ayuri17 Member


  • Are you logging your exercise? You are allowed more calories on exercise days. I would recommend leaving activity level at sedentary and eat back some of your exercise calories instead.
  • It's fine to continue eating with your relatives and enjoy your time with them. But you need to work on portion control. When it's pizza, just have one slice (and dab some of the oil off with a napkin first). Choose the smallest scoop of ice cream in a bowl, no cone and no toppings. Limit yourself to just one…
  • For me personally, I don't feel the need to eat a lot. I don't restrict on purpose and pretty much eat whatever I like, though I do make an effort to get all my nutrients. If I'm craving a cookie or chips, I will eat a cookie or some chips. However, I'm pretty much done after just the 1 cookie. I don't want any more. Also,…
  • I have decided on the weight range I want to be. Any time I am over, even by 3-5 pounds, I will lower my calorie intake for a while until I get back to that range. It's easy to lose 5 lb. If I ignore the gain because it looks so small, then eventually it may be 20 lb I need to lose, and that is a lot harder.
  • You can eat whatever you want as long as it is within your calorie plan. That means you can have junk food every day and still lose weight. You just have to eat less and track accurately. A diet does not have to feel like torture.
    in Junk food Comment by ayuri17 July 2017
  • Check if it's cost effective to get your current clothes tailored
  • Stop smoking immediately. The longer you smoke, the more damage you are doing to your body. After that, work on your weightloss goals in a slow and steady manner. There is no rush.
  • If snacks are your main problem, simply stop buying snacks altogether. You can't binge on snacks if there are none in your house.
  • As others have said, that is not a realistic goal. If you are concerned about your performance, just wear shapewear.
    in Performance Comment by ayuri17 July 2017
  • It's only a "cheat meal" if you don't log it. Just work it into your calorie plan and you can treat it as any regular meal. For example eat a bit less the rest of the day or the rest of the week so that at the end of the week, you're still hitting your calorie goal.
  • There is nothing wrong with eating sweets, and you should not feel bad. Let me tell you, I eat either cake, donuts, or pie for breakfast every single day. I have already lost weight, and I feel like dieting is pretty easy because I am not depriving myself. Just work the sweets into your calorie plan and try to eat well the…
  • Skin issues may not be diet related. Ask your derm and check out r/SkincareAddiction on Reddit for help.
  • Don't force yourself too much. If you go from eating lots of fast food and sedentary to suddenly deciding you need to eat 100% "healthy" foods only and exercise 5 times a week, it is easy to fail. To start with, just do 1 thing. You can eat the same exact foods you used to eat, just choose smaller portion sizes. You can…
  • I have tons of them on my thighs, hips, knees. I am 108 lb. Yeah I know it sucks, but you are not alone
  • If it's not bloat, then it's possible that you have the "apple" body shape, meaning your body likes to store fat in that area. I feel you about how much it sucks. I have the "pear" body shape, and even when I was borderline underweight I still had fat thighs. =/
    in Bloat Comment by ayuri17 July 2017
  • You absolutely do not need to go that low to lose. Let me give you a personal example. I am 5'2 female, 109 lb and mostly sedentary. I am only trying to lose about 3-5 more vanity pounds. I eat around 1300 calories per day and have already lost 4 lb (started at 113 lb). Since you are male, probably taller and heavier, and…
  • It is for people who are already thin and don't need/want to lose weight but have 1 problem area. For example someone who is size 2 but has a bit of stomach flab that just won't go away. It is the way to spot reduce (since dieting/exercising can't).
  • I have cake or donuts for breakfast every single day (I keep the portion to under 300 calories and eat well the rest of the day) and have lost weight. It really is all about calories in, calories out. So go ahead and have that bit of chocolate!
  • If your main problem is budgeting and not so much binge eating, Reddit's r/personalfinance is very helpful. If you learn to manage your money in a smart way, maybe you'll spend less on excess food?
  • I have the exact same problem. Even when I was 103 lb (height 5'2), I still had relatively bulky looking thighs and it drove me nuts. There's not much I can do about it. I'm scared to do lower body strength training exercises like squats in case my thighs get even bigger. =/