I'm in same quest as you are and after looking for a ton of nutrition labels I still cannot find the right ones. Those that apparently has a good protein/carbs ratio, are high in sugar alcohols or something else. Some brands are supposed to have almost all carbs in form of fiber and not sugar, that seems nice, but lots of…
Cottage cheese or greek yogurt with fruit and some almonds is a very balanced snack. Some times I use frozen berrys and as they defrost the juices makes like a jam, very tasty.
I think this post was totally miss understood by many and I even feel insulted by some aggresive answers, but that's another topic... For those who feel "sad" don't be, you have nothing to be concerned about. She is a very happy, loved, supported and healthy girl. I was just trying to get (from you) tools and arguments to…
Totally agree about taking care of words and terms, we always use terms as: healthy, natural, etc, etc. Thats why I use "...." when wrote "good" and also thats why I'm concerned about this topic with her. My objective at this time is just to make her concient about the importance of a healthy, balanced diet that includes…
Thanks all, thats what I was thinking about. I'm sure she doesnt need to count calories or restrict them. We have fairly healty eating habits at home and I know that she only needs to make some smart choices during the day to stay "good". I like that she is open to listen and learn about all this things and thats also why…
Protein shakes are more of a convenience/practicity thing. I always have one at breakfast (with a many other stuff) cause its easier and faster for me to put all on a blender and drink it, than cook in the morning. Just be aware when using them as meal substitutions, as the shake needs to have more stuff (nutrients and…
I did same exercise for me and also very similar result in either calculator. Definitely most critical here is to accurately logg all food in order to be at desired cals/day
Thanks all for your replies. Now I'm more cleare about there is no a stablished time frame for a routine. I will keep mine for couple of months before thinking of change it.
Yes, actually that is my source of routines and exercises options for swaps.
Thanks all. I think my sessions are more efficient time wise, my moves are more controlled, set up time is shorter and rest time is under control, maybe just 10 sec shorter on every set. I do make more reps on each set some times, depending of my energy level that day. Thing is its getting easier, even with more weight…
HIIT sesions of 60 min x5/week seems a bit hard. Usually HIIT sesions goes around 20 min becasuse of HI= High Intensity. 60 min sesions falls normally into LISS. Maybe a combination of those 5 times/week between HIIT and LISS will be better.
Some days its really frustrating to get up in scale just to find that the number is up!! (yesterday for me) But in those days I try to remember and convince myself that my new life style is way much better that my old me and eben if the scale is not cooperationg today, my body is better and stronger with each rep I make…
I started my process just tracking food and doing cardio, scale was moving down at a reasonable pace. When I started to lift weights (aprox 3 months ago) loosing weight was still present but at a slower rate, even some weeks with no movement down or little up, although clothes started to fit better- So, maybe thats why you…
Agree with all previous comments. Focus on been healthier and happier. I'm 40 and decided to have a healthier life/body. I understand perfectly how you feel as lately I look in to mirror and see a guy who spent last 20 years eating and gaining weight instead of becoming fit. But, then I remember my self that same mirror…
Yes, its premium feature, you can set a different calorie goal for each day.
Premium user here. I think its expensive for what it does. It certanly has some nice features in terms of goals customization but nothing more than that (in my opinion). I decided to give it a try and pay for a year, still have 6 or 7 months to go, but not thinking pay again.
I also struggle to hit my goal of 150gr a day, usually I get around 130gr, specially looking for balance with fats comming from meat and eggs. But different targets here.
I will consider protein shakes for those days, even daily, this way you can "assure" a good protein intake and look for rest of your target during the day. For breakefast I always have a protein shake with whey and greek yogurt (and some other stuff) and gets me a solid 35gr of protein to star my daily counting.
For convenience I always have a protein shake for breakfast: whey powder, greek yogurt, oats, some fruit and water, about 300 cals depending on the fruit I use. I also have another protein shake after my workout in noons: Different protein powder (Whey and casein mix), amaranth, almond milk and water, about 250 cals here.
I guess it depends on what kind of food you look for at that situations. Soups are great for colds, candy dont think so.
what would be a reasonable macros distribution considering I need to cut body fat, still loose around 10-15lb and keep muscle mass? I've been reading a some articles and trying to set those numbers but I prefer to ask first.
The ony liquids I consume are black plain coffee, water or sparkling water and some beer on weekends. Ocationally milk or almond milk with a protein shake.
Soooo.... my last scale reading is 197lb with 25.8% body fat that takes me to 146lb of lean body mass so I think my initial 150gr of protein is ok, right? Fats I have set 0.35g of total body mass. So the increase in calories should come only from Carbs?
I want to retein as mush muscle as I can while in deficit. Protein intake it's supposed to be between 0.8 - 1 gr/lb of body weight so @0.8gr/lb will be 150gr and @1gr/lb will be 192gr. So my logic says that increasing from 1,500 to 1,700 cals I should also increase protein in same rate, right?
Thanks, at beginning I was loosing about 1.5 -2 lb/week. I know much of that was reteined water. Now 0.8-0.5lb/week. Maybe my overall goal is changing and now Im not so worried about loosing weight as increasing muscle mass. Thats why Im thinking in to increase calories and reduce cardio.