mwright5806 Member


  • Hi Everyone, did they do away with us seeing each other's weight loss? I enjoyed encouraging others as well as the positive feedback myself.
  • Hi There MizJackieJones, I started ZB 2.5 exactly 4 weeks ago and have lost 15 lbs. The last two weeks on 2.5 I experienced ups and downs (by ounces only) but I had added 4 miles of walking a day, which I think affected my weight. I lost 4.4 inches overall too! Measuring is important, so when you lose slowly, you get to…
  • I've lost 12.4 lbs in 2.5 weeks. Crazy loss. I've been working on it. I usually do one meal per day. I started out walking 1.4 miles and am now at 4 miles a day walking. No speed records. I have to use a walker. But increased energy for sure on ZB. I am losing inches I can tell because clothes fit better. Week 3 I have so…
    in New here Comment by mwright5806 June 1
  • Hi Margaret, I just sent you a invite to add as a friend.
  • Thank you so very much. I will look at the link and join the community. I really appreciate the encouragement.
  • I started on May 11, 2024. My doctor was concerned about my BMI and my weight She put me on 2.5 Zepbound, along with a low-cal diet, and try to increase my exercise as able. I have Modic type 1 endplate changes to my endplates in my spine. It's very painful! I had multiple surgeries in 2023, but my Neurosurgeon said there…
  • Good Luck Gary & Everyone, I am new here. I started on May 11, 2024. My doctor was concerned about my BMI and my weight She put me on 2.5 Zepbound, along with a low-cal diet, and try to increase my exercise as able. I have Modic type 1 endplate changes to my endplates in my spine. It's very painful! I had multiple…
    in New here Comment by mwright5806 May 14
  • Yes, It works for me! Looks like it works for you too! Keep it up!
  • Hi everyone, I started this post and wanted to update you.. since January 4, 2022, I've lost 33 lbs, in basically 4 months. Since the post, I have kept strict low-carb keto and I.F. I am currently finishing a 72 hour fast (today is last day). I'm not hungry, I am in ketosis, I have energy, I feel focused and happy. Just…
  • One weight loss trick for me, besides tracking, was NO SNACKING after 6:00 pm!
  • HO How did it go? Any success? I drink hot tea's and drink water or ice water sugar free flavored and sometimes add a keto ice cream bar
  • My mini goal is to break the 200 lbs. mark on my scale. I have lost 17lbs. 2 inches on waist, chest, and hips since I started my keto low carb and OMAD lifestyle Jan. 2, 2022. So close to the 200 mark.. that's my mini goal right now.
  • Hi There, I would direct you to look at the Diet Doctor website. It's a great tool to help with nutrition of meals, recipes, grocery list and has an option to understand Keto. Let me know if you need any more inform. BTW: Been keto living since I was diagnosed with Cancer 16 years ago. Sugar is evil culprit but we use Monk…
  • PS:1959, Curious how 48 hour fast works? I wonder if I can do it too? I just need more information on how it works? Thank :smiley:
  • Thank you for your insight. Interesting. I only just began my journey and so far I have so much energy and feel so focused and alert. I am getting 8 - 10 hours of sleep a night, eating low carb by tracking on MFP. I thought the IF would be harder to do.. but for me, it's working far only 18 days into the program.…