exercise: what if i HATE EVERYTHING?



  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    rothko999 wrote: »
    i'm 5'9" and about 155. i'd like that to be about 147. so it's not like i have a HUGE amount to lose, but i see the scale going *up* instead of down lately and i'd really like to at least maintain if not lose. weight watchers changed the way they do the "points" though, and it just doesn't work for me the way they're doing it now. i lost that 50 lbs by just eating differently and better, never actually added any activity. counting calories has not worked for me in the past, but i guess i'll try it again. it's just hard when i have 600 calories left at 3pm and have no idea what else is left for me to eat. i haven't got a clue how many calories a given item even is. it just makes me anxious and panicky.

    i do like to walk... summers here in austin are absolutely unbearable, though, and i don't tolerate heat very well -- i can easily end up in heat exhaustion if i'm not careful. also, i need to be careful about plantar fasciitis. i suppose i could always join the ranks of the early morning mall-walkers. that's just depressing though.

    It doesn't necessarily need to be a mall. Are there other areas that are air conditioned and open to the public? Actually, a quick Google search gives these suggestions: https://www.reddit.com/r/Austin/comments/3k5o3t/spots_for_indoor_walking/
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    rothko999 wrote: »
    so i'm 47 and it seems like i'm gaining a pound every day lately. i know i need to get moving -- i'm a very sedentary person. but i HATE working out. i don't like sports. yoga doesn't seem like it would be any help in losing weight. i lost 50 pounds with weight watchers a couple years ago, and i was managing to keep it off... until i started grad school this past fall... then i started stress-eating and slacking on my habits and pretty soon ten extra pounds just magically reappeared. doesn't help that i'm going through menopause these days either. like i said, i know i need to get moving on a regular basis but i don't even know where to start since i really do hate exercise, and "just find something you like!" is not helpful. "you should do it so you don't get sick when you're older" is also true but very abstract and not all that motivating in the moment. uuuuuuugh.

    Start by telling yourself, exercise is not for weight loss. Exercise is what we do for our health. Would you rather be placed in an assisted living facility sooner or later?

    Yoga is great to de-stress, help you keep your balance, and a better range of motion longer. No, these aren't big calorie burners. Eating less is always going to be the main thing because it's way too easy to scarf down big calories.

    Keep looking for your perfect exercise. You may not find it, but along the way you will find the least objectionable thing.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Do you like any active activities that aren't necessarily "working out"? Like swimming, walking, hiking, dancing?
  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    edited April 2019
    rothko999 wrote: »
    counting calories has not worked for me in the past, but i guess i'll try it again. it's just hard when i have 600 calories left at 3pm and have no idea what else is left for me to eat. i haven't got a clue how many calories a given item even is. it just makes me anxious and panicky.

    So don't count calories - eat what you usually like to eat, but just eat less of it! You don't have to eat any special diet foods or anything like that, if you don't want to.

    And you don't have much weight to lose, so expect it to be very slow. Water weight and hormonal fluctuations can easily mask any loss, and it may take weeks for progress to show up on the scale. Take progress photos and measurements instead, and take note of how your clothes fit and whether anything changes.

    Going through menopause will not prevent you losing weight - I successfully lost over 70lbs whilst navigating perimenopausal symptoms, and kept most of it off (gained a few pounds back over the winter through comfort eating).

    Inactivity will not prevent you losing weight - I'm very sedentary, and also lazy, and did little to no purposeful exercise during my weight loss. It would have been better for my overall health and fitness if I did, but it wasn't necessary for the loss.

    Here's a whole thread full of suggestions for increasing your activity level in small ways, without doing "real exercise". Perhaps something there will help you?


    Edit: also check out these threads:


  • kytdkyt
    kytdkyt Posts: 16 Member
    edited April 2019
    I will just add that you don't need to exercise to lose weight but exercise does a whole lot more for your health than that, especially as we continue to age. Do you like to ride a bike for fun? Go ballroom or country-western dancing? Horseback riding? Tennis? There are so many forms of "exercise" that are just fun activities. What do you do to relax when you're not buried in the books?
  • jnomadica
    jnomadica Posts: 280 Member
    I personally enjoy exercise, but the reality is we all have to do things we’d prefer not to, because they’re important. I don’t like to floss, or do laundry, or get up early and go to work. But these are crucial activities, so I do them. To me, exercise fits in that category, so I just do it, even when I’d rather lay on the couch.
    Maybe just try scheduling a 15 minute walk into your days. That’s not a lot of time, but would have real benefits. After some time, I’d bet you start to enjoy it. Bonus if you can go with a friend, but listening to music or podcasts is pretty great too.
    PS I have plantar fasciitis too, and it’s really frustrating!
  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 638 Member
    There's a little device you can put under your desk to pedal while you work. It's not much, but it is something--and if you do it consistently over the course of the day, it will burn some calories.

    Also, think about walking as wandering, not exercise. Wandering helps me get out to walk when I need to--I love jogging but hate "walking." So I head to a beautiful place at the right time of day (when the weather is hot, that's early am, even in Florida--where I spend part of my summer. And I jog after sunset), and give myself permission to wander--take my time, enjoy the scenery, and not worry about "exercise." I might take 50% longer than a simple, focused "walk" would take, but I enjoy it and am much more likely to do it again. And many times, I am up for walking (a steady, brisker pace of about 3-3.5 mph) which gives me a more concentrated cardiovascular workout.

    I hate swimming laps, but I enjoy playing in a pool. I'm 60 and still do a lot of somersaults and handstands. Hanging out in the deeper water, treading water and fooling around for 30 minutes is a good way to burn more cals without really feeling it.

    Try bowling or dance class, or anything that gets you out and moving a bit more. It doesn't have to be "exercise." My wandering keeps me out of the house--and away from food--for more time than a quick walk does. My swimming does the same. And, b/c I don't push myself at either, I often find I spend a lot more time and enjoy it more. It's a win-win. I think most people "hate" exercise b/c they won't give themselves permission to slow down and just enjoy moving, sunlight, and fresh air (if you are outside). But, that SHOULD be the way to start-slowly, enjoying it. Slow down, stop (take breaks); enjoy it. Maybe you will someday be inspired to push a little--maybe not. It won't matter b/c you will already be doing something that will contribute to healthier "old age."
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I love the gym, I love biking, hiking but not everyone is like me. If you are the intellect type, do that. Just cut back on what you eat. You are lucky you don't have much to lose.