brig220 Member


  • To avoid hunger headaches, I always eat a little before a workout, at least 200 calories, sometimes just a tiny meal made of chicken, beans, veggies, or just a protein bar. A piece of fruit just doesn’t do it. You’ll be less hungry later and will avoid headaches. I like to keep lots of healthy and lean, ready to eat, food…
  • I had an encounter with a squirrel which sent me over my handlebars and almost broke my neck, and the helmet was flattened on one side. 4 days in the hospital... I owe my life to a cheap helmet. Cheap helmets have the same standards and regulations as expensive ones. Wouldn't go to the store without it.
  • no extremes, portion control, snack control, enjoy all foods (including chocolate cake :smile:) but eat mostly healthy ones, again, portion control
    in What Works? Comment by brig220 May 2018
  • How long have you been on 1500 a day? You may need a bit of patience or maybe make sure that you are counting properly.
  • Clothes and mirrors are unreliable, they can give you a distorted feedback. I rely on the scale, when I don’t weigh I don’t care and gain, so I rely heavily on the number on the scale, pun intended
  • A couple of high protein appetizers, they are usually more tasty and lower in calories because of size. I like be mussels, humus, bruschettas, roasted veggies, etc.
  • Hi, I need this activity, thanks for starting this thread. I’m maintaining now, lost 15# in 2017-18 because cholesterol and scale # creeping up over time, now trying to keep them off without stressing too much about CICO. Height: 5’ 9” Current weight: 134 Goal maintenance: 130-135 (small frame) I’m trying not to count…
  • Mirror and blood panel wants me a at the low end of my healthy BMI, but I am small boned.
  • Make sure you don’t exercise on an empty stomach. And take it easy until you build more endurance to push harder. Also like the above said, hydrate before and after A LOT
  • If you have access to a pool, swimming, it’s gentle on the old joints. I see people “run” in the pool. I have never tried but it looks like it would be also easy on the body.
  • You need a day off, or work on something completely different, or more gentle like cycle, walk or swim. You don't have to work out hard every day to be fit. You just have to keep doing it your whole life :smile: . Some days can be gentle days like a 30 min walk. good for you for starting, it is great for mind and body
  • This is not based on any science, but if you have been eating a lot more than 1500 a day, it may be too big of a deficit too quickly. It could be a shocker to your system. When I started, I was also uncomfortable at 1500 cal/day and I just had 10 # to lose, now it is a lot easier and I feel good, even when I workout. MFP…
  • Most people gain weight because they’re less active and don’t care about their weight and looks as they get older. Metabolism slows down a bit but not that much if you stay active. You can control time but you can control a lot of other things in life, like diet and exercise.
  • From what I have learn over time is that the key to make it bearable is flexibility. When I'm away, or at a party, or have dinner out and will be way over, I don't log and eat whatever I want within reason. If it's easy for me to log (80% of the time), because I'm home, cooking for myself, where I can weigh and measure, I…
  • I agree with the above comment that you should be able to talk to the instructor, but most importantly you are doing everything right, losing weight and exercising. When you get lighter and stronger it will be easier. I read somewhere that "kilogram in body weight is multiplied 2 or 3 times at the knee" so be careful,…
  • Whatever, why do people have to be so extreme in their diets and point of views? There are plenty of people who don’t need keto to be thin, fit and healthy, just eat less and you’ll lose weight. I guess that eating less is a hard concept for some.
  • Could it be osteoarthritis? Full range squats and knee bends make it worse, unfortunately, I have experience with that. If you can, get a diagnosis and see a physical therapist, there are a lot of exercise with elastic bands that will help, you can find some of this on youtube if you search that subject. I've seen good…
  • Hi, I’m 5’9” and 141 lbs, eating around 1500-1600 calories lately. I had gained about 10 having become lazy about my workouts but started counting about 2 months ago and lost 10 lbs. That amount feels okay to me, but I think it’s what you’re use to and habits. It seems to go back to my childhood and the size of portions I…
  • If you lift weights regularly, you don’t even have to crazy, your shape will be better than before. The key is regularly work on legs, back, chest, shoulders...
  • I just got a trainer to help me with my weightlifting form and create a personalized program. I learned a lot in 2 sessions despite having exercise for many years. I realized that I was doing exercises the wrong way just so I could add more weights. The woman I hired thought classes at my gym. She is close in age to me,…
  • I fully appreciate all of your feedback. I was just curious to see if anyone had tried that slow HR training and had seen results. This issue is that my HR goes up really fast and really high, despite riding a lot, and a trainer suggested to incorporate slow HR training as part of my routine. @DX2JX2DX2JX2 I wish that I…
  • What helps me is planning, planning, planning and patience. Planning meals with lots of veggies, having healthy low-calorie foods available at all times, and also planning for workouts. Block a time of the day for some exercise on your calendar, a walk, a bike ride, an youtube exercise video. Although, you don't need to…
  • I agree about genetics playing a role and hormones levels... I’m trying to reduce cholesterol as well and a little weight, not by much. I stopped eating cheese and most saturated fats, I use some olive oil, I eat mostly plants, a little chicken and fish, really focusing on 80% low fat vegetarian diet. I’ll be seeing the…
  • If you’re not sure maybe try cutting out some animal products and eat mostly plants. I went nonfat vegan for a while back because of cholesterol. I dropped weight really fast, was bright eyed and bushy tail, but it was hard to keep up with all the cooking, and it gets boring and I also missed Greek yogurt that I eat every…
  • I'd be careful if I were you.
  • Biking, road or mountain, hiking, skiing.
  • I just went for a visit to the oncologist who announced that it was 10 years ago that I was diagnosed with DCIS. I had lumpectomy, radiation and 4 years of tamoxifen, no chemo. I feel weird posting on here because it was non invasive, but I can respond to @alaska4us. Tamoxifen did not make me gain weight, don't stop taking…