the_frugal_chef Member


  • I have graduated from preparing smoothies to preparing milkshakes and then tomorrow? Preparing slushies! I cannot wait! The flavors are endless! Do you prepare slushies, smoothies or milkshakes? What is your favorite?
  • Today was a very frugal day! The cafe where I used to work, gave my roommate and myself 8 Angus burgers! We split the burgers 4 a piece. Then, there are people that we call the "bread people" that bring we roommates day-old bread every month. I started a loaf of Sara Lee 100% whole wheat bread and placed the rest of the…
  • I am just plain tired. My days and nights are consumed by writing. The pay stinks. How are you?
  • Hello strangers! I played bingo! Instead of playing for money, we play for prizes. Do you know how individual 1-ounce bags of chips have 150 calories? I won a huge bag of veggie chips containing a bunch of small 1-once individual bags of veggie chips. Such individual 1-ounce bags only contain 70 calories. Good to have for…
  • I thought that I would share with you a few ways that I tolerate plain water! I have a 20 ounce water bottle that I fill up atleast twice a day. I like to use Pure Kick blood orange Energy zero sugar drink mix in my water. I buy boxes from the dollar store for less than $2.00 a box. Very delicious! Quenches the thirst! 10…
  • Hello there mocktail people! Sorry so late. I have been working hard to earn pennies. Recently I created a cookbook review about Maxwell House coffee! Every recipe, for baked goods recipes and drink recipes, calls for Maxwell House coffee! I would discuss every drink, but I would take forever! So, I am displaying the…
  • I am at a friend's place for the holiday. I brought lunch meat and buns and drinks for the holiday. Then when the roommates return I am going to prepare lasagna. I am not traditional. Have a happy turkey day!
  • Ways to get that Arnold Palmer without the expensive name! 1. Buy black tea bags and brew a pitcher of iced tea. Mix true lemon water enhancer in each glass. 2. Buy black tea bags and brew a pitcher of iced tea. In each glass, squirt some squeezable bottle of lemon juice. 3. Buy a crate of bottled water. Buy Wyler's Light…
  • Hello... How are all of you this evening? I hope good! Myself? I am going to start creating scrap fabric wreaths for Christmas! An example below: navy blue and white (my photography is not the best) What do you think?
  • Recently, we roommates went to the city to Long John Silvers. We save some money each month so that we can treat ourselves every-so-often. We bought a $20.00 meal with 6 pieces of fish, 6 pieces of chicken, 20 hush puppies and corn. A very frugal meal for a restaurant!
  • I prepared yet another batch of Spaghetti Salad! A very frugal meal! Simply, a pound of spaghetti, vegetables and Italian dressing. I had alot of Spaghetti Salad for lunch today. For dinner, a roommate prepared some mac and cheese. It was a pasta day! I have been drinking Arnold Palmers all day to quench my thirst. Now, I…
  • Hey strangers! I started a new opportunity at the end of June and have been quite productive. I can work from home. However, I do not get lazy. I began a new sandwich obsession! Black beans and mayonnaise on toast! The other day, I ate 2 1/2 pieces! Have a good evening and be good! Hugs!
  • Do you want a good drink but do not feel like preparing a drink? Simply buy sparkling water or seltzer. They are satisfying. Quenches your thirst and bubbly. I got sparkling water today from Walmart. (3) twelve packs for a total of $13.87 My favorite too! Pineapple Coconut! Tastes just like a cocktail.
  • (3) twelve packs of sparkling water for a total of $13.87 at Walmart! My favorite! Pineapple Coconut!
  • I have been preparing Spaghetti Salad about once a week. I absolutely love it! I take a plate to my neighbor as she loves it too. Well, a few days ago, a roommate and I prepared Potato Chip cookies! My favorite! I gave the neighbor a couple. Guess what? The neighbor brought over day-old baked goods! She knows how I hate…
  • Hello! @CSEGUIN2 Maybe strive for next year's meetings leadership? Myself? The websites that I work on mostly drove me nuts. So, at the end of June, I got a new opportunity! I absolutely love it! Then, just last week, I was given a sub-section of the website for my cookbook reviews! I believe that everyone should learn how…
  • @CSEGUIN2 , I would have made the omelets myself but her's are better.
  • Hello! I just recently joined Speak Chat Forum! Such website is a paid-to-post forum. I thought that I would pass this opportunity on to you!
  • I bought 3 bottles of Jordan's Skinny Syrups in the flavor of Pumpkin in the amount of $15.00 and a 2 bottles different flavor order in Vanilla for $15.00! Each order was $15.00. Both found on eBay. If you purchase on her website, we are talking expensive. You can create all kinds of mocktails with the syrups! Invest in a…
  • just my luck.. A roommate said that she would prepare egg omelets for dinner. A local farmer donates the eggs. Now, the roommate isn't. So, I had one piece of a peanut butter sandwich. I am going to have air fryer red potato wedges later on as a mini-meal. I spray a little olive oil on the potatoes.
  • I bought 3 bottles of Jordan's Skinny Syrups in the flavor of Pumpkin in the amount of $15.00 and a 2 bottles different flavor order in Vanilla! Each order was $15.00. Both found on eBay. If you purchase on her website, we are talking expensive.
  • Yesterday, after having my morning iced coffee (hint hint... no expensive drive-thru!), a friend dropped off some huge treats! A huge box of party mix, 2 huge boxes of salt and vinegar chips and a bag of assortment chips! These treats come in handy with sandwiches. One less thing to have on our grocery list for quite a…
  • Have you thought about writing an ebook? People have told me quite often to write an ebook. However, I am just too stubborn and do not think that I am good enough or talented enough. However, you might be a pro at it! Attached below tells you what to do!
  • Yesterday, I bought ingredients for my latest obsession of Arnold Palmers! A box of tea bags from Dollar Tree for $1.25. Then, 3 lemon juice bottles from the local grocery store for 99 cents each! As for food, I could kick myself! Earlier in the week, at the local grocery, Eckrich bologna packages were on sale for 2 for…
  • Hey ladies! I took a look at my body earlier after taking a shower and could not believe what I had seen. I know that I am obese, but not that obese. My plan? I have just got to exercise more. I mean really more. Kindly do not preach to me about what I need to do. Eat less. Exercise more. As I work as a chief writer from…
  • How are all of you? I hope good! How am I doing with the mocktail recipes? Today's Lemon & Lime Mocktail is frugal yet deliciously quenches the thirst. With today's hot weather, the drink can come in handy! What is your opinion?
  • I have a BBQ to go to next Monday night. I didn't sign up to take a little treat but guess what? I played bingo this past week and won a huge bag containing 18 mini bags of potato chips! Sour cream, regular and bbq flavor! Good? Bad?
  • My roommates are arguing and I am the one stuck in the middle of it. I had 3 cups this morning and have figured out that this should be my limit. I hope that you have a good day! :wink:
  • Do you like today's mocktail?
  • I am so sorry, but jobs are just dry. I cannot find any to list here yet. I have not forgotten you!