that a dozen years of weight tracking data tells me that this time of year is where I blow it. I'll analyze more deeply when I have time, but I believe EOY gains have been a big contributor to my overall…
Oops. Just a smidge over FIVE weeks left in the year.
My big insight is that most of if my weight gain over the years has likely come the last two months of each year. I've let those losses compound. If I can ONLY manage that piece from now to the end of time, I'll probably be ok. The other insight is that I don't always have to be "dieting" to lose weight. I do, however,…
We go in stages and lately have been relying a lot on grocery store pre-made meals. I'm aware I do better losing weight when I cook my own meals. I'm a plus one for keeping the giant bag of frozen mixed veggies on-hane.
Oh, and I forgot to mention that I was able to pop into a WW studio this morning. I didn't ask for details, but I confirmed that I'm still below my weigh-in on October 12th.
It's been six weeks since my last update. I'd planned to weigh in at a WW Studio every four weeks during this experiment, but I've been out of town four out of the last five weekends with no easy access to a studio. (I actually checked.) I have gotten extremely lax in tracking, and as a result, I do not think I've lost…
I'm on week #10 of not weighing/knowing my weight, but I was able to pop into a WW Studio this morning to record a data point. I had a decent week in some respects, but I've gotten away from tracking regularly, and that is not good right now. I'll post more in my "experiment" thread. I feel a little more dialed in, so I…
I still haven't found my Fitbit, but I mapped a walk we did from an event last night, and our route was three miles.
Welcome back! It's always great to "see" you! It sounds like you're in a good mental pace and that your plan is working. Fantastic! Looking forward to your participation on the board and your insights.
I'm on week #8 of not weighing. I had planned to go to a WW studio early this morning, but I hit snooze instead. I've been out of town a lot the past few weekends, mainly for fun stuff, and I've gotten lazy in my tracking. I don't think I've caused a lot of damage, and I've definitely been mindful/haven't eaten as much as…
I'm already tired thinking about the holiday travel we'll be doing. It's been a busy fall already. But these are first world problems, and I'm thankful for the time and resources to be able to travel and spend time with family and friends. I need to track consistently during the holidays. Another thing I'm planning to do…