2022 Intermittent Fasting Anyone?



  • escivicquejr
    escivicquejr Posts: 4 Member
    edited January 2022
    I generally do a 19/5 due to my work schedule. Break my fast when I get home from the gym every morning at 6am, finish my eating window at lunch which is normally about 11:30am. I started a few years ago and have basically stuck to some form of fasting, just change my window here and there depending on my goal. Right now I am trying to shed some corona pounds and having a new baby pounds. Currently doing carnivore diet until I am back on my goal weight then will transition into more keto with a little fruit here and there like usual. I average about 2.5 pounds of fat loss a week like this.
  • mwright5806
    mwright5806 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi! I am not fasting that long but tonight I am going to try fasting a 16 hour only because I really struggle with pigging out overnight. I want to use it as a tool to control night eating. Hope all goes well for you.

    How did it go? Any success? I drink hot tea's and drink water or ice water sugar free flavored and sometimes add a keto ice cream bar
  • Seasonal_One
    Seasonal_One Posts: 49 Member
    Completed two weeks of OMAD. Super easy to stick with. Apple vinegar with lemon water and ice, really takes the hunger away.
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    I watched Dr Fung's videos and still do but really clicked with Dr Becky Fitness on youtube. She's 50's and I'm 60 and for the first time without Keto or that extreme fasting, I lost 30 lbs since Sept 2021 and maintaining now. IF, mainly skipping breakfast 5 days or more a week, cutting carbs to 50-75 or 100 and lowering sugar a lot, helped me. I have to live my life with food, I love food, I'm Italian and needed to find a program that didn't look at food as just nutrition. I feel 100% better, knees, gastric issues and no drastic things. I use MFP but know it's not always accurate, I weigh things to get better with eyeballing meat etc and altered some vitamins and electrolytes. No bonebroth or other things I wouldn't want to do. It might not work for everyone but after reading both of their books, took what I knew I could do and so far it's the first thing over 50 that worked. I can have cheat days every month or so and still keep on track. It's been the best education I've had in years.
  • Seasonal_One
    Seasonal_One Posts: 49 Member
    debraran1 wrote: »
    I watched Dr Fung's videos and still do but really clicked with Dr Becky Fitness on youtube. She's 50's and I'm 60 and for the first time without Keto or that extreme fasting, I lost 30 lbs since Sept 2021 and maintaining now. IF, mainly skipping breakfast 5 days or more a week, cutting carbs to 50-75 or 100 and lowering sugar a lot, helped me. I have to live my life with food, I love food, I'm Italian and needed to find a program that didn't look at food as just nutrition. I feel 100% better, knees, gastric issues and no drastic things. I use MFP but know it's not always accurate, I weigh things to get better with eyeballing meat etc and altered some vitamins and electrolytes. No bonebroth or other things I wouldn't want to do. It might not work for everyone but after reading both of their books, took what I knew I could do and so far it's the first thing over 50 that worked. I can have cheat days every month or so and still keep on track. It's been the best education I've had in years.

    Thanks for the Dr Becky Fitness suggestion and good luck in finding your path forward! I like your comment on this is an education. It sure is...
  • Seasonal_One
    Seasonal_One Posts: 49 Member
    Completed two weeks of OMAD. Super easy to stick with. Apple vinegar with lemon water and ice, really takes the hunger away.

    Completed four weeks on OMAD. Weight is dropping and this is working. Not for everyone but will certainly work for some.
  • tinatc26
    tinatc26 Posts: 790 Member
    Hi! I am not fasting that long but tonight I am going to try fasting a 16 hour only because I really struggle with pigging out overnight. I want to use it as a tool to control night eating. Hope all goes well for you.

    This is exactly why I have decided to try this, to keep myself from thinking it’s okay to eat after 7. I’m just starting the 16:8 and have high hopes. Only thing is I’m probably going to drink coffee with a little cream in the morning before I break the fast. I figure just not eating after 7 is going to show results.
  • Seasonal_One
    Seasonal_One Posts: 49 Member
    tinatc26 wrote: »
    Hi! I am not fasting that long but tonight I am going to try fasting a 16 hour only because I really struggle with pigging out overnight. I want to use it as a tool to control night eating. Hope all goes well for you.

    This is exactly why I have decided to try this, to keep myself from thinking it’s okay to eat after 7. I’m just starting the 16:8 and have high hopes. Only thing is I’m probably going to drink coffee with a little cream in the morning before I break the fast. I figure just not eating after 7 is going to show results.

    I now use unsweetened Almond milk (1 tablespoon) in my coffee. This was a big change for me, I used to use a package of Splenda and Cream in my coffee. You get used to it. 16:8 seems so reasonable but you will find lots of haters here.
  • Seasonal_One
    Seasonal_One Posts: 49 Member
    Today makes it 6 weeks for me and the wife on OMAD. For my 60 year old wife, she's never experienced a more rapid weight loss (she only had 20 pounds to lose). For me, this system works great and we enjoyed the book. I don't understand all the hatred here but they hated Dr. Robert Atkins too and now we know that his diet has worked for so many. This is not for everyone but it will work for some and maybe many.
  • Bridgie3
    Bridgie3 Posts: 139 Member
    edited February 2022
    I'm eating mostly between the hrs of 2pm and 6pm, with the odd tin of sardines/tuna outside those hours, and i'm noticing huge improvement in my general state of wellbeing, and so far have lost about 13 kg.

    I lost the first 10kg very quickly - I thought maybe glycogen and water? and have slowed my descent enormously, probably am replacing glycogen while losing fat slowly - I am certainly still getting thinner day by day. I'm happy though. It's a really good system for me, as I work at a place that is literally filled to the gunwales with cakes, pies, cream buns, savoury pinweels, etc etc etc and just having a big 'no' sign on eating at work saves me a lot of junk food.

    Should also add: I'm one meal a day.. ish. the argument being that to lower calories makes people think they're in a famine, but if you eat as much as you want at that 1 meal your body doesn't do that. I certainly don't know anything about your brain changing into famine mode: your body is a car. would the car suddenly require less gas to travel? But it sounds cute, and my stomach is not complaining.

    I eat high fat, I'm reading up on lipid processing and I'm fascinated by it, in terms of how bioavailable our bodies make fat to be. Very easy transfer from adipose to cells, constantly happening. Did you know your brain is 60% fat? I can see why people say avoid carbs, because insulin, fat doesn't use any of that process, but is prepared for consumption in the lymphatic system and injected into your blood stream in your neck. OMG.

    I'll stop now. but it's amazing. I can see how it took 100 million years for us to get developed.
  • kittensden72
    kittensden72 Posts: 30 Member
    I've only been doing the 16/8 IF for about 3 weeks. it seems to be going pretty well. I read a magazine-style book on the subject called The Complete Guide To Intermittent Fasting by Centennial Media. I really enjoyed it. The book seemed to explain the different types of IF well. I was then able to make an informed decision of where and how to start. I don't know who this Dr. Fung is but, this book was very helpful.

  • daisygirl1550
    daisygirl1550 Posts: 4 Member
    I did 12:12 and lost 15 lb in 3 months with an hour of walking 3 days a week.

    I watch Dr Fung on YouTube & like him.
  • SusannO
    SusannO Posts: 27 Member
    I've been IF 16:8 for 4 years. I just started OMAD 22:2 about 4 days/week . I didn't think I would be able to do it, but I think being on keto made it easier than I expected. I've been reading and watching David Sinclair and some other doctors/studies around longevity and that made me interested in OMAD. For me personally, with an autoimmune disorder, no thyroid gland, and having to take a daily thyroid pill, keto and IF have changed my life. Bloodwork is back to my younger self. Inflammation dramatically down. Great energy levels. Not having to wake up and pee in the middle of the night lol. Sleep like a baby for 7 hours (less than I used to) but never tired during the day. There's more to IF and keto than CICO from my personal experience.
  • habeebz921
    habeebz921 Posts: 10 Member
    This is an extreme example, but i done OMAD last year for a month and went from 68 kg to 63 kg (5 kg lost approx 10 lbs?).

    It wasnt hard for me at all at that time because i was fasting during ramadan (essentially no food or water sunrise to sunset) and due to the spiritual aspect did not struggle. It was great to fit into clothes i had my eye on after but i did find i did not keep the weight off for long. It came back within maybe 2 months? I think if i continued with IF the weight would have stayed off so obviously it came back.

    Essentially i did not have a habit change and therefore this past year am still 68 kg despite multiple attempts at weight loss

  • ChiefBaba
    ChiefBaba Posts: 29 Member
    My goal is 136 fasting hours per week...down from 299 to 190, now back up to 215. Time to get back at it!ilmgiwybukf3.jpg