nevadavis1 Member


  • I really hate it. So many women wear a ton at the gym. Sometimes I have to leave a machine if they get on the one next to me because I can't breathe.
  • As someone who could easily eat 3 apples, two bananas, tons of berries, and a couple oranges PLUS all my other food in a single day, that just won't work for me.
  • Welcome everyone!!
  • Honestly, I stopped baking. Store bought bread is easier to resist than my homemade. I'm planning to bake for the holidays, but I just can't do it on a regular basis. My husband actually feels the same way--if I bake it's just too good, especially when warm, to exercise good self control around. So for special occasions,…
  • For me: Starting today, July 6 going through July 31 SW: 72.6 kgs (160 lbs) TW: 69.9 kgs (154 lbs)
  • If you're being respectful and kind then the issue is more on her. And seriously, not all vegans act this way!
  • I'm not 100% sure here. FWIW I was horribly bullied throughout school and even a number of overweight kids took to bullying me, I guess they thought I was the only one they could get away with picking on, because I was different and nobody would stand up for me. I was called ugly all my life, and told I should do the world…
  • I think the problem might be that it's not a "diet" to her but something she is doing for the animals and for the environment and doesn't understand others not doing the same. But she's talking about it like it's a diet and then expecting you to read her mind about the rest which isn't exactly fair. Really being vegan…
  • True. I suppose most people don't expect to get divorced but then a lot do.
  • This is just how I feel. Right now my friend is starting the pre-surgery program and really he is not so heavy considering--but they are pushing him to do it at a lower BMI because he also has sleep apnea. But a lot of his over-eating recently is because he is so tired and uses junk food as a "pick me up." They suggested…
  • Really? For beans? Beans spoil fast.
  • But that's just one example.... If your girlfriend didn't or couldn't work it might be in your financial interests to marry, if you were cohabiting anyway, OR if she earned so little that it would result in a significant tax break to combine. But you are correct that in many cases where both people work it is a financial…
  • Mine do, but four days is about the limit I think. By day three I find they're not as tasty. But always do a smell test first when it comes to leftover beans.
  • Right now I'm maintaining for a week or two, but when I'm actively cutting I do the following things, sometimes just one, sometimes a combo: * Save up some calories during the week and the day before date night and then order something *reasonable* but that I really want. * Bring a tupperware and immediately put half of my…
  • I think they fudge stuff at my dr's office, like I weigh with my clothes on and then they write down a number minus like 3 pounds. And once I saw they did my temperature with the ear thing and it came up 101 and she wrote down 98.6. I was telling the doctor that I constantly have fevers with my lupus and she was like "well…
  • Men overall have lower life expediencies, but that is largely due to the following factors: 1) men are more likely to die in accidents, violence, or suicide than women, 2) estrogen provides a protective effect against cardiovascular disease in women prior to menopause.... Married men do have a longer life expectancy than…
  • Actually most studies show that married men are healthier and financially better off than single men. Divorced men though... not as healthy or as wealthy. Getting married and staying married IS a winning proposition for men.
  • I got married for $100 for the license... No rings, wore a dress I already had. And the $100 felt steep at the time. Plus the going to the courthouse and finding out we had to apply for the license and then wait 24 hours. All well in the end though. I wouldn't buy a house with someone I'm not married to honestly. And you…
  • Thanks for starting this. Sorry I've been absent. I decided to do maintenance not weight loss during our moving houses as I was feeling overly tired and cranky. Will get back on the weight loss train after the move.
  • It's not a one to one relation: not every obese person gets a certain type of cancer, but several types of cancers are much more common in obese individuals than in normal weight individuals; Despite the limitations of the study designs,…
  • Seitan is a really good way to get protein for the calories actually. Too bad my stomach doesn't love it in large amounts--like I can have a little on top of a salad but I big piece, no way for me. But if it works for you, it's a really good one to eat a few times a week to get protein up.
  • I really wish my parents had done this. I remember being forced to eat everything on my plate when I wasn't hungry and getting yelled at if I didn't eat. Also I told my parents eggs made me feel sick but they thought I was was just being picky and forced me to eat them anyway--later allergy testing showed I actually am…
  • I wasn't allowed to eat "junk food" as a kid, though it was junk food as my parents defined it... So I could have fried chicken, but not fries or chips. I could have ice cream sometimes, but not candy... My brother and I would scrounge money or spend our lunch money on junk sometimes. So it can backfire. Though I never…
  • Thanks. I could have sworn blackstrap molasses was good, got my B vitamins mixed up.... You can tell I'm a supplement-taker so I haven't worried about foods as much!
  • So sorry, very insensitive. I was at a party and a guy started talking about how disgusting it is that his sister regained weight after her weight loss surgery. I was like "excuse me?" and he repeated that it was "disgusting." I was just like "look who you're talking to." I haven't had WLS, but I'm overweight.
  • Long time vegan here. Just be aware you might need to take B12 and vitamin D. Some vegan foods have B12 naturally, like nutritional yeast and blackstrap molasses, but it's hard to eat enough of them to get all you need. Some vegan foods are supplemented with B12 too, so you can read the labels. But there's really nothing…
  • Ha, my friend left her almost two year old for like 2 minutes to grab a quick shower. The two year old got her phone from her purse, activated it, made a video of himself making faces at it, and posted it to facebook. Granted he doesn't know what facebook is and probably didn't mean to record himself or post, but he sure…
  • Yeah, I've been vegan for 20 years now and I don't regret it at all. However, when I was in my teens I tried to go vegan once and failed at it, and it was because I was not eating for health at all. It wasn't that bad foods were more tempting to me as a vegan, but more that if I was hanging out with friends there often…
  • Also, can someone take away their child?