I’m new here. My Introduction

Hello everybody,
I finally came to grips that my weight has gotten away from me.I’m currently 250 looking to get down to 180. I’m new here, actually new to dieting & exercising also. Looking for tips to get in shape & also eat right. My wife & I have a nice gym setup in our garage but we rarely touch it, it consist of; Treadmill, Row machine, Stationary Bike, Lat Pull Down Machine & a 20lb Smash Ball. I’m leaning on trying Keto with Intermittent Fasting. Any tips, workout plans or meals are deeply appreciated. Looking to learn a lot here.


  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,259 Member
    Hi and welcome to MFP.

    It basically boils down to calories in versus calories out, or CICO as you’ll often see here.

    You don’t have to do fancy or restrictive diets. Simple set a calorie goal using your profile/goals page and try not to exceed it.

    You don’t even have to exercise. Weight loss is made in the kitchen. Trite but very true.

    However, exercise helps with your health and quality of life. I have energy to burn these days. So I do, lol.

    Exercise also gives you a buy-back on extra calories to eat (although you’ll initially be shocked at how few calories exercise really burns).

    You have a setup most of us could only dream of, but if you don’t enjoy using it, it’s worthless.

    Find an activity you like. I LOVE my daily walk with my husband. We’re both retired and go inseperate directions every day, with workouts and volunteer gigs. That’s our catch up and chat time. Exercise “credit” is simply a bonus.

    My first exercise bike was a coatrack and a toe-stubbing eyesore for years. I was happy to give it away.

    I bought another reluctantly, due to lockdown. Didn’t want to out weight back on. (I saw that one coming, lol!)

    Instead of an upright or Peleton type, the guy at the fitness store suggested a recumbent. I love that thing. Even I’m surprised how consistent I’ve been with it.

    If it’s raining and I substitute the treadmill at the gym for a walk, I take a kindle or a podcast to listen to. Tbh treadmills make me nuts. They are the most boring thing on earth. I’d much rather be out looking at the world, even if I am bellyaching that my fingers and nose are cold.

    I’ve just started dipping in to some of the Apple Fitness classes.

    Try different things! Riding my bike the mile and a half to the grocery store to pick up a few things burns a fair amount of calories- especially since I invariably leave with way more than I meant to get and there’s a honking big hill on the return.

    Get creative! Move!

  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,259 Member
    PSdont expect your wife to come along for the ride, and don’t pressure her. It took my husband three years to finally say “I think I want to do this, can you help me”.

    He’s lost over 25 pounds so far, probably more. I try not to hang over his shoulder. This is his journey.
  • mwright5806
    mwright5806 Posts: 20 Member
    Marlo804 wrote: »
    Hello everybody,
    I finally came to grips that my weight has gotten away from me.I’m currently 250 looking to get down to 180. I’m new here, actually new to dieting & exercising also. Looking for tips to get in shape & also eat right. My wife & I have a nice gym setup in our garage but we rarely touch it, it consist of; Treadmill, Row machine, Stationary Bike, Lat Pull Down Machine & a 20lb Smash Ball. I’m leaning on trying Keto with Intermittent Fasting. Any tips, workout plans or meals are deeply appreciated. Looking to learn a lot here.

    Hi There, I would direct you to look at the Diet Doctor website. It's a great tool to help with nutrition of meals, recipes, grocery list and has an option to understand Keto. Let me know if you need any more inform. BTW: Been keto living since I was diagnosed with Cancer 16 years ago. Sugar is evil culprit but we use Monk Fruit and Sukrin sugars for making sweets. My hubby has a HUGE sweet tooth.