cheriej2042 Member


  • Looks like an awesome day!
  • Wow! I read this story and was astonished this guy survived. He was lucky. I want to agree that if you hike with other people it isn’t every person for themself. I’ve seen this play out numerous times as I started going on meetup hikes in Southern California. One time a woman fell behind my group in the front, was isolated…
  • Just an observation but looking at the picture of you in the old pack, it looks like it’s hanging down too low on your back and would pull on your shoulders and neck especially after 6 hours. Try adjusting the front straps to pull the pack higher up on your back and see how that works. It could have been just the extra…
  • Don’t beat yourself up. I’m sure with everything going on you do not have time to think about healthy food choices all the time. Those 13 mini donuts are gone and based on your entire lifetime have very little if any meaning. Focus on what’s important which is your role as caregiver which I’ve done and remains the most…
  • I have 5 different backpacks,different sizes for different uses and I still haven’t found one that meets all my needs. Durability of material without too much weight, wide hip straps, ability to distribute weight and stack it vertically not have the pack weight too wide, side external pockets, zippered smaller…
  • I tried to go out of town towards Paso Robles. Air quality poor same orange sun it was scary with ash falling. I tried to hike but was stuck on small 3 mile loops and ended up coughing for hours. I was hiking Friday in Orange County 6 miles but particulate matter still bad and was coughing. Today hiked 12.5 miles Irvine…
  • I don’t know why the question is even asked because everyone knows it’s 😋🎃
  • 5’4 my goal is 130. I’m too afraid to weigh myself after lockdown I thought I gained 15 pounds and have been slowly going down. But I tried on some pants I have in my closet and still too tight. I am food logging and I exercise a lot but it just takes a while to lose weight. I try not to focus too much on the number…
  • Love the views of some real mountains. What’s the altitude that you had snow/ice? Just seeing the ice is great it’s over 100 degrees here!
  • I have not heard Chantry Flats is closed but that damn road up to it seems to have all sorts of issues every year.
  • Took me 4 hours to get to the summit but I did take a wrong turn at one point and was halfway up to Saddleback before I asked a cyclist who pointed me in the right direction. I took it slow on the way down where I took a lot of pictures so 3 hours down but I probably could have gotten down in 2 if I focused on it. I just…
  • Yup, hope that the air does improve. ]And don't forget that you'll need a [free] Wilderness Permit for San Gorgonio after Labor Day (I think).[[/b][/b]/quote][/b] Wow! I did not catch that! They just posted that on 8/11 on the website! Thanks for letting me know.I think that blows up our meetup group that had 40+ people…
  • Yes unfortunately that’s the smoke from the fires. Some people on the hike felt the air quality being so poor + the heat and had trouble. I think it should be better by next month. I’m doing San Gorgonio and they aren’t opening that until 9/1 because the fire burned on that mountain. We don’t have it as bad as northern cal…
  • I started drinking Prosecco . Light and refreshing for summer and less calories
    in Wine Comment by cheriej2042 August 2020
  • Well the key word you used was “learned”. This is what being experienced is all about - making numerous mistakes, wrong judgements, taking wrong gear or not enough and then remembering not to do THAT again!
  • Well I just hope the scenery was good on the way back!
  • You will love EBC. It’s crowded now with a lot of tourists and the accommodations are really far above what I expected. But you can’t beat the scenery. I was actually more interested in getting up close to the khumbu icefall than seeing Everest. Hope you get to spend time in Kathmandu it’s an incredible place.
  • I wish I could hike PNW your pics are always so beautiful and the hiking looks fantastic! I have to remember not to laugh sometimes when the people here talk about peak bagging at 10,000ft! That’s usually the starting altitude for me overseas!🤣 I’ve been to Everest Bass Camp in Nepal and then hiked Kala Pattar (18,000+ ft)…
  • Don’t give up! I’m an experienced hiker and the biggest mistake I see in the meetup groups I hike with are inexperienced hikers trying to go too fast and way too many miles. Start off s l o w and build up your strength and endurance. It’s a great opportunity to get outside and also do an activity with your daughter!
  • I think it’s 15 but to be honest I’m too scared to get on the scale😱. Now at least with everything open I’m back to workouts and hiking. I need to get my calories a little lower but for now I feel I’m moving in the right direction. I actually have one pair of jeans I can wear and everything else is tight so it’s going to…
  • I’m so jealous! All our parks and trails were closed, opened up , then closed over the 4th weekend. I’ve had all my International hiking trips cancel this year. Just starting to hike again. That scenery looks like paradise to me!
  • My husband likes crispy/burnt. I like cooked/chewy and I only like thick cut bacon not the paper thin stuff!
  • I’ve done coast to coast with a group tour then hadrians wall self guided. Am researching Camino for next year and west highland way. You can do a lot of these self guided and you meet a lot of people along the way. There are services that will even forward your baggage from place to place so you only need a day pack and…
  • I am only weighing myself at month end. I’m starting a 5 day Nekter juice program tomorrow. It’s enough of a kick start to help me boost my confidence and it’s only 5 days so I know I can do it. It’s seems like it’s so easy to gain it and so hard and so slow to lose. I’ve also started increasing my excercise to increase my…
  • Don’t focus so much on speed and start focusing on overall body conditioning. Hiking involves using your entire body so incorporate strength training, stair master for hills. People at my local gym put their hiking boots on, through on a backpack filled with books and get on the treadmill or stair master to train. HIIT…
  • I have traveled for many years in adventure travel and you end up meeting people who recommend various places. Most world trekkers have heard of the Chomolhari Trek in Bhutan as several US based companies offer that trek as a group tour. I have wanted to do that trek but this one came up and had not been offered by any…
  • I’m trying to picture how you could ever have proper form using one leg. Idk I think if you could use both legs there are a ton of videos on the concept 2 that can improve your form but with one leg even on the water rower which is easier I’m not sure this is a great idea. You can’t do any walking? Even slow walking might…
  • My brother is type 2 and finally saw a registered dietician. I went with him and he was shocked at how many different foods he could eat! The dietician spent 90 minutes with us going over what foods he did like and then how /what he could eat. They can even help meal plan for you. Well worth it and we got a printout of…
  • I used to eat them but ultimately didn’t find them filling enough so I make my own meals now. But I still cruise the frozen food section to see what they offer and if I needed a meal in a pinch I would buy them.