I use to love chunky peanut butter & grape jelly sandwiches upon white bread but then Jif made a cappuccino hazelnut spread {it's discontinued}, now Nutella or Jif cheesecake hazelnut spread upon rye bread & I'd never choose to eat peanut butter, ever again.
I went to check, it wasn't statewide: Oregon and New Jersey are the only two states that ban self-service gas stations. But thanks to a new law that went into effect on January 1, customers can now pump their own gas in Oregon, though only at stand-alone gas stations in counties with fewer than 40,000 residents. Elsewhere,…
It's only New Jersey, now though.
Being a pedestrian, I completely forgot about this.
be able to purchase, whatever whenever.
What worries me the most's the grandparents, that're raising their grandchildren. They're unable, to socially distance via them.
That's true, I mistakenly said yet. What I meant's that without those whom've been refusing to socially distance, we'd reach peak sooner.
I don't believe that we've seen the worst of it yet, due to those refusing to socially distance themselves. Only once everything recreational's shuttered & all open shops implement distance rules, then after approximately 2 weeks'll reach peak.
Thus far I've been the only 1 whom initiates social distancing, when encountering someone else upon a sidewalk.
It's still been cold enough within New Jersey, that I've been wearing a scarf during the morning. I always wrap it around my face 1st via the middle, even prior to this virus occurring.
Since there're laws against price gouging, why aren't there also laws to prevent hoarding?
That's true.
I'd agree that that'd be the case, if you didn't have any disagrees since you said it, using proper grammar. I believe, that some're within denial & others're disagreeing, simply because they dislike me/my grammar.
I knew someone'd, thank you! <3
At least, 6 more soup cans since I already've 6!
This' just inhumane, to do to heroes. It's horrifically true, no good deed goes unpunished:
I was gonna go to an Optometrist to get new glasses next month, for my birthday since my glasses're ridiculously bent beyond repair, via when I 1st got them & wasn't use to'ving them, thereby I'd misplace them, sit upon them, drop them or step upon them. Whom knows if/when that'll happen now.
Thank you, immensely! The previous time, I went through a steel wool & then a spiky phase but I didn't have either, this time. It seems to be growing at least a month faster, then prior.
Thank you, bunches & Happy Thursday, to you as well!
Thank you, kindly & I hope that you've, a great week also!
My 2nd Monthly Hair Regrowth Progress Selfie:
Filing was a requirement, for the recession stimulus.
There'd be millions of deaths annually, via the severe influenza if: 1st it was new, thus there'd be no immunity & 2nd there wasn't any vaccine, as' the case with this virus.
The only time that it'll matter's if you're sponsoring, a brand but I tend to like to wear outfits that match {including brand}, which'll usually be 1 of the many brands that I like to purchase via but my budget, doesn't always allow it. I don't dedicate myself, to any brand though.
I welcome you, to prove me wrong?! I've never been opposed, to receiving a free education.
My belief was that because he was experiencing symptoms of a plausible cold or flu, his immune system obviously'd be weakened by either & that if he also had this virus, he'd then most likely be affected by those symptoms as well. No but I don't believe that it's difficult to connect that a weakened immune system via a…
The memes!
I don't mean to, brag but!