vhschnure629 Member


  • I hit all 3 goals today! @RangerRickL have a wonderful trip to Costa Rica!!
  • Today was a yes to all 3!
  • Did 30 minutes of exercise, logged my food, and ate under my calorie allotment. My steps were not great today, but I was tired today and my body needed a little rest!
  • The last 2 days have been great! I have worked out for 20-30 minutes each day, really focusing on free weights and resistance training. I am also upping my steps to get in the cardio and burn calories. Have been stayed within my calorie budget these last 2 days, and logged it all. @angelswatercolor thank you for the…
  • Exercised 40 minutes—30 minutes of weight and resistance work and 10 minutes of dancing Logged all food Ate considerably less than my calorie allotment!!!
  • Was well under my calorie limit, 30 minutes of weight and resistance band training, and lots of walking—hit my 10,000 steps.
  • It seems that I am already out of the running for the Winner’s Circle this month! There have been more than 3 days that I have missed at least one element of the big 3 for UAC. What was to be one night of my youngest daughter, her fiancé, many of their belongings, and their 90 pound dog has turned into 3 nights and days so…
  • I walked briskly for 30 minutes, logged everything, and stayed within my allotted calories today.
  • Unfortunately, today is pass #2. I logged everything and was within my calorie budget, but it was a really busy day and my knees were killing me—so no workout today.😩
  • Thank you @w8goal4life for the video suggestions! I am always on the lookout for good You Tube workouts, and the Yoga one looks really good. Can’t wait to try it! Thank you!
  • This has to be my first pass day. I logged everything and worked out for 30 minutes, but my daughter and I went out for Thai food tonight, so went a couple hundred calories over my allotment. We had a wonderful visit together though!!!
  • Same here @Gus130 ! Except Mine is in June. We’ll get there!!
  • @RangerRickL Love the pic and especially the bunny slippers! I completed all tasks today--walked for 30 minutes, logged all food, and achieved a calorie deficit!
  • I did all 3 today, and even got over 10,000 steps!! This challenge is really making a difference in my progress. I was in a bit of a slump, but feel I am getting on the right road again. Thanks to all group members, especially my friend @MadisonMolly2017 , who told me about this great group!
  • @jem302 I know where you are. I remember when my two little girls were 2 and 5! They are now 38 and 35 and I have just now gotten things under control weight wise. I wish I had done it while they were still small, like you are! I think breaking it down into chunks of 10 pound increments. The more success you achieve, the…
  • @snowshoe072 I have knee issues too, so I feel your pain. I have to adapt my workout schedule to me knee pain level. Losing weight over the last 2 years has really helped though! Hoping to avoid knee replacement!
  • Thanks to all for the warm welcome!! I look forward to getting to know this group! Today’s progress was good! I walked for 30 minutes, logged my food, and stayed within my calorie budget. I even drank more water than normal, which is usually a weak spot for me. I am concerned about the switch to daylight savings time, as…
  • I am joining the group for the first time! My name is Vicki, and I am 69 years young. In the last 2 years I have lost 60 pounds and would like to lose 15-20 more to be within my ideal range. On November 1&2 I ate within my calorie budget, logged everything I ate and drank, and exercised for at least 20 minutes. I am ready…