francesca_grey Member


  • Username: francesca_grey Weigh In Day: Sunday PW: 151.4 CW: 150.6 Total challenge loss: 2.4 lbs I still keep bouncing from 151 to 153. I’m struggling but the one thing that’s keeping me from giving up is my fasting streak. I’ve made it 18 days and and aiming to reach a full 3 weeks. I’m gonna focus this week on seeing the…
  • * Goals Met * 13 day fasting streak 18 hour fasting average 4 of 23 EPIC workouts completed 2 of 5 pounds lost * Goals Not Met * * I had a snack that led to more snacks I worked hard this week but didn’t overdo it. My leggings are no longer tight and I can see my figure again. I hope to fit back in my jeans by the end of…
  • Username: francesca_grey Weigh In Day: Sunday PW: 152.4 CW: 151.4 I started a new intense workout program this week and my scale weight has been up but it finally started going down and I’m at the weight I was 2 weeks ago right after I started tracking, heh. But my clothes are already starting to fit better so I know I’m…
  • Hi everyone I’m new to the group and recently got back on the wagon to get my pre-pandemic body and mindset back. 38 yrs 5’7” 153 lbs Ultimate GW is 135, though I’d like to regain the muscle I lost this past year too so this is just an estimate and my “feel good” weight. * Goals * Maintain IF fasting streak with an 18 hour…
  • @Beka3695 I’m that way with a lot of things. I will be rooting for your sobriety and your losses this month. I started a new workout program yesterday and I’m up a pound. I’m eating a lot of veggies, drinking saltwater and have sore muscles so I *know* it’s just scale weight but it is always frustrating to work so hard and…
  • Starting weight / date: 155 on 5-21-21 Challenge starting weight: 152.4 Challenge weight loss goal: 135 June Goal: 147 July Goal: 142 August Goal: 138 September Goal: 135 17 pounds in 17 weeks I want this!
  • Search for Caroline Girvan EPIC and you’ll find her channel on YouTube. It’s a free 10 week program with 50 videos. She has a bonus beginner week to help you get used to the moves. I’ve never tried her workouts before but have heard rave reviews and they seem challenging.
  • Username: francesca_grey Weigh In Day: Sunday PW (Previous Weight): NA CW (Current Weight): 152.4 My main motivations are: — Shed the extra fat I gained during the panini — Build muscle to help manage my chronic illness — Stick to my IF 18:6 plan to curb binge eating and regulate hormones I was in the best physical and…
  • @PatriceFitnessPal I am also focusing on body recomp so I will be doing this along with you next month! I’m a weightlifter that stopped training and need to get back into it again.
  • Looking forward to joining the challenge next month. I’m a serial restarter and yesterday I got fed up on giving up. I thought about what made my previous attempts successful and one thing I was missing was an online support group so I signed up to help me stay focused.
  • February starting weight: 153 February goal: 146 Final goal: 135 2/01 – 153 2/02 - 151.4 2/03 - 151.4 2/04 - 151.8 2/05 - 152.6 I did not stay on plan yesterday so the clock is reset, but I still weighed in this morning and am feeling determined. Next goal is 4 consecutive days on plan.
  • February starting weight: 153 February goal: 146 Final goal: 135 2/01 – 153 2/02 - 151.4 2/03 - 151.4 2/04 - 151.8 Feeling less bloated and it's helping me to stay on track, I even dusted off my old tracking spreadsheet. I want to make it to 5 days!
  • February starting weight: 153 February goal: 146 Final goal: 135 2/01 – 153 2/02 - 151.4 2/03 - 151.4 I finally made it 3 days (started Sunday) 100% on plan!!! I've been starting and restarting for months and I usually cave in by day 3, but not this time! My next mini goal is to make it 5 days. I have a slight headache…
  • February starting weight: 153 February goal: 146 2/01 – 153 2/02 - 151.4 I only gained ~5 pounds this past year since lockdown but all of the muscle I'd previously gained has turned to fat and my clothes don't fit. I do best when I weigh and post daily so doing that and easing back into my training schedule are my goals…
  • I know this comment wasn't directed at me but it made me cringe and feel uncomfortable. Bro, these kinds of comments are NOT welcomed by many women. I go to the gym to build muscles and get stronger, not to be sexually objectified. Imma step out of here now and stick with female-friendly weightlifting communities but I had…
  • Strong Curves is a great program but the book is really gross and Bret Contreras is sexist and creepy. Take what good info you can from it and ignore the rest. I've been following a similar workout and lifting 3-4x a week. That frequency/volume is ideal for me and I've gotten great results from it.
  • @baconslave - bulgarian squats engage your glutes more and protect your knees (especially if you step forward a little further and push through your heels) so you aren't relying on other muscles and joints to compensate. Glute training has gotten rid of all of my chronic pain plus the lateral pelvic tilt I had on my right…
  • @vkrenz - meat sauce or bolognese with lots of garlic and cheese is one of my go to meals. I use carrot noodles which are higher carb but zucchini noodles, spaghetti squash or baking inside bell peppers are all options. It's easy to make a big batch and freeze.
  • 1) No binging 💩I binged again this week, recorded every bite, started the clock over. I've had this problem since I was 12 though so I know it will take some time. No guilt whatsoever because I tracked it and got right back on track. 2) Exercise outdoors 💪 Hiked 5.5 miles up and down a mountain yesterday and it was great.…
  • Me: 9 Cookie Monster: 4 Binge free for 7 days Yesterday was fine, the day before was challenging. I ate a protein bar and it almost led to a binge. I curled up on the couch under blankets and watched TV instead. Every single one of my other binges recently has been triggered by eating a processed baked good. I suppose…
  • 1) On day 6/37 of no binging 💪Starting to get hungry again. Instead of giving in I am telling myself it's because I am about to drop a bunch of fat and my body is fighting it. 2) Exercise outdoors 💪 I downloaded a walking app from Under Armour and took my dog for a long walk which included some stair climbing. She loves…
  • Me: 5 Cookie Monster: 4 Binge free for 3 days My urges have died down a lot. I am pretty determined to meet the streak I set so I am nipping them in the bud early instead of arguing/reasoning. @Bill70sStrong thank you so much! @lamlamsmakeover I'm glad your stressful period is over and not giving in is such great progress!…
  • @Violet_Flux thank you! I think I read that you went hiking recently too. Nature is so good for my brain. I made it a point to notice the smells and sounds and pay attention to my surroundings. Looking forward to my next hike this weekend.
  • 1) Wait 20 minutes when having urges to binge 💩 I waited and waited but ended up binging anyway haha! 4 days in a row. New goal is to go 37 days, 1/10th of a year. 2) Exercise outdoors 💪 I went on a hike this weekend. I had to push myself to find a place to go, drive there, find a parking spot, locate the trail, etc. I got…
  • Me: 2 Cookie Monster: 4 This is the worst month I’ve had in some time, I binged 4 days in a row! I am caught in a cycle of restricting and binging then restricting and am headed for disaster if I don’t correct this. I’m not upset with myself really. Of course I wish I had a better score, but I'm also not avoiding…
  • Me: 2 Cookie Monster: 0 7 days binge free Today was dicey because I was genuinely hungry and had to figure out how to feed myself without overdoing it but I did it!
  • 1) “Stop snacking/binging” is too vague of a goal so instead I am going to wait 20 minutes every time I want to snack so the urges die down. 2) Aiming for 300 hours of exercise this year so I need to knock out 25 hours per month. Start exercising and hiking outdoors. 3) Meal prep on Sunday and mid-week. I did great last…
  • This year instead of making a resolution to stop binging, I am making it a goal to wait 20 minutes every time I have an urge to snack with the hopes that it will lead to me stopping binging. So far it's been working really well and I forget about it until it goes away. I've abstained for months before and I know I can do…
  • December 31 Me: 28 Cookie Monster: 3 Binge free for 5 days
  • Last year my goal was to complete a 12 week weightlifting program and I loved it so I kept going. This year my goal is to log 300 hours of exercise. I was motivated by the 24 hours of exercise a month challenge on these boards so I am going to continue and aim for 25 hours a month. I'd like to be able to progress to one…