mellane30 Member


  • HELLO! Don't give up on me yet! I'm still here :) I got very caught up in using my fitbit app that I forgot to post here as well. Sorry. username: mellane30 Weight in day: Monday Weigh in week: June 29 previous weight: Don't remember - 212 I think Current weight: 211
  • I think my body is rebelling. Hopefully things will even out soon. Username: Mellane30 Weighin Week: 06/015/2020 Weighin Day: Monday Previous weight: 211 Current weight: 210.5
  • And my weigh in. While not what I was hoping it would be at this point, I honestly feel like I've turned things around. Next week will be better! Also, I think I skipped a week. Whoops! Sorry. Username: Mellane30 Weighin Week: 06/08/2020 Weighin Day: Monday Previous weight: 210.3 Current weight: 211
  • Oh sakes! I have learned a lot over the last week. I will try to keep this brief but I cannot tell the future. We'll see. Also, I realize there are a lot of people who already know this information but I needed to find it for myself. I got stuck. I was/am so frustrated with my lack of progress over the last 6 months that I…
  • Good morning. Staying positive is proving difficult with all the ups and downs. Blech. Username: Mellane30 Weighin Week: 05/25/2020 Weighin Day: Monday Previous weight: 209.5 Current weight: 210.3
  • Quick weigh in. Will actually post tomorrow. Username: Mellane30 Weighin Week: 05/25/2020 Weighin Day: Monday Previous weight: 211.2 Current weight: 209.5
  • Hello hello. It's amazing what you can accomplish when fate lends a hand. My truck is in the shop right now an my insurance hasn't finished my request for a rental. Being car-less, living in the burbs and having errands to run, I decided to put on my backpack and start walking. 19,200 steps later, my errands are done and I…
  • Good Morning everyone, I changed some things last night to try to get more quality sleep and so far it seems to have been beneficial. My goal for the next 4 weeks is to turn this into a habit. Things I did that seemed to help - -Left my phone in my office and got off all electronics by 9pm. -Went for an evening walk. Not a…
  • I completely understand. I am going through the same thing. It's so frustrating and disheartening. However, you are still ahead of the game because you care about yourself and continue trying to improve. Honestly, that's all we can do as a human stuck in an environment made for our minds, not our bodies. Keep pushing. Keep…
  • Good evening everyone! So, I stayed pretty much the same which really isn't surprising given that I just weighed in on Friday. I do, however, have a review I'd like to share with you. I bit the bullet (because my Garmin died and I had had it for 5 years) and bought a FitBit Versa 11. I was skeptical only because I was so…
  • Good morning everyone! It's Friday and I should have posted on Monday. I think, in an effort to stay on top of things, I am going to post something every day. That way, I don't forget. I find myself forgetting what day it is more than I forget to post or do other things. Yesterday, I thought it was Tuesday for four hrs.…
  • What a week already and it's only Tuesday. haha. I managed to get into the 2nd car accident of my entire life. Thankfully it was a small one. I got my new scale today. Yay. All scales are a little different but I'm sure it'll be fine. I also got my new running shoes. I went with the Asics. So far I really like them. This…
  • I do have a question for everyone. Those of you that run/walk/jog a lot, I'm looking for some good shoes. Any recommendations? I have had issues with plantar fasciitis so I need good arch support.
  • Good Morning all, I made some drastic changes yesterday because the scale hasn't been doing anything (and really, I haven't been doing much either). I completely cleaned out my pantry and refrigerator. Everything that was junk went downstairs into the bar. Apparently, out of sight out of mind works really well for me. My…
  • My irritation level with the app is high right now. This will be the third time I have tried to post and it just disappears. All in all, things are better. I'm just going to leave it at that because I'm not typing everything all over again, again. Username: Mellane30 Weighin Week: 04/13/2020 Weighin day: Monday Previous…
  • Good afternoon, So, I suppose even a small loss is still a loss. I did get my mountain bike fixed so I went mountain biking on Tuesday. I didn't actually get to go to the mountains (as most of that is closed) but there are some trails and hills around my neighborhood. That was fun. I did forget how much that works the…
  • Hello everyone! I don't wanna talk about it. Username: Mellane30 Weighin Week: 03/30/2020 Weighin day: Monday Previous weight: 212.5 Current weight: 213.8 Calories over/under: over :( water: Much better than before. Exercise: I am so tired of sitting in my chair! I need a new job.
  • Good morning all! Being stuck in my house all the time is really making my body do weird stuff. I moved so much more when I went into work. I am still weighing myself at the same time in the morning with the same clothes and from day to day will see a 3-6 lb difference on the scale. I don't know if it's stress or just…
  • Sooo.....super late. Sorry. However, I have made it through everything and my birthday and managed to come out on a positive note! Woo! Username: Mellane30 Weighin week: 03/23/2020 Weighin day: Monday Previous weight: 213.0 Current weight: 212.5 Calories over/under: par Water: good! Excercise: some. Will do more. :)
  • I was doing ok when my office decided that, because I had been hanging out with my mother and she might have been exposed to the virus, I needed to work from home for 2 weeks. Starting to go a little stir crazy, but all in all, doing fine. But then the earthquake hit and for the last two days we've had so many aftershocks.…
  • a little is better than an increase so I'll take it. Username: Mellane30 Weighin week: 03/09/2020 Weighin day: Monday Previous weight: 213.6 Current weight: 213.0 Calories over/under: under Water: most of my water has been via tea and coffee so definitely need more water. Excercise: I've been painting my house all week so…
  • Sending all the motivation I have to spare. :) Try not to be too hard on yourself. Accept that you made mistakes and you're moving on. I truly understand the anger, though. It's hard to let go of it sometimes. Just try to comfort yourself the way you would a good friend going through the same thing.
  • Good afternoon, I hope everyone had a great weekend! Username: Mellane30 Weighin week: 03/09/2020 Weighin day: Monday Previous weight: 215 Current weight: 213.6 Calories over/under: on par Water: About 50 oz per day. Need to up it a little Excercise: I've been painting my house all week so yes but need to get in cardio…
  • Good morning! I am back from my trip to San Diego and, while it was very kind to my sense of adventure and overall fun, it was not very kind to the scale or my bank account. The seafood was spectacular, though. I am excited to be home and getting back on track. I have no doubt I can turn this around but it was so much…
  • Apparently it's me cause this one posted just fine. I'll just rewrite it. **sigh**
  • I just posted a big long thing, and now I cant find it. Is there a delay or did I mess it up?
  • Good Morning! I am in San Diego this week and on the water. I have absolutely no way to weigh myself. I will say the amount of walking I've done is notable. :)
  • Good Morning! I hope everyone is having a great week. I am currently driving to Pheonix and am looking forward to being warm! It's been a crazy week. Sorry this is late. Username: mellane30 Weighin week: 02/19/2020 Weighin day: Monday Previous weight: 212.5 Current weight: 211
  • Good morning everyone!! Thankfully, I am in a great mood so the most I did was give my scale a dirty look. I am in the green by a whole 2 ounces. My goal this week is to be super on top of logging my food and adjusting my macros. I think I'm taking way too many carbs but am not sure because I've been so frivolous with…
  • Oh my sakes, people! I just had a major "ah-ha" moment. Over the last couple months I have been super hungry, even when I'm not hungry. At first I thought I was stress eating but I don't really do that. So I decided to do a little scientific experiment on myself. Every time I started feeling that really annoying phantom…