

  • I would be interested! I have been meaning to start, but keep putting it off. I think joining a group will make me more accountable. :) I'm also running (well trying to... I'm on week 6 of C25K) and would like to alternate 30DS with C25K. :)
  • Congrats everyone!! I'm getting married in June!! I ordered my dress and am waiting for it to come in... Would love to lose just a few more pounds, but am really looking to tone up. Friend me if you'd like, I always enjoy meeting fellow brides!!
  • I use the C25K app... I love that you can play music while the app is running. I also really like the journal function that keeps track of when you ran/which level you ran. I'd say that it's worth it!
  • Hey I just did W5D2 for the third time. I think I'm finally ready to go for that 20 minute run. Let's do it together!!!
  • Thank you so much!! I just downloaded some. :)
  • I'm on week 5 day 2 right now. I'm only halfway through the program, but I hope I can give you some insight. Check out their site for the rundown: http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml It's 3 days of running a week with each week getting a little more intense. Now I HATE running, but I've somehow managed to…
  • Hahaha I've never heard it called "skinny-fat", but yes that is exactly how I feel! I like the weight I've hit (maybe looking to lose just another 5 pounds), but really want to try some strength training. I love my gym, but I am stuck on the elliptical, treadmill, bike, etc... The weight station deff looks intimidating to…
  • I usually weigh myself once a week, Friday mornings after going to the bed, but before breakfast. Anymore than that and I start to obsess over the daily fluctuation.
  • Around $75-$100 a week for 2 people. It's so high... but I think it's because we are right near NYC, everything is so darn expensive here!! :(
  • I'm 4'11" and around 107 lbs right now. I started at 130 and yikes! I looked terrible. I would love, love, love to get down to 100, but will be happy with anything under 105.... I haven't weighed that little since high school! It's crazy how just 5 pounds will cause me to have to go up or down a pant size. It's also hard…
  • Add me! I'm 4'11"... When I hit 130 pounds I knew I had to make a change, I am hovering around 110 right now. I found myself obsessing with the scale so now I am trying to focus on losing inches. But I have to say it's crazy how gaining just 5 pounds will make me have to jump up a pant size.
  • We made tacos with ground turkey. Not sure if that counts as interesting, but it's the first time we tried it and we thought it was delicious!! Here is the recipe I found: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/healthy-recipes/NU00467
  • I usually go for bell peppers (or any veggie really) dipped in hummus.
  • skim milk and stevia. Do some research on stevia... It's a natural sweetener and is sweeter than sugar... I barely have to put any in my coffee and I used to use 2-3 sugar packets in each cup.