daily calorie help!

I'm looking for some advice on daily calorie allowance please? I've been allowing 1300 per day (with 1500 at weekends or treat days) for the past year and have lost a total of 47lbs now. When I started mfp suggested 1200 to lose two lbs a week but I found I was starving! Whilst 1300 is working my weight loss is slow/steady (half a pound a week if I'm Lucky) I'm wondering if this is the best amount for me to be eating? Do you think I need to drop up or down to kick start my weight loss again? I came across this topic and based on this I should be eating 1700 calls per day which seems so high?? Has anyone tried this? http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12

Could it be as simple as maybe improving the calories I'm eating? I.e. cutting out processed/diet foods?

Here's some more info if you need it:
Weight - 207
Height - 5 foot 6
Activity - desk job so sat down all day
Exercise - sporadic (have done 30 day shred and still use it a couple of times a week) although I'm about to start a 5k training program which will require me to walk/jog three times a week

Any advice would be much appreciated and let me know if you need any more info?


  • bump to try and get some replies! Please help!
  • carlybarley22
    carlybarley22 Posts: 197 Member
    Setting your weight loss at 2 lbs a week can be a little high, even though losing less than that a week may sound frustrating. I aim for 1300 calories a day and I eat plenty of veggies because they're so low in calories. Drinking a lot of water will also help keep you full between meals. You most likely want to be eating at least 1300 to 1400 calories a day and eating back your exercise calories. The best way to lose weight and keep it off is to take your time. =).
  • Can't see your diary to help, but try filling up with protein in the morning. If I have a yoghurt in the morning it helps a lot.
  • foods high in fiber and protein will help you feel full longer. Unfortunately most processed foods are low in both. I try to be realistic and just eat fewer processed foods, but generally at least one meal a day for me usually consists of something that is microwavable that I didn't cook myself (usually my lunch). I eat between 1500-1700 calories on days I work out and try to keep it between 1200-1300 on my rest day. That being said, there are some days, like yesterday for me, where I was STARVING. I was still hungry when I finished eating my lunch. I drank a bottle of water and my stomach was still saying "FEED ME", so I ate a portion of my planned afternoon snack and drank more water. I was still starving an hour later, so I gave in and went down to the little coffee shop at work and bought a pita bread and humus snack. I had to make changes to my planned diary (I plan out eat day's meals and snacks the evening before), but by the end of the day I ended up with 1750 and by the time my evening workout was over, I was back with calories left over for the day and a net of about 1050.

    And I agree: eat Greek yogurt (I like oikos 0% vanilla - it tastes like fruit dip) and fresh fruit. Yummy and (usually) very filling.
  • Thanks for the advice, I've just been reading a lot info on here (from other users so I know everyone diets differently) that basically say I'm eating under my BMR which is not the best way to lose weight but a minimum of 1700 calories a day just sounds massive to me having lived on 1300 for the past year!

    I am prepared for a steady weight loss but somethings definitely changed recently and what I was doing before doesn't feel right/like it's working anymore. I really want to get to goal but most importantly I want to do it in the healthiest, most effective and most sustainable way.

    I might try clean eating (or at least more clean eating than I do at the minute) see if that helps. I suppose I could always trial a month of a higher calorie intake and see how it goes. Especially if I'm going to be running regularly. Running on 1300 cals sounds like hell to me!