Lost 15kg, its also been two months I lost my motivation, and time to workout

so far I've lost 15.6kg thanks to myfitnesspal, but now its been two months I have been eating like mad most of the days and going above my limit by 2.5k calories. I've gained ~2.8kg since then. Before that I was carefully planning my meals the day before, and I followed them and was also taking the casual 45km bike ride once or twice a week. The rest of the days I'm moving using my bike. I also bought a bike trainer because I was trying to last longer riding it, that I used a whopping 4 times before it got boring.
But now, I have some really important exams coming up next year and I have completely ran out of time studying, and most of the free time I have is usually at night, where I watch movies/playing computer games while having a snack that is killing my calorie counter.

Does anyone have any advice in what I should do? I've tried many times to get my sh** together but I simply keep ignoring MFP... I was doing exactly the same thing a year ago when I wasn't counting calories. I had a plan that I never followed.
Any advice?
I'm 180cm and 82kg, borderline overweight.


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    It should not take that much time to plan your meals. I plan my family's dinners over dinner once a week. We eat the same general things on a regular basis and I'd guess you do too. Think about your schedule and how much food prep time you can or want to spend and then assign appropriate dinners to those days. Breakfasts and lunches can be very similar each day. Once you have your meals the shopping doesn't take long.

    I understand that you are busy but most others are too. Prioritize what is important to you. Right now fitness isn't a priority for you so your fitness level is decreasing. If you want to reverse that, it's up to you to make it happen.
  • Poisonedpawn78
    Poisonedpawn78 Posts: 1,145 Member
    You need to get the eating under control if you are having time troubles (which would mean less exercise time). Eating 2500 calories above your limit/goals which I think is what you are saying is a significant problem if maintained for any length of time.

  • evilpoptart63
    evilpoptart63 Posts: 397 Member
    Im not sure if its something you would be interested in but im a coach for a health program that help me drop a good amount of weight. Feel free to message me if you want some info about it
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    I did what you're doing- twice. Hit goal weight and got really bored with counting and logging. The result was I gained all the weight back. Start counting now. And logging. Or you'll really kick yourself when you're back on here 10 kg more in 6 months. I sure did (kick myself that is).
  • ayuri17
    ayuri17 Posts: 21 Member
    If snacks are your main problem, simply stop buying snacks altogether. You can't binge on snacks if there are none in your house.