kytdkyt Member


  • That's scary; you did everything right and still had a heart attack. Just goes to show, we should treat every day as a blessing, live life to the fullest and not take anything for granted. Glad you're doing well!
  • I will just add that you don't need to exercise to lose weight but exercise does a whole lot more for your health than that, especially as we continue to age. Do you like to ride a bike for fun? Go ballroom or country-western dancing? Horseback riding? Tennis? There are so many forms of "exercise" that are just fun…
  • If you're on a phone, go to recipes, open the recipe you want to delete and swipe left. You should get a red "delete" button you can click on.
  • OP is long gone, tired of everyone telling her what she didn't want to hear.
  • Didn't anybody see the movie "Wild"? I know a LOT of women who hike and backpack solo.
  • Muscle does NOT weigh more than fat. 1 pound of muscle and 1 pound of fat weigh the same: 1 pound. Muscle is denser than fat, though so it takes up less space. Therefore you look thinner with 140 pounds that is mostly muscle vs 140 pounds that is made up of more fat. The key to "firming up the flab" is to lose those last…
  • If your goal is to recomp, simply begin by eating 1-1.2 grams of protein per pound of body weight. You don't need to calculate your body fat percentage and all the rest. And you can find a LOT of very good "deep dive" information on recomping on MFP. Start with this thread:…
  • I've started a recomp. Within a month I've lost an inch almost everywhere (except my stomach, wah!), although I chalk some of this up to water/glycogen loss. However, the muscles in my arms and legs are already strengthening. I'm not seeing any visible differences yet, but I can feel changes.
  •*kitten*-ideal-size-sprinter.jpg This link does not work.
  • Doctors are terrible about providing good nutritional advice. They aren't really knowledgeable in this area. You should ask him for a referral to a registered dietitian, and do as much research as you can on your own. The American Diabetes Association is a good starting point. Also the websites of hospitals like the Mayo…
    in Drs orders Comment by kytdkyt March 2019
  • MFP gives me a different protein goal every day. My protein is set at 40 percent of calories, and my protein goal changes every time I earn exercise calories. How do I change this to always give me the same protein goal every day, based on 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight?
  • Be careful not to add the 5 pounds Stronglifts tells you to add each time if you're not sure you're ready. Or, go buy a pair of 1.25 pound and only add 2.5 pounds each time. I've strained muscles repeatedly trying to add too much weight too fast, especially while working on form.
  • I have brown eyes and love using an emerald green or deep violet eyeliner on my upper lids, with light brown eyeshadow. Blue eyeshadow on me makes me look like I'm in Jr. High school.
    in Makeup? Comment by kytdkyt April 2017
  • I am taking it for joint pain in my fingers and it seems to have helped some. A friend also recommended fish oil (the actual oil, not capsules or pills) and I have more relief when I take both the fish oil and the turmeric capsules at breakfast and dinner each day.