mizzmagenta Member


  • September Start Weight: 131.1 lbs September Goal Weight: 127 lbs Ultimate Goal Weight: 120 lbs September 1: 131.1 lbs September 8: 134.2 lbs September 15: 131.8 lbs September 22: 131.8 lbs September 29: 133.9 lbs September 30: I’ve stuck to my calories this week and put weight on, I’m so frustrated 😫
  • Mizzmagenta Weigh in day: Sunday Starting weight: 145.7 lbs Previous weight: 131.8 lbs Current weight: 133.9 lbs I’m so confused, stuck to my calories this week and put weight on 😢
  • September Start Weight: 131.1 lbs September Goal Weight: 127 lbs Ultimate Goal Weight: 120 lbs September 1: 131.1 lbs September 8: 134.2 lbs September 15: 131.8 lbs September 22: 131.8 lbs September 29: September 30: Well my weight has stayed the same this week. I feel the last 10lbs are getting harder to lose and the…
  • Mizzmagenta Weigh in day: Sunday Starting weight: 145.7 lbs Previous weight: 131.8 lbs Current weight: 131.8 lbs Stayed the same weight this week, I’m finding the last 10lbs so hard to lose. It’s hard to keep motivated when the scales aren’t moving 😫
  • September Start Weight: 131.1 lbs September Goal Weight: 127 lbs Ultimate Goal Weight: 120 lbs September 1: 131.1 lbs September 8: 134.2 lbs September 15: 131.8 lbs September 22: September 29: September 30: Managed to lose the birthday pounds I put on last week; back on track 🤞🏻
  • Mizzmagenta Weigh in day: Sunday Starting weight: 145.7 lbs Previous weight: 134.2 lbs Current weight: 131.8 lbs Thankfully lost the weight I put last week, back on track now 🤞🏻
  • September Start Weight: 131.1 lbs September Goal Weight: 127 lbs Ultimate Goal Weight: 120 lbs September 1: 131.1 lbs September 8: 134.2 lbs September 15: September 22: September 29: September 30: 3lbs on 😫… it’s been my husband’s birthday and my birthday, so definitely too much cake and eating out with no tracking. Back…
  • Mizzmagenta Weigh in day: Sunday Starting weight: 145.7 lbs Previous weight: 131.1 lbs Current weight: 134.2 lbs Very bad week, it’s been my husband’s birthday and my birthday and food tracking has gone out the window 🤦🏼‍♀️ Back to it on Monday, sorry team 😫
  • Count me in! Challenges definitely keep me motivated to stick to my goals. I’ve got around 10lbs to lose to reach my goal, but finding it a little harder the closer I get. I would be happy to lose 1lb a week if possible 🤞🏻… wishing everyone luck on our individual journeys. September Start Weight: 131.1 lbs September Goal…
  • Mizzmagenta Weigh in day: Sunday Starting weight: 145.7 lbs Previous weight: 133.6 lbs Current weight: 131.1 lbs
  • Hi, does anyone have the link to the September chat. I can only see the August one 😫 Thanks 🙏🏻
  • Mizzmagenta Weigh in day: Sunday Starting weight: 145.7 lbs Previous weight: 134.3 lbs Current weight: 133.6 lbs
  • Mizzmagenta Weigh in day: Sunday Starting weight: 145.7 lbs Previous weight: 136.3 lbs Current weight: 134.3 lbs
  • Mizzmagenta Weigh in day: Sunday Starting weight: 145.7 lbs Previous weight: 137.6 lbs Current weight: 136.3 lbs
  • Mizzmagenta Weigh in day: Sunday Starting weight: 145.7 lbs Previous weight: 137 lbs Current weight: 137.6 lbs Not too bad, putting on half a pound, considering I haven’t eaten very well this week.
  • Mizzmagenta Weigh in day: Sunday Previous weight: 139.9 lbs Current weight: 137 lbs
  • Mizzmagenta Weigh in day: Sunday Previous weight: 138.6 lbs Current weight: 139.9 lbs Bad week, too much work and late nights = bad food choices 😫
  • Haven’t hit my 8,000 steps one day this week, but I also haven’t been out for a walk all week. Such a busy week with work, play dates for the kids and friends coming over. Hopefully I can get some walking in next week.
  • Mizzmagenta Weigh in day: Sunday Previous weight: 139 lbs Current weight: 138.6 lbs Small loss this week, but we’ve celebrated our wedding anniversary, so a few meals out and some drinks. I’m happy with the small loss as it’s not something I do every week. Back to healthy eating now 😊
  • Hi everyone, I hope it’s okay if I join your challenge (a little bit later). I’ve come to realise that I need motivation to achieve my daily steps, if left to my own devices I will be lazy and leave it to tomorrow (tomorrow never happens). I’m going to try and get 8,000 steps a day and form long lasting habits, so it…
  • Mizzmagenta Weigh in day: Sunday Previous weight: 139 lbs Current weight: 139 lbs No change this week 😫
  • Step goal: 8,000 per day 01.06.2024: 10,276 steps 02.06.2024: 14,592 steps 03.06.2024: 8,175 steps 04.06.2024: 8,056 steps 05.06.2024: 8,153 steps 06.06.2024: 7,322 steps 07.06.2024: 4,814 steps 08.06.2024: 8,346 steps 09.06.2024: 9,673 steps 10.06.2024: 8,369 steps 11.06.2024: 8,981 steps 12.06.2024: 9,320 steps…
  • Mizzmagenta Weigh in day: Sunday Previous weight: 141 lbs Current weight: 139 lbs
  • Step goal: 8,000 per day 01.06.2024: 10,276 steps 02.06.2024: 14,592 steps 03.06.2024: 8,175 steps 04.06.2024: 8,056 steps 05.06.2024: 8,153 steps 06.06.2024: 7,322 steps 07.06.2024: 4,814 steps 08.06.2024: 8,346 steps 09.06.2024: 9,673 steps 10.06.2024: 8,369 steps 11.06.2024: 8,981 steps 12.06.2024: 9,320 steps…
  • Step goal: 8,000 per day 01.06.2024: 10,276 steps 02.06.2024: 14,592 steps 03.06.2024: 8,175 steps 04.06.2024: 8,056 steps 05.06.2024: 8,153 steps 06.06.2024: 7,322 steps 07.06.2024: 4,814 steps 08.06.2024: 8,346 steps 09.06.2024: 9,673 steps 10.06.2024: 8,369 steps 11.06.2024: 8,981 steps 12.06.2024: 9,320 steps…
  • Step goal: 8,000 per day 01.06.2024: 10,276 steps 02.06.2024: 14,592 steps 03.06.2024: 8,175 steps 04.06.2024: 8,056 steps 05.06.2024: 8,153 steps 06.06.2024: 7,322 steps 07.06.2024: 4,814 steps 08.06.2024: 8,346 steps 09.06.2024: 9,673 steps 10.06.2024: 8,369 steps 11.06.2024: 8,981 steps 12.06.2024: 9,320 steps…
  • Mizzmagenta Weigh in day: Sunday Previous weight: 142.5 lbs Current weight: 141.3 lbs
  • Step goal: 8,000 per day 01.06.2024: 10,276 steps 02.06.2024: 14,592 steps 03.06.2024: 8,175 steps 04.06.2024: 8,056 steps 05.06.2024: 8,153 steps 06.06.2024: 7,322 steps 07.06.2024: 4,814 steps 08.06.2024: 8,346 steps 09.06.2024: 9,673 steps 10.06.2024: 8,369 steps 11.06.2024: 8,981 steps 12.06.2024: 9,320 steps…
  • Step goal: 8,000 per day 01.06.2024: 10,276 steps 02.06.2024: 14,592 steps 03.06.2024: 8,175 steps 04.06.2024: 8,056 steps 05.06.2024: 8,153 steps 06.06.2024: 7,322 steps 07.06.2024: 4,814 steps 08.06.2024: 8,346 steps 09.06.2024: 9,673 steps 10.06.2024: 8,369 steps 11.06.2024: 8,981 steps 12.06.2024: 9,320 steps…
  • Step goal: 8,000 per day 01.06.2024: 10,276 steps 02.06.2024: 14,592 steps 03.06.2024: 8,175 steps 04.06.2024: 8,056 steps 05.06.2024: 8,153 steps 06.06.2024: 7,322 steps 07.06.2024: 4,814 steps 08.06.2024: 8,346 steps 09.06.2024: 9,673 steps 10.06.2024: 8,369 steps 11.06.2024: 8,981 steps 12.06.2024: 9,320 steps…