

  • This is so reassuring! I've dropped 55 lbs now, started at a size 20 (probably the top end of a 20) and I'm still technically a size 18 now, I'm getting into a 16 in tops but I'm starting to get really frustrated that whilst the scales are in my favour and all my old clothes are too big for me I'm still having to buy a…
  • Bump... Any ideas on starting weights?
  • Thank you everyone for the very helpful (and amusing replies!). I think I'll add some strength on the days I don't run so at least 3 times a week! I don't want to end up squigy from just doing cardio, I want to keep stuff tight lol! I did 30DS so have some strength movements I can do and I'll do some research on some other…
  • Also if it helps my TDEE is 2100 and MFP says I should eat 1630 which is the min I eat each day, which is approximately 20% off my TDEE which I believe is the maximum you should minus off. I eat 1630 though and never factor in eating exercise calories (I run 3x a week on C25K) so my net on these days will be less. Is it my…
  • I'd like to hear the answer to this too, I've never considered eating back exercise calories as I thought that was help you create your deficit to enable you to lose weight?! Or am I missing something?
  • I did 30DS every day for 30 days and lost 9.5lbs in that time, I was eating 1300 cals at the time. I loved it, it really changed my body shape and helped me get my fitness levels up. My stamina is so much better for doing it and I definitely felt stronger. I only wish I'd taken my measurements so I knew what I'd lost in…
  • Thanks for the advice, I've just been reading a lot info on here (from other users so I know everyone diets differently) that basically say I'm eating under my BMR which is not the best way to lose weight but a minimum of 1700 calories a day just sounds massive to me having lived on 1300 for the past year! I am prepared…
  • I just feel like I've really plateaued recent;yand it's not through being close to goal, I still have over 40lbs to lose before I'm in the healthy weight catergory. For example in 5 weeks I've managed to lose 2.5/3lbs, which has slowed right down. I don't want to see big numbers everyweek but a steady 1lb a week would be…
  • Thanks 3foldchord, I've got about another 40lbs to lose to get within a healthy BMI which I would have considered a lot! I'm still in the Obese catergory of things. I put Sedentary in as my activity because I do a desk job so maybe that's why the difference is so small? I really don't know and this is all so new to me!
  • Please help with this one.........Can I ask what you're supposed to do if 20% off your TDEE is less than your BMR? Should I up my exercise/activity so my TDEE is higher so minus 20% is still more than BMR? - Seems the healthiest most sensible way to follow this rule. Just eat my BMR? OR Eat TDEE minus 20% anyway? I'm not…
  • Can somebody help me with this whole BMR and TDEE business? I've really plateaued recently and think it could be because I'm not eating enough? I really don't know how to work it out and MFP says to lose 2lb a week I need to consume 1200 which meant I was constantly hungry. I added 1300 to allow for an extra snack and…
  • bump to try and get some replies! Please help!
  • I recently used my slow cooker to make salsa chicken for me and my boyfriend, put two chicken breasts in with a big pot of fresh salsa and cooked on low for 6 hours, about an hour before I took it out I shredded it with a fork and sitrred to coat the chicken in salsa, it was delicious! You can then use for fajitas,…
  • I would seriously urge anyone to do the full 30 days and stick to it! I did it and I lost 9 and a half pounds in 30 days but in the end it really wasn't about that, it was a huge achievement for me, I've never stuck to anything before, I've always given in or made an excuse but Ifinally sticking with something which, I…
  • Thank you BerryH, chicken and rice sounds like a good idea actually! Are vegetables best avoided then? See I feel like I need to eat loads to get some nutirents in me again but probably best avoid if they could upset my stomach again! Fruit I couldn't bear because of the acid anyway. Do you think white or brown rice would…
  • Thank you for this! I've moved up to level 2 of 30DS and I've put 4lb on! I was just about ready to give up seeing as killing myself each day has made no difference and I've put weight on so I am sooooo happy to read this! I've barely been able to walk with muscle soreness so it must be the reason! Thank you! You may have…
  • Hi everyone, I'm on Day 15 today of the 30DS so just into level 2 but I seem to be really struggling to push myself, I've been doing it every day and eating within 1300 cals but since the weekend (started level 2 on saturday) i've put 4lbs on somehow! I had lost 5lbs from doing it so now I'm feeling really disheartened!…
  • I'm on Day 14 today so just into level 2 but I seem to be really struggling to push myself, I've been doing it every day and eating within 1300 cals but since the weekend (started level 2 on saturday) i've put 4lbs on somehow! I had lost 5lbs from doing it so now I'm feeling really disheartened! The thing I'm really…